Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll give you all the nails you need!

chapter three

by XxEddieexX 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-03-07 - Updated: 2011-03-07 - 891 words

I'll give you all the nails you need!

chapter three

to try and get to know Gerard i sneaked my way down to his room. it was dark and full of comics, samurai swords and figurines, he had placed some drawings in a pile on top of a desk in the corner of the room. i flicked through some of them he seemed really good and i could see why he was at college. i lay down on his small bed staring at some of them they were mainly anime and cartoons but they were good. i was completely lost when i heard footsteps i looked up it was him. "just invite yourself in!" i blew him a kiss and flashed a smile. "nice room shame your not here often" he was walking towards the bed and i sat up straight. "yeah it is but us college guys need our space" he said snatching the drawings from my hands and putting them back on the pile. "you can tell alot from someones room, one: you dont go to church like everyone else" i pointed to the drawings of naked women on his pile hidden underneath his bible. "two: you havent prayed in a while!" i pointed to the dusty prayer beads on his bed side table. "and three: you got laid" i bit my lip and moved closer to him i was drunk and didnt really care what i did, my sister was normally the slut but here i was making a move on a guy atleast two years older than me. it was like static when i kissed him, the last church meeting i attended we had been told about Lust, one of the deadliest sins amongst teenagers they said. Gerard was taller than me and i was almost on my tip toes trying to get my arms around him, he lifted me up and pushed me down onto his bed. i felt underneath his top he felt like marble and his pale skin was like a vampires', i liked vampires and he was almost my exact idea of one. i bit down on my lip hard as he put his hands on me, i lifted his top and brushed my fingers in his hair. "come on you can put more effort in!" he breathed onto my neck, i tugged on his black hair and his head lifted back as he smirked. he slipped my underwear off from out of my skirt and started to take off his jeans, i was up against the wall as he held me there. our hips were rubbing against eachother his hips boney and hard. he reached his hand down and i let out a little gasp whether it was pleasure or the fact i was wasted Gerard liked it. "c'mon dont be scared, i wanna hear it...." i could feel him starting to enter, my legs wrapped around his waist. "umm...gerard...keep going...." he was panting and he was getting closer to it. "i wanna hear you" he continued to pant and kiss me. "gee...please..." i sucked in a deep breath and that was it, i was past the point of redemption. 

once i had found my underwear i lay on gerards bed with him, he was sketching as we spoke. "so when was your first time?" i asked looking around his room. "when i graduated, the girls round here werent exactly fond of me" he smirked but kept his head down at the sketch "how about you?" it was an awkward thing discussing my first time considering the guy who had popped my cherry was now six feet under. "junior spring formal i was a bit drunk!" i rolled my eyes. "with who? i want to know details" he laughed, his laugh was cute. "with my friend Bob he took me to the dance and it happened in the back of his car." it was true my first time was far from romantic in fact it started with me and Bob pretending to make out because all the jocks took the piss saying we were dating, but we liked it and ended up going the whole way. "wheres ol' Bob now?" he asked. "he died in a car accident 2 weeks ago!" i looked down at the floor Gerard looked sorry "sorry i shouldnt of asked" he mumbled, i started to remember why i was with Gerard because of my family they were the reason Bob had died they had caught us in my room and kicked him out even though they knew he'd been drinking and before i could even say goodbye to him one last time they whisked me away to Belleville and here i was a rebel with my cause stolen from me. Gerard stared at me for a minute i shrugged as he showed me the sketch pad. it was a girl with her eyes shut and mouth open she looked pretty and her fringe covered half her face, the sweat droplets on her forehead were small but they were there. it started to form in my head this girl looked satisfied like she had taken a whole box of viagra, it was me. i paused and turned to Gerard i embraced him and kissed his neck, he had made me look beautiful and i loved it. 
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