Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire's will never hurt you........

Billie, why did you?

by Unicorns-are-real 2 reviews

The gun was fired, it bucked in his hand. I waited for it to hit me...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-26 - Updated: 2011-02-27 - 896 words

Just a quick note to say thankyou for all the amazing and nice reveiws on my story, this isn't the final chapter. Not yet.

Gerard's POV.

Jack hit me round the face again, the studded ring splitting my lip. Frank watched helplessly, handcuffed to a metal pipe in the corner of the room. "You fucking disgust me!" Jack roared, hitting me again. My head snapped sideways painfully and the chair I was tied to toppled over, slamming me to the cold concrete floor. My body ached, waves of agony racking my bones and I moaned out loud. Jack pulled me up again, "According to your species rules, if you kill the lead vampire aka you, Gerard Way, the rest of your group will die too." he sneered, practically spitting each word in my face. He pointed his revolver casually at me, "And I intend to kill you alright, Gerard. He smiled evilly as I flinched, screwing my eyes shut tight, waiting for the moment. I'd never see my family again. How would my parents cope, knowing that they had lost both of their children? I started to cry, tears running down my face freely in seemingly never ending rivers.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Frank shouted, I opened my eyes slightly to see Frank trying to connect his mind with Jack's. Jack laughed and sauntered over to Frank, tutting and tapping his head lightly with his index finger. "Sorry to dissapoint, Frank. But I'm afraid that this area," He rapped his head again. "Is out of bounds." He kicked Frank's fractured wrist, jolting the cast. Frank screamed in pain and slumped forward, passing out from agony.

Jack turned back to me, anger blaring in his brown eyes. He aimed the gun again when a black blurr thwacked into him, he toppled backward as his attacker snarled and growled viciously, white jagged teeth bared.

Biilie's POV.

I'd had enough. I pawed at the ground angrily as I watched the tall man hit Gerard repeatedly then turned on Frank. I growled, my hackles raised as he aimed the pistol on Gerard again. That was the last straw. I bounded forward, my four legs thudding on the ground heavily, kicking up mud and grass. I slammed into Gerard and Frank's attacker. We fell into a heap as we fought for domination. I slapped a powerful paw around his face, jerking his head back as my claws pierced his cheek, ripping deep into his flesh. He screamed trying to pull his hands from under my body. I smacked him again and again, a huge chunk of his flesh peeled off his jaw, revealing his teeth and muscles so that he looked like he was constantly grinning. He relaxed, semi concious. I seized my oppertunity and using my teeth, tore through the ropes that bound Gerard. He got up wobbling precariously, dazed. I nudged him slightly with my snout and he stepped forward, gripping onto my fur tightly as we made our way to Frank. Frank was beginning to stirr and his eyes fluttered open. I snapped the handcuffs with one quick bite through the chain. Gerard helped him up, supporting him under the arm as he half carried, half dragged Frank throught the gaping hole in the wall. Heading for Bob, Mikey, Ray and a small boy and girl. I went to follow when I heard the cocking of a revolver through my sensitive ears. There was a gunshot, everything moved slowly as I saw the bullet head straight for Gerard's vulnerable body.There was no time for a warning so I did the only thing I could.

I flung myself in the bullet's path. I yelped as I felt it tear through my stomch, penetrating into my spleen. I crashed to the floor as Gerard and Frank turned, their faces masks of pure horror. My fur, snout, ears and tail shot inward and I felt blood trickle slowly down my stomach, dripping onto the blades of grass beneath me. I felt the crimson liquid fill up inside me as well, my ruptured spleen flooding with it. I rolled onto my back, the bullet grinding painfully inside me.
The stars above me twinkle beautifully, I'd never noticed how pretty they really were until now. Gerard lifted my limp head up and placed it in his lap, "Why Billie?" He asked, tears sparkling in his eyes. I coughed, blood spewed from my mouth leaving a nasty, mettalic taste on my tongue. "N-n-no t-time to-o give you a-a w-w-warning, G-Ger-Gerard." Frank was leaning over me, inspecting the gaping hole in my stomach, his face pale and his eyes wide. "Billie!" he sobbed. "It's gonna be okay, I promise." I turned my head slightly, smiling weakly eventhough it hurt like mad.
"Y-y-you were a-always a-a-a sh-shit l-liar." Frank laughed then burst into tears. He cried over me, his salty tears dropping into my wound making it sting like mad but I didn't care anymore. There was another gunshot and I turned to see Mikey shooting Jack through the head. I smiled, the bastard got what he deserved. My body started to go numb, the pain vanishing as the coldness wrapped itself around my heart. I coughed again, this time lights exploded in my head and I plunged into darkness.....

**DUN, DUN, DUUUUN!!! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger! Next chapter up soon! Unicorns-are-real xoxoxoxo**
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