Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Saviour of the Broken

Chapter seven-Live Without Warning

by xxKilljoysxx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-27 - Updated: 2011-02-28 - 924 words - Complete

Just to clarify, Gerard left his dad's house on a Friday, and Frank slept over saturday night. Hope it helps make more sense(: thanks everyone who reads my story and an extra big thank you to everyone who has rated and reviewed(: It helps so so much.. xx


Stupid Mikey...

We were so close, so so close. I could feel Gerard's hot breath against my face as we moved closer, it felt so right, like it's meant to be. I was mer inches away from compressing my lips onto his when we heard Mikey call Gee's name and get up. We quickly shot back and both felt pretty embarassed. What if Mikey had seen? I don't know what he would think.. He might kick me out and tell me never to return. He would probably tell me I turned his brother gay. No, Mikey's not like that. He would accept me if I was gay. And besides, I didn't turn Gerard gay, he turned me gay. Gerard was the first to move forward so i suppose that he probably already is gay.

I stayed awake that night. The previous events,, i decided, proves that i am in fact gay. Well gay for Gerard at least. I don't feel ready to tell anyone though..
Panic rushed through me as i drew different conclusions towards what happened a few hours ago.. What if Gerard was leaning in to close the door and he just went along with it because he saw me smile and lean in?! Oh god, maybe that's why Gerard was mad.. However, He seemed to be aiming his glares at Mikey.. maybe he was mad at mikey's interuption.. Maybe he wanted this as much as i did.

I can't act now, not while im unsure like this. I'll wait for him to make the first move so I can know for sure what he wants. For now, I will give him the ocassional slippery hint so he knows that im keen, and if he's not then it'll just come off as a joke.. My perfect plan.

Mikey stirred in his sleep, turning over to face the window.
I got up and stumbled to the door, down the stairs and into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, heavy purple shadows were forming under my hazel eyes. i sighed and slashed water onto my cheeks. I felt around for the towel to dry my face. Brining it up to my eyes and gently rubbing them. I sighed as my whole body relaxed, the past hours have been hetic and i will be needing a lot of time to adjust to a new lifestyle that could be headding for me..

I brought the towel down from my eyes and looked into the mirror, frowning.
Deciding that i should get some sleep, I switched off the light and started walking the small distance to the stairs.
For the second time in a matter of hours, a tall figue smashed into me. I wasn't expecting this, and it was twice as frightening in the pitch blackness..
I let a small scream slip my lips as i stepped back.
"Jez, You scared the shit out of me"
I could hear the tummy turning smile in his soft, hushed voice.
"Sorry about that" I said as my eyes stared adjusting to the darkness, making out his blackened shadow body walkking around with hands pressed against that walls.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Finding the light switch"
He stumbled around for a few more seconds, "Gah, I don't know this place well enough anymore, I can;t even find the bloody light switch."
"Its fine. What time is it?" I asked.
"About 4 in the morning.. Why are you up?"
"Um" I felt myself blush, thanking god for gerard's broad mindedness "I couldn't sleep, you?"
"Yeah, same"
A still silence washed over us as i listened to his breathing.
Then his footsteps that moved closer to my quivering body..


I sat up, panting. Another bad dream, i thought to myself, wiping the cold sweat from my face.
I remembered before Gee left i would have these horrible nightmares, i still do, they've gotten better since Gerard came home. When i had these nightmares, Gerard used to let me come and sleep in his room with him. He always made me feel safe, just his presence calmed me right down. I wonder if he would still mind, maybe he'll sing to me like he used to. his voice was the main thing that helped me sleep and relax. I've spent two years without him, being let down in the dark with no one there to save me. I may as well make the most of him being home before he leaves again, not that he would leave us again, i feel like he has learnt his lesson the hard way, but knows that this is where he truely belongs.
I made carefull steps over Frank's matterss, trying not to wake him seeing as he is an extremely light sleeper. I slowly made my way down the hall and to the stairs, carefully climbing down them. Once I got to the foot of the stairs, I felt around for the lightswitch. Feeling the little knob, I flicked it and it engulfed most of downstairs with light..

However, causing me to gasp and see something I really wasn't expecting. Confusing my head with mixed emotions, how am i meant to deal with this...?
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