Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frerard Gone Wrong

Chapter 5.

by XFrankIeroismyheroX 6 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-03-06 - Updated: 2013-04-27 - 513 words - Complete

~ Frank’s Pov ~

The walk to school was fun apart from Gee deciding it would fun to ‘Give little Frankie a ride since he has little legs.’ That was not fun! Well actually it was but I tried to make out that it wasn’t. I was in a piggy pack position but facing Gerard. He held my legs under my knees and I held onto his neck. It was very comfy.

Too comfy maybe because next thing I remember Ray was helping Gerard put me down. I blushed and said sorry.

“Don’t be sorry Frankie.”

“Okay..." I whispered before going to registration with him.


School went by quickly surprisingly. Maybe because I could talk to Gerard and Ray (he’s a couple months younger than Gerard) in lessons.

~ Gerard’s Pov ~

Walking to school was fun. I loved picking up Frank. He’s so small and skinny! He just looks so vulnerable. We decided to go to mine and Mikey’s house again but then they would go home.
Bob was carrying Frank. I was actually a little jealous of him… I opened the front door. Mum wasn’t home. We went down to my bedroom and it was pitch black. I stumbled around until I felt something fall. I stopped dead and felt around. It was big and hard. I found my window and opened the curtains. The only light source. I saw that I had knocked over my grandfather’s old paper weight. It was a bat in a block. I cursed and picked up the pieces, not too badly damaged…

I placed it on my desk and turned to everyone else.



“Yes?” We all asked Frank at the same time.

“Should there be blood coming from my foot?” We all immediately looked down at his foot. Sure enough blood was coming out from his pumpkin socks.

“You stepped on it didn’t you?” Bob asked.

“Yeah…” He said. “Sorry Gerard.” I laughed a little.

“You’re apologising for bleeding?”

“Yeah…I guess I am...”

“Come on.” I said grabbing his hand and leading him up the stairs.

I sat him down on the bathroom counter and pulled off his sock. I cleaned his foot then put on a batman plaster knowing it was his favourite superhero.

“Thanks G.” He said then suddenly kissed my cheek, after doing so quickly pulling away and Blushing like crazy.

~ Frank’s Pov ~

WHAT DID I JUST DO!! I just kissed his cheek! Idiot, idiot!! You’re such a dumbass Frank! I was thinking things like this until I noticed he was smiling.

“C’mon.” He said picking me up like a baby and carrying him back down to his dark room.
“He’s alive!!” Mikey shouted laughing with Bob.


When we had to go home and I was going the short walk back to my house, I realised how fun it is being in a band. I was bands since I was 11 but none of them were special. I already found this one special. I hope we last forever…
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