Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire's will never hurt you........

I'm coming to bust you out, Frank.

by Unicorns-are-real 4 reviews

Jack had Frank in a headlock, pistol in his hand...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-26 - Updated: 2011-02-26 - 618 words

Frank's POV.

I sat in my cell patiently, sending James the plans using my mind. He agreed that he would help as long as he and Alexia were to go with me. I obliged and now I sat on my prison bed. Waiting for the night to come.

Gerard's POV.

The day seemed to have dragged endlessly on, the hands of the clock barely seemed to move. As soon as night fell I was the first in the car, shouting for Mikey to get a move on. He flipped me off through his bedroom window and trotted down the steps a few minutes later, the gym bag in his hand.
"You got everything, Mikes?" I asked, nervous. It was vital we had everything we needed or our plan could come tumbling down around us. We parked up at the car park by the forest. Ray, Bob and Billie already waiting for us, gym bags in their hands. I really hope we don't have to write an essay about what we did during the summer holidays, no one would believe the crazy shit we were about to do. Billie vanished into the bushes, he leapt over a high bramble bush, transforming into a wolf in mid-air. He barked and shot off into the trees, carrying his gym bag in his mouth.
"You got the tools?" I asked Bob and Ray, they nodded, opening their bags to reveal an assortment of DIY and gardening tools. I smiled. "But what about Billie did he bring the bo-" I was cut off by Bob, his blue eyes twinkling in the moonlight as he spoke, "Yep, Billie brought his explosives. All home made and garanteed to make the plan go off with a bang." He winked, chuckling slightly at his joke.
"Okay then. Ray and Bob, meet me and Mikey on the prison roof in five minutes. Mikey, you come with me, I need a hand in taking out these cameras." I instructed, taking the spray paint cans from our gym bag alongside four rifles. "From my dad's shed." I explained.

We all set off, guns strapped to our backs. Mikey climbed up a tree and I followed after him. The branches scraped my arms and face, the bark on the trunk gave me splinters and caused my palms to bleed slightly. I winced but continued up the tree. Mikey was fast, moving like a ninja. He shuffled out along a branch, balancing out before he crouched. Mikey lept into the air, flipping a few times before finally landing on his feet softly. I watched in awe as he turned, beckoning me down to join him on the roof. I dropped down, way less agile than my skinny much more flexible brother. I landed softly on my feet also, finishing in a cat like stance.
We whipped out our paint cans and shook them up. Mikey leaned over the side of the roof, gripping onto the guttering as he sprayed the first camera lens over with jet black paint. Five minutes later and all the cameras were blocked. Ray and Bob, keeping to their promise, arrived bang on time. Following my lead, the four of us swung down from the roof. In the distance, Billie howled loudly; He had planted the bomb by Frank's window and ahd just completed burying some under the ground for our escape. Ray, Bob and Mikey left to cut the electrical fuses. I crept, back pressed against the wall, near to Frank's window. I heard an explosion and the wall cruble. I shot over to Frank's cell and froze.

Jack had Frank in headlock and a pistol aimed at his forehead. He saw me and smiled,
"Hello, Gerard..."
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