Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter Payback Time

Chapter 5 Meeting the Parents

by skyfrog 0 reviews

Harry meets Hermione's parents

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Published: 2011-03-08 - Updated: 2011-03-09 - 1401 words

Chapter 5 Meeting the Parents

It has been a couple of days since Harry sent out his letters, and the only one he did not get a response from was Hermione.

"That is really weird considering of all people she would have been the first to respond, I hope nothing is wrong. Now stop that if something was wrong she would have used the mirror to tell you."

"Harry someone is on the telephone for you!" he hears Aunt Petunia call up the stairs.

"Who could be calling me? I can only think of a handful of people who would call, but I don't really think they would." " I am coming down right now Aunt Petunia."

"Harry please be quick, I don't want your uncle yelling."

"Yes Aunt Petunia." Harry replied while making his way to where the phone was waiting.


"Hey Harry it's me."

"Hi Hermione, I thought it might be you but I was not sure."

"Well who else do you know that would be calling Harry?"

"Well I thought it might be Ron but after the last fiasco, probably not. No matter, what's up 'Mione?"

"Right. Well I got your letter and I was going to send one back but, I thought maybe I could come visit you instead and in typical fashion. I kept debating with myself, so I decided to call you and see."

"Mione that would be nice but somehow I don't think my keepers would be to thrilled about that, on the off chance they say yes, I will go ask."

"Aunt Petunia, do you think my friend Hermione can come over and visit with me?"

"Harry I don't know . . . "

"Aunt Petunia she is not like the others from the wizarding community, she is muggleborn, that means she was raised like me in this world and not in the wizarding world."

"It is ok if you visit, but I would prefer for you to go elsewhere."

"I was thinking Aunt Petunia that maybe Hermione and I could go to Diagon Alley."

"Sure that sounds ok to me."

"Thank you Aunt Petunia. Hermoine my aunt said we could visit, just not here and I agree, because it might not be safe for either of us here. So I was thinking we could go to Diagon Alley and before you ask, yes we can go to all the book stores that you want. It will be nice to just get out of here for a little while."

"Ok Harry, now let me ask my folks, would you mind if they came with us?"

"No I don't have a problem with that, it would be nice to be able to show your folks the world you are part of Hermione."

"Mom, daddy I have a huge favor to ask of you."

"What is it kitten?"

"I was wondering if you would take me over to my friend Harry's house and then take us to Diagon Alley, Harry said you guys are more than welcome to come with us into Diagon Alley."

"Sure pumpkin, it would be nice to visit some of the shops we saw before your first year when we went to get your school things."

"Thanks mum and dad you guys are the best."

"Hermione do you think it would be possible to maybe buy an owl while we are there so we can send you letters?"

"I don't see why not, let me go tell Harry we will be there in a little while. Harry they said yes, so we should be there in like 30 minutes or so."

"Cool Hermione, it will give me time to finish up what I was doing."

"And what were you doing Harry?" she asked curiously.

"I am working on a little something." Harry only replied.

"Oh fine don't tell me then."

"Hermione it's not something I can tell you, I have to show you. So let me go finish and you can go get ready."

"Fine Harry, see you in a bit."

As soon as Harry hung up the phone he rushed back up stairs and into his room. Once inside, he picks back up the book he was reading before he was interrupted by the phone call. The book was one he ordered only a few days ago by owl, called How to Craft Spells and Modify Them.
Excerpt from: How to Craft Spells and Modify Them

"In order to modify a spell you must now the basis of the spell and if you are adding a spell to it, you must know and understand that spell too. Another important part is intent and focus of the combination of the two spells or modification."

'Interesting, so I need to focus and make my intent clear that what I want is a combined or modified spell. I wonder why more wizards and witches don't use this method. So I think the best way to fight Tommy is to create and modify spells to get the effects I want. Well, I think I should probably run this by Hermione and Professors McGonagall and Flitwick to see what they say. There must be some risk involved, or I think there would be a whole lot more spell creation going on.'

Knock, knock

"Hermione is here already man that was fast? Oh well time to go." "Hey Hermione."

"Heya Harry, you ready?"

"Yeah, let me just let the relatives know I am leaving. Aunt Petunia I am leaving."

"Ok Harry, be sure to get back here before your uncle ok?"

"Yes ma'am. Hermione hold up, I think that is an owl from Gringots."

"How can you tell?"

"I can see a medallion it wears around its neck."

"Harry how is it you have such a hard time seeing without your glasses, but you can see that from here?"

"Hermione I did not see the medallion, I only saw the sun strike something and it flashed almost like a snitch."

"Oh I see, I always wondered about how you saw something so small and fast like that."

"Well let us see what Gringots has sent me shall we?" (Harry opens the letter up).

Mr. Harry James Potter,

We of the Goblin nation formally send our deepest sympathy of the loss of your Godfather Sirius Black. The official reading will be on Friday 4 days from now. However, since you are the main benefactor, you can arrange a private viewing of the contents of the will. Once again we are truly for your loss again.


"I thought it might be Sirius' Will, but it is a letter to inform me that his will reading is in a weeks time. But seeing that I am the main beneficiary, I can come in for a reading sooner. Hermione would you come with me to hear what it has to say?"

"Sure Harry, I would be honored to help you with this."

"Do you think your parents would mind helping me at the reading, I am sure they understand the legal terms and all of that other stuff?"

"I don't know Harry, but I will ask if you like."

"Thanks again for being here for me Mione."

"Harry your one of the few people who I let get away with you calling me that."

"I know Mione, I know."

"Mum, dad this is Harry Potter my best friend. Harry, this is my mum and dad Emma and Dan Granger."

"It is nice to finally put a face to a name Harry."

"You too Mr. and Mrs. Granger. I was wondering if you two would be willing to help me out, I need to go to Gringots to view my Godfather Sirius Black's will. The official day for the will reading is on Friday, but as the main benefactor I can go anytime beforehand. Since we are going to Diagon Alley today, I figured we could do it while there."

"Harry are you sure you want us there? I mean this is a really big thing and please call us Dan and Emma. We would be honored to help you Harry, any way we can.

"It's just I don't have any experience in handling this sort of thing, and I would like an adult on my side."

"Harry for you being a young man, I have to say that you are one of the most mature people we have met besides our Hermione of your age."
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