Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter Payback Time

Chapter 4 Letters Sent

by skyfrog 0 reviews

Harry decides to write letters to those wh went with him to the DoM (dept of mysteries)

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry - Published: 2011-03-07 - Updated: 2011-03-09 - 1414 words

Chapter 4 Letters Written

It has been a very weird couple of days back at my relative's home to say the least. My aunt has been running interference in between Vernon and her precious Dudikins, I have not had to get up and fix breakfast, nor do any chores around the house. Then to top it all off, I have been able to go outside or stay inside if that's what I wanted at the time.
The Order of the Phoenix has been here watching me, why? I don't know. I mean with Voldemort using my blood to be reborn I don't see how good the blood wards are, but whatever.

As for Dumbledore, I don't understand why it is he never even bothered to check on me. I mean if I am someone who is vital to the survival of the wizarding world, then should I not be a priority to those who deem me as the savior of our world?

I will get answers, but for now most of them will have to wait.

I wonder if Professor Dumbledore would let me use his pensive. If not, I wonder where I can purchase one. I think I shall write Gringots and ask Griphook how to go about purchasing a pensive so I might be able to look over my memories, because something does not feel quite right. It is almost as if I don't remember things correctly or I am missing memories all together.

Dear Hermione,

I realize we have only been home a couple of days, but I need to talk to you. First and foremost, I am sorry for getting you hurt. I know it's not my fault and you followed me even though I did not want you to, you would follow me into the deepest part of hell with me just to show me I am not alone. It is not of great importance, but I would like for you to be my sounding board and to guarantee that I am making sense. It seems to me that I myself was just sitting here and realized that I am either missing memories or am not remembering things quiet correctly. Have you experienced anything like what I am describing? If you are, I would like you to bring your parents with you if you come to see me. I would like for us to go to St. Mungos Hospital so we can be examined by the healers to see if our memories have been tampered with. I know you're probably freaking out right now, due to the fact that I don't like hospitals and am volunteering to go willingly. Well as we have already discussed, this I cannot afford to not to be cautious, especially when it comes to those who are under my command. If you would, please ask the others to come too. In the meantime, relax and enjoy some time with your mum and dad, and Hermione give your homework a couple of days before you start doing it and just relax ok?

Harry James Potter

Ok, not the length of the letter I wanted but I will discuss things with her face to face.

"Headmaster I really do hope you have not been messing about in my head, it's bad enough that you had Snape "attempt" to teach me Occlumancy. Professor Snape, you have plenty to answer, for like how could you honestly betray the woman you loved. All because my father did not treat you with respect, you sir are a fool to think that by betraying one you were not betraying another. To think if you let Tommy Boy kill my dad that my mum was going to love you, you're a bigger prat then my dear old dad."

I guess I need to sit down and write Xenophilius Lovegood a letter to have a chat with him. Luna was clear and concise when we were fighting in the DoM (Dept of Mysteries) she chose to stand and fight for her friends. I stood with her and now she has cast herself in with our lot, with that kind of loyalty I will do everything in my power to keep her safe.

Dear Mr. Lovegood,

I have made some decisions at school that I feel we need to have a face to face chat. Moon aka (Luna), knows some of what I would like to discuss with you. I dare not say more, for who knows how secure mail can be. I am going to be at Gringots in a few weeks I suspect, for the reading of my Godfathers' will. When I know the date I will make sure to send you an owl to let you know the time to meet.

Harry James Potter

Neville Longbottom has suffered and lost just as much as I have. I don't know how things were chosen, but I will not let him stand alone in these dark days ahead of us. I will support him just as he has supported me. In the Ministry he fought with the heart of a true Gryffindor, but was loyal as a Hufflepuff. It is amazing how the hat did not put Neville in Hufflepuff to begin with, I wonder if there was any sort of tampering with the sorting. No matter the fact, he is a Gryffindor and I for one am glad he is on our side. He fought with a ferocity and determination the only injury he had was a broken nose.

Dear Neville,

I know it has only been a short while since we said later, but something has put me on edge and being a leader who wants the people he leads to not be in the dark, I thought it would be prudent to let you know that I feel someone has been tampering with our memories. I can't be sure of this, but I would like it if you came and got checked out Nev, you and your Gran. If you do this, it would ease my mind a bit. Also king of Herbology and Horticulture, have you found anything fascinating and useful. Well no worrie, I know you will find something, you were the one to tell me about gillyweed.

Harry James Potter

Ginny Weasley the fiery red head there for her friends and will not back down ever. She has heart when her brother was out cold, she refused to give in and fought with a broken ankle. She did not give in or up till her brother and Luna aka (Moon) were safe. Ron may be a jealous git at times, but even with his faults he is in thick as thieves with me. I know at times he struggles with the fact I have money, but at the same time he has what I don't and I feel jealous of him for having family. Even with all of the flaws, he has always got my back when it is most important.

Ginny and Ron,

I hope you two are playing quidditch and wizards' chess, and enjoying yourselves. Ginny I just wanted to write you and let you know that my aunt is acting weird, a good weird none the less. I know it's only been a few since we parted ways, I am proud of you for the way you handled yourself in the DoM, and you did your best to keep people safe thank you. Oh just so you know when Sirius' will is read I want you and your family there with me I know it's coming, just don't know when.

Ron, mate I am sorry you got hurt, but I will make you a promise. We will stand side by side and kick Moldyshorts in the pants and finish him for good this time. I want you to know you are my brother Ron, and I will do whatever I can to help you and your family. Be sure to come up with some strategies for possible training ideas and quidditch too.

Harry James Potter

Now one final letter then I can let Hedwig deliver them.


I would like to inquire as to how I can get a pensive, do you know if I might have one in my vault and if not, would it be possible to have one made for me; of course for a fee. Can you also tell me when the reading of Sirius Black's will is?

Harry James Potter
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