Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Only you

Only you

by phantasma 1 review

My first fic. be nice.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Erotica - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-03-05 - Updated: 2011-03-05 - 1899 words

I opened the door to see him lying on the bed, apparently reading the book I had brought him the day before. He broke his eyes from the book and flicked his eyes to me as I walked over to where the bars sectioned the room into two parts. He sat up, closed the book, and looked at me with trepidation.
His part of the room, or cage, was mostly bare except for a wooden bed with simple bedding. There was also a small desk with a chair and a bookcase containing his two other books. A makeshift shower had been installed in one corner, with glass panels and also, a toilet. Very basic, I didn’t want attention diverted from him, and I wanted to be able to see him at all times if I should enter the room.
“How are you?” I asked as I approached the bars, curling a hand around one.
He looked at me with pleading eyes. ‘Let me go. Please.”I shook my head and his hazel eyes fell from mine.
‘I brought you something I know you will like,” I said keeping my voice light. He looked at me expectantly.
“Well, you want it?” I asked with slight annoyance. I could almost hear the debate in his head. He was not in the position to be uncooperative, yet he felt cautious to answer the question- not knowing what I have in mind.
He bit his lip and nodded, standing up from the bed, but keeping a distance from the bars. He didn’t fight me violently anymore. When I first brought him here, he just about ripped everything apart inside his cage. But he has learned to be grateful for what I give him. Three days where I left him without food or water, even light and sound, seemed to convince him.
You see, kidnapping THE Gerard Way didn’t prove as hard as it may sound. It was a matter of careful planning, and I had some friends to help me. It was a simple case of stalking the tour bus until it made a pit stop just outside some town in the evening time. We pulled up next to them, and while my friends kept the security guards and drivers distracted, me and another friend crept into the bus and found him in the bunkroom, quietly sleeping. He looked so innocent, curled up, his dark hair tousled around his face. Two of the others, Ray and Mikey, were in the bunkroom as well. My friend kept them entertained by pointing a gun at one of them. I pressed a doused cloth over Gerard’s nose and mouth. His eyes sprung open in shock, but lidded soon after as the drug took hold, and he slipped back into sleep, releasing his clutch on my arm. My friend made the other two move into the small bathroom, and bound and gagged them. The skinny one, Mikey, Gerard’s brother, stared at me instead of the gun. Watching as I bound his brother’s wrists and ankles. I pulled a body bag from my backpack and laid it on the floor. Mikey’s eyes widened: “No…please..don’t hurt him-”but he was cut off by the gag fastened around his head. My friend gave each of them a kick and closed the door to the bathroom. He dragged a heavy couch in front of the door, and satisfied, come over to help me left Gerard into the body bag and we zipped him up. How symbolic.
My friend went to make sure that the it was safe for us to continue, In the meantime I grabbed a random, but large, duffel bag from under Gerard’s bunk and filled it with clothes and other items from a closet labeled as his own.
When my friend returned, we carried the body bag out of the bus, which was more difficult than it sounds. I briefly saw that the other personnel were laying face down on the ground with guns aimed at them. Obviously terrified, and not even noticing us. We loaded our burden into my minivan. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and handed my friend a thick wad of cash from my shirt pocket. He smiled and thanked me as I got into the driver’s seat and started the van. My friend waved in farewell and went to clear up the situation at the bus. I sighed in relief and reached back to zip open the body bag- just enough so his face was revealed and he could breathe properly. Then we sped off in the opposite direction.
We had to drive a long way, Gerard woke up two times, and I had to pull over to use the drug on him again. We weren’t pulled over at roadblocks because of my clever disguise as an ambulance driver; I even had a fake badge and license.
Like I said before, he was furious when he woke up inside the cage five days ago. After my convincing he calmed down quite a bit. But he didn’t speak much and kept asking me to let him go, always receiving the answer he didn’t want. Only the previous day, I rewarded him by bringing him a book to kill the long hours I left him locked up alone. He was now looking at me with a frown seeing as I stood there staring at him as these thoughts ran through my head.
