Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Saviour of the Broken

Chapter five-Louder than Bombs and Eternity

by xxKilljoysxx 10 reviews

Gerard meets a very confused Frank..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-24 - Updated: 2011-02-24 - 1368 words - Complete


Mom held me close to her. Tears of joy spilled from her eyes and onto my tshirt. I heard loud footsteps rush down the stairs into my room.
Mikey had walked in and let out a sigh of relief. He would have thought Mom's cry of shock when she came down to my room to open the curtains.

I was sitting at my desk, going thorugh all my old art from years ago when she came down.
She screamed when she saw me. I didn't hear her come in so I got just as big a fright. She stopped and started at me, like she was adjusting her eyes to me appearance.
"M-Mom" I shood up, not really knowing what to do. Is she mad at me for leaving? Was she happy to see me? Would she still be able to see me the same?
"Gerard" She said and moved swiftly towards me, pulling me into a well needed embrace.
She stared cry softly, mumbling "never again, don't you leave me ever again" into my sholder. I wrapped my arms around her, relieved and happy.

Mikey looked up the stairs and waved his hand. A small teenage boy came almost running down the stairs and stopped standing at Mikey's side.
I felt my breath be taken away from me, and not because my Mom was hugging me tighter and tighter by the second. The boy on beside my brother was breath taking, his black hair almost covering his eyes.. His eyes.. Even from here I could tell that the were a stunning honey hazel. I gave the boy a small nod and he smiled at me. My stomach did a triple backflip as I kept my eyes locked onto his. His eyes suddenly became worried and concerned, I wanted to know what he was thinking, was he creeped out that i was looking at him? He frowned to himself, deep in thought and he blushed, now avoiding my gaze by staring around the room.

Mom was the one to break the silence.
"How long have you been here?" She sniffed.
"Only a few hours, Mikey let me in last night."
She smiled at her youngest son and turned back to me.
"Gerard, tell me what happened."
Mikey took up upstairs where we all sat on the couch and I told her everything, about the scars and bruises, the running away, everything! Mikey's friend was also in the room while I was talking to them. i could tell that he was uncomfortable but I really didn't mind him listening, I felt like I wanted to get to know this kid and that I could trust him.. Even though I don't even know his name.
As my story ended, Mom was in tears again. She hugged me close again.
"How about I make us all some coffee?" She said, lifting her head from my shoulder again.
"Sounds good" I smiled at her.
She kissed my cheek and left to the kitchen.
Silence fell upon the living room, a silence that was not awkward, though. It was nice.
"Oh, shit, sorry, this is Frank." Mikey said, indicating to the boy.
I felt my face grow hot as he smiled at me again.
"I-I'm Gerard" I said, returning the smile.
"We will be in my room if you need us" Said Mikey, getting up from the couch "Call us when coffee is ready"
I watched them walk out. Frank turned his head to look at me just before he was completely out of view, sending butterflies to my gut again! What was this boy doing to me? I've never really had a proper relationship before so I didn't know if it was love or not.. It can't be love, I just met him 10 minutes ago that would be crazy.. I probably just had a little crush, i'll get over it soon. I had to, he was most likely straight anyway.
The thought of him with a girl made me cringe.. What if he already had a girlfriend!? That would make me look like an obsessive love sick creep.

I think i'll keep this one a secret..

10 hours later.

I managed to restrain myself from being as close as possible to Frank. He stayed over for dinner and we sat next to each other, Mikey was sitting opposite him. I would ocasionally accidentaly brush my hand against his or our feet would touch. I knew he felt uneasy around me. Maybe Mikey was right, was I that obvious when I liked someone. I would feel Frank tense everytime we made contact, but i couldn't deny the electicity between us everytime we touch. Our eyes locked together once, only to have him blush and look in the opposite direction.
I did feel another pair of eyes drilling into me. I turned to face Mikey who was looking at me and then Frank, a smirk spead across his mouth and i glared at him. I took my look as a warning and ducked his head, playing with his pasta.

I helped Mom clean up and she went off to bed, but not before crushing me in another long hug.
"I'm so glad you're home, Gerard" She smiled and walked up the stairs.
Frank came downstairs and smacked right into me. Because he was so small, he stumbled backwards, almost losing his balance.
I grabbed his arm before he could fall.
"Oh, god I'm so sorry, Gerard, I didn't mean to run into you like that I-"
"Don't worry, Frankie" I said softly to him, still clutching his arm, even though he was perfectly capable of standing by himself now. I just liked the electric currents that ran between us as we touch, it was like my drug.
He froze when I said these words. Was it because i was touching him?
I quickly snatched my hand off his arm as he stared at me in disbelief. Something about the words I said to him took over his mind, was it because i called him Frankie? i just thought It would be a cute nickname for him. i didn;t mean to offend him or anything.
His eye contact broke and he looked at out laces of our shoes. He looked up at me again and smiled and then brushed past me, leaving a trail of his scent.. He opened the door and disappeared into the late night.
Mikey came down stairs.
"Has Frank left?" he asked.
"Yeah, he's going to stay the night tonight, he's just gone to get some clothes."
"How's he getting home"
"What!? This is New Jersey it's not safe, he needs t-"
"Gee, calm down! Jeez he does it all the time" He said putting his hand on my shoulder "why are you so concerned anyway?"
"It's just.. He's so small and cute and New Jersey has all kinds of people lurking the streets at this time of night" Mikey raised his eyebrows "I would do the same if it was you" I was trying my hardest to let him know that the conclusion he was drawing wasn't right.
"I'm sure that you wouldn't call me cute though.." he smirked
"You just said 'He's so small and cute'"
"No I didn't!" I lied, i knew i let that mistake slip the second those words left my mouth.
"You like Frank!!!" He yelled.
"Shut up! I do not."
"Whatever Gee. I saw you at dinner.."
"Mikey, I don't. I just met him. I mean he's nice and all. And he's straight" The last sentence was really a question.
"But that could change.." Mikey smiled.
Mikey laughed and ran away to his room after seeing my facial expression, I was so close to exploding at him and it was only my second night. That kid is too smart for his own good.. I had a lot to think about..
But he was right...

About everything.

The chapters will get better soon i promise, im just getting a few things out of the way to make the story more clear. Please Please Review and Rate, it means so much to me(: Thank you sssssoooooooooo much for reading(: xx
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