Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Mafia

"So Princess Slut got into a little trouble in down town Whoresville"

by Ballroom_Blitz 2 reviews

Gerard learns more about our girls than bargained for. *Edited!*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-03-17 - Updated: 2016-05-24 - 1516 words

A/N: Originally a Scarlette/CyanideChild written chapter. Just editing a little bit. I feel like my writing style has changed a lot since I originally wrote this. I think if I done a complete re-write it would loose some of the strange charm I feel it has. Also this chapter is from 3rd person's view. I can't remember why we chose to do it this way but I think with so much dialogue it works better.

"Frank, we've really gotta get them a place to stay." Gerard mused, inhaling deeply on a cigarette.
He was in his usual armchair by the fire and Frank was sitting opposite him, with Ray and Mikey on the sofa.
Scarlette and Panda had been ushered to bed early, much to Scarlette's annoyance. Once Mikey had been sure they were asleep, he'd crept downstairs and rejoined the others.
"They're fine here" Ray shrugged, leafing through the pages of a leather bound book he was always holding. "I don't see the problem."
"You still need to get Scarlette some clothes however, I don't think she wants to wear mine for the rest of her life." Frank added quietly, staring into the fire, his mind long ago and far away. Gerard frowned.
"It's too much of a risk having them here. Urie and his men are planning something, I just fucking know it. An attack on our house...It's not something I'm willing to risk for a couple of broads".
"And it will be safer for us to look after them at their own place? Somewhere with no back up, a residential area I'm assuming, in his territory no doubt. Yes oh wise leader, that's much safer" Mikey rolled his eyes and waited for Gerard's angry retort. Instead Gerard shook his head angrily. He knew Mikey had a valid point but he wasn't willing to admit that just yet.
"Look Gerard. We all know why you don't want them staying here." Frank said hesitantly, unsure how this was going to go down. "But not every girl is going to be like-"
"Don't you mention her name to me!" Gerard said with his palm raised. "Have you all forgotten who's in charge here?! I should have you all doing the shittiest jobs I can think of for the next month with the disrespect I have received the past few days! Two fucking broads show up and my house forgets the rules we have had for generations..." Gerard banged his fist down on the arm of the chair. All three men lowered their eyes from Gerard's angry glare.
"Still...we're all each other has so...I guess I can't stay mad you. How fucking impractical would that be?!"
Mikey looked up and smiled at his brother, before opening his mouth to say something. Gerard just shook his head.
"Enough with the feelings now fellas, huh? Back to the matter at hand. Where are the broads going?"
Frank sighed, looking back at the fire. "I'm just saying Gerard, that they'll be safer here, for now. We could protect them from the Urie's and get them set up some where else once all this shit is over with."
Gerard didn't answer, his chin was resting on his clasped hands as he stared at a spot some where in the distance. It was Gerard's thinking pose in a way.
"I don't like her", he said after a while of silence. The only noise in the darkened drawing room was the cracking from the fire and the large clock ticking away on the mantelpiece.
Ray, Mikey and Frank exchanged looks.
"Scarlette?" Ray asked after a while.
"Yeah, Scarlette. She's a fancy little cock tease." Ray finally closed the book and sighed.
"Do you know why Scarlette and Pandora we're working for Urie in the first place?" When no one responded he carried on. "Scarlette told me that she met Pandora in Central Park, bumming for cash and with a pervert on her tail. Scarlette told the guy to push off and knocked him out in punch. She and Pandora started talking and they became friends. They were both homeless and eventually scraped enough money to get a flat. Down town, ya know? Bad place."
"Panda said Scarlette wouldn't let her take no dodgy work" Frank interjected, and Gerard snorted.
"Yup!" Most innocent stripper in Jersey" Mikey said with a grin.
"How did they get from New York to Jersey with no money?" Gerard asked, wondering if he'd found an inaccuracy that would blow this shit story to bits.
Frank sighed. "Far as I know they hitch hiked and some of it was in a garbage truck. That's all Pandora would say"
"So, after they got the place in Jersey, Scarlette took it upon herself to keep it." Ray continued. "Bar tending, singing, busking - anything she could do to keep them under a roof"
"Enter our friend Moretti-Urie" Mikey added with a sneer.
"Where was I when you were all having circle time?!" Gerard huffed and Mikey grinned.
"Probably in the bathroom jacking off after you caught Scarlette changing"
"Ya' little-"
"Fellas!" Ray said, calmly. "Like Mikey said, Urie had the casting call. And Scarlette went to see how much she'd earn. They were being threatened by all sorts of men on the block at the point, so Scarlette was getting desperate. Desperate to keep Panda out of the bad sid,e as much as she could anyway."
Frank sighed, he knew what it was like to be poor as shit with people demanding money left right and centre.
Gerard shrugged. "So Princess Slut got into a little trouble in down town Whoresville. Who cares!"
"So then, Panda tells me that Scarlette took the job - and had to pay Urie a few little 'extra favours' to keep her in the green" Frank said looking at his now clenched fists.
"That dirty rat!" Gerard banged both his fists down on the arms of the chair, jaw clenched.
"Scarlette was his slave and Panda didn't like it. So she went by herself to Urie's joint and begged for a job so Scarlette didn't have to do quite so much around the joint. She didn't have to pay extra favours any more and Brendon didn't like it. He hated Pandora and made her work extra hard for her job and her money. I don't know what he made her do to get the job. I don't think anything sexual but she won't tell me and Scarlette don't know either...Scarlette kept having to go one step further and one step further to make sure Pandora stayed innocent" Frank was staring back into the fire again, the flames were reflected in his as the hatred he felt for Urie .
"I didn't know" Gerard said thoughtfully, troubled by thoughts of what Urie had done and what he could still do.
"You didn't ask. Which should have been the first thing you did." Ray said with a smile. "But I think you were distracted by her. Like maybe a certain someone was distracted by Pandora."
Frank smiled, and looked up to share his grin with Gerard instead rolled his eyes.
"They can stay here. And I'll take Scarlette for clothes tomorrow...and I won't lose her!' He said smirking at Mikey who had just opened his mouth.
"Now to the last of our business. Frank make sure the invites for the Masked Ball have been sent out tomorrow, and Mikey talk to the caterer about the main dish. Ray? Tax collection as usual?"
Ray tapped his black book with a finger. "I've got all the names on who owes right here."
"Like always, Toro." Gerard smiled, and flicked the end of his long forgotten about cigarette into the fire.
"We'll continue tomorrow night gentlemen. Goodnight for now."
The men murmured good night as Gerard padded to his room, opening it a crack to see if Scarlette was still asleep.
He smiled slightly as he undressed, watching her breathe slowly and deeply as she lay haphazardly across the bed. Blowing out the candles on the mantelpiece, he stared for a second at his gun, glinting in the low light. Scarlette stirred in her sleep, muttering something too low for him to understand. He looked back at his gun before placing it under his pillow and climbing gingerly into bed next to her.

Pandora was still awake when Frank finally entered his room, although barely.
"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" he said, smiling.
"I wanted to wait for you." She said blearily, with a massive yawn. "I always wait..."
Frank sat on the end of the bed, and stroked her cheek.
"Hush...I'm here now. Get some sleep, okay?"
"M'kay", she said before swiftly falling asleep. He smiled to himself and sat up in bed next to her. He stroked her long straight hair for a while as he wondered what the future held in store for them all. He knew this was the calm before the storm and he hoped they would all make it out the other side in one piece.
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