I smiled tentatively and pulled a large black sketchbook from my bag. I pushed it through the bars and offered it to him. He approached it hesitantly but took it from me. I saw him relax slightly as he saw what it was, he wiped over the blank pages appreciatively. I pulled a flat metal clutch from my bag and also handed it to him through the bars, he opened it and saw that it contained a selection of grey pencils. He looked up and gave me a small smile, then looked away suddenly, remembering that he was not supposed to.
I cocked my head to one side. “Well?” I asked expectantly.
He looked at me with almost tired eyes. I knew it was hard for him to thank me- since I was the one that took his freedom away from him. He bit his lip again but met my eyes: “Thanks.” he said simply. His voice was beautiful.
“You’re welcome,” I turned my back and went to leave to the room. “I know you like drawing.”
“Wait,” he said with slight desperation coloring his voice. I stopped and turned towards him. Obviously, he was trying a different approach. “You haven’t told me why you have taken me. What did I do to you to deserve this? What do you want from me? Money? We can arrange that, you can have everything I own! Only…please…”
“I don’t want your money,” I replied
“What then?” he asked, his voice rising.
“You,” I answered without hesitation. His eyes widened and he clutched the diary in his hand.
“Listen… please,” he began, “What you are doing is wrong, you are tormenting me by taking-“
“Enough!” I cut him off. “Maybe I should leave you another while to think-“
“What! You left me without food or water, I almost starved!” he choked.
“And I’ll do it again if you don’t listen to me,” I said hotly. “I own you now; I carry your life in my hands. I suggest you keep that in mind.”
“What do you want from me!?” he yelled in desperation.
“You’ll see, “I said as I left through the door. I left the door open, because I kept him in the cellar and the fresh air was needed. I lived alone, so I didn’t run any risks. Also I could imagine that he was there out of free will, if I could just ignore the bars dividing us.
Once upstairs I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. I saw the tray with Gerard’s food on the counter- I’ll take it to him later, just to make him worry a bit. I walked into the living room and went to the Hi-fi and paged through the pouch that contained my CD’s. I smiled as I flipped to a CD of MCR. Then I thought-‘why not?’ I put the CD in and skipped to my favorite. I knew Gerard could hear, it made me smile to think of it. Do musicians even listen to their own CD’s?
I sat down and flipped through the muted channels on the TV? A few of them even featured Gerard’s picture- they were franticly searching for him. I smiled again, he was all mine now. And I am free to do with him what I please. The CD finished and I got up to put my empty glass in the wash basin. Then I remembered Gerard’s food. He had been starved for three days and had only gotten three humble meals since, so he must be hungry. I toyed with the idea of just letting him go to bed without food, but then I got an idea.
I opened a small drawer to retrieve a pair of sturdy handcuffs, and walked down the cellar steps. I peeped around the corner to see Gerard bended over the desk, obviously drawing. He looked so peaceful and if I didn’t own him I would consider it rude to interrupt him. I approached slowly and quietly and stood on the other side of the bars as I watched him draw. He was squinting, the room was very dark and the only light came from the door leading upstairs. He sat up and rubbed his eyes- and saw me standing there. He startled, and stood up abruptly, but quickly bent over again to close the book.
“What are you drawing,” I asked gently.
‘Nothing,” he said quickly.
“Oh, don’t be modest. Let me see,” I said as I indicated towards the book.
“No, I…I am not done yet, “he said precariously.
“Well, in that case I want to see it as soon as you’re done,” I smiled at him.
He merely nodded at looked longingly at the tray of food in my arms. I angled it towards the bars and he almost instinctively reached out for it. I smiled coyly and instead pushed a pair of handcuffs into his hands.
“Put those on; fasten them around the post of the bed with your hands behind you.” I said in a commanding voice,
His eyes widened in apprehension. ‘Why?”
“Because I tell you to and you don’t have much of a choice,” I indicated towards the food and I could see that he understood.
He walked over to the post hesitantly, fastened one cuff around his left wrist, turned his back to the post, caught the free cuff and fastened it around his remaining wrist.
“You’re done?” I asked as I unlocked the barred door. He nodded again, looking at me anxiously as I approached him. I hadn’t as much as touched him since I brought him there and he was obviously worried about what my intentions were. He should have been.
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