Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll give you all the nails you need!

chapter two

by XxEddieexX 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Ray Toro,Mikey Way,Gerard Way,Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-03-06 - Updated: 2011-03-06 - 492 words

My first day wasn't too bad, I bunked most of my lessons with Frank Iero and Mikey Way smoking behind the janitors shed. I was supposed to be turning a new leaf here at my last school I was known for hanging with the wrong kids and beating up cheerleaders especially my sister. There was a party tonight at Mikeys and I had been invited, Mikeys older brother Gerard was a college student and they had the house to themselves. I dressed in my favourite red skirt and my misfits tshirt with converse and walked to the Ways' they only lived a few blocks down so I wasn't bothered. My mom and dad weren't home from work, my sister was probably giving the quarter back a blow job in her room and my brother was staring out his window as usual so noone could stop me. I lit a cigarette as I got closer to their house.

The Way house was small but I guess some people would call it cosy. The party wasn't much of a party just me, Mikey, Frank, Gerard and some guy Ray. Gerard was pretty hot he was kind of tall, lean and had dark hair. We were all getting pretty wasted and started to play truth or dare, "right Hayley truth or dare?" Asked Ray. "Erm dare!" I wasn't the type to give a shit so I always did a dare. "Ok I dare you to make out with Gerard!" I heard a lot of oohing but ignored it Gerard looked up for it so it didn't matter. "I feel like my sister!" I laughed Frank and Mikey laughed remembering my impression of her at school. I crawled over to Gerard he was smirking "come here college boy" I whispered biting my lip and kissing him, he kissed back as I shifted my weight on top of him so I was lying on top of him. I licked his neck and rubbed my hand on his thigh it went on for about a minute and we stopped I went to crawl back to my spot but he grabbed my ankle and licked my top lip then my lower and made me sit next to him. "So your a senior?" He asked, "well observed" I smirked. "You know when I was a senior girls like you were normally dating the big ass holes" he continued to smile at me. "I'm offended that you think there's other girls like me Gerard, I'm one of a kind!"

It was a cold night and I was stood smoking a cigarette in the Ways garden when Frank came and stood next to me. "Gerard likes you!" He whispered "really? I thought he was kinda quiet!" I replied lighting his cigarette. "Well he always is until you get to know him" I didn't say anything just put my cigarette out and walked inside. Maybe I should get to know this Gerard Way.
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