Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sleep Death, My Love

Chapter Six

by DeJaSins 1 review

"I'm So sorry... I'll always love you"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Horror,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-03-25 - Updated: 2011-03-26 - 3314 words

Mikey's Point Of View

“I'm so sorry... I'll always love you”
My eyes open to find nothing but darkness, and yet my heartbeat steadily quickens and clumsily clambers its way up my throat. I heard it again. I heard her again. That whisper. That promise of forever love that seems to be slipping through tears from a lamentable soul.

I momentarily close my eyes as I turn my head towards the dresser that which holds my clock, although there is no real purpose in looking at it, as I already know the time. It's 3:50. Every morning at this exact time I hear her. I hear her whisper her promise, stifling a cry in her lungs. And then I hear nothing but silence. And it's mind-shatteringly deafening.

I remember the first time that I heard her was the night that we watched the video in the Heavy Room. And I grew so fearful that I threw the covers over my head, curled my body into a ball and continuously reprimanded myself. 'It's nothing, it's just your imagination. It's nothing. It's just your imagination!' I whispered to myself in the still of darkness, while trying to convince myself that the sudden cold, which was so unbearable that my entire body quaked violently and I swore that I could see my own breath, was also merely apart of my imagination.
And thus I stayed in my frozen maniacal state, repeatedly chanting my mantra in that indelible cold until sunrise thawed me of my icy imprisonment, and my exhausted body and mind collapsed into unconsciousness.

And that was only the first night.

I spoke of this only to my brother. But with a painful sigh, he too told me that it was nothing more than my imagination getting the best of me, and that the trembling was likely due to a fever caught from 'this fucking arctic wasteland of a mansion'. Although I am certain he truly thinks it to be due to my loss of sanity. Perhaps he's right.
But now, five nights later, I lye here in wait. I lye in wait for dawn to come.

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“Mikey.... Miiiikeeey......... Mikey!” Came a loud voice from outside my bedroom, shattering what little rest I had gotten. I loudly moaned my disapproval to the unwelcome visitor whom had disrupted my sleep. I rolled over in bed, turning my back to the door as well as the intruder, and reached behind my back to grab a pillow, slamming it over my ear to drown out their horrific voice.

Footsteps echoed off the hardwood floor, becoming louder as each step drew the unknown closer to me.
“Mikey. Mikey! Wake up!” The slightly muffled voice called out to me again. Realizing that clasping the pillow to my ear was doing nothing save causing my arm to ache, I reluctantly dropped it in front of my chest with a heavy sigh and slowly opened my eyes to find two blinking eyes mere inches from my face, so close that our noses nearly rubbed against each other when I jumped back in my shock, banging my head against the headboard in doing so.

“Chill Mikey, it's just me” Frank laughed whilst he stood up straight and stared at me as I clutched at my heart that threatened to beat itself out of my chest. Still breathing heavily, my hand gripping tightly upon t my chest as I tried to slow my heartbeat, then gave notice to the pain radiating in my skull.
“Rough night?” He smirks.
“You haven't the faintest idea” I said softly as I rubbed at the sore part on the back of my head, trying hard to hide the bitterness I felt towards him, who was completely energized and obviously well rested. If only he had cheated correctly and picked this room that he so badly coveted, then perhaps I wouldn't keep feeling as if I were being plagued by a monster each night, and thus get a moments rest. And perhaps my sanity back as well. But then, it would only be a burden placed on him.

“You alright there Mikey?” He questioned with a puzzled look on his face, snapping me out of my thoughts and back into reality.

“What? Yeah, no, um I'm fine.” I somehow manage to sputter out, although he continues to stare at me unconvinced.
“Ya sure? Cause you were looking as if an alien were sucking out your brains or something, like in that movie” he said with a smile as he tapped his right temple with his index finger, which made a slightly hollow sound. Sometimes I wonder if the 'aliens' haven't already stolen his brain, or if he was indeed simply born this way.
“Yeah I'm fine. I was just, wandering why you yearned for this room so badly” I said as I looked about the room, then returned my gaze to Frank who had now crossed his arms over his chest and tugged lightly on his lip ring.

“Mikey... You aren't still scared by what I said earlier, are you?” he softly asked, smile fled far from his lips in the face of seriousness. It seemed he genuinely cared whether or not he had taken his little prank a bit too far. Luckily for his conscious, he had not.
“No, Frank. I was merely wondering what made this room so special that you were going to try and cheat in order to obtain it.” I interrogated, wanting to know, needing to know his answer.

Frank blew out a sigh of relief that recaptured his smile, placed both his hands on his hips and leaned backwards against the wall beside the t.v. as he spoke.

“Oh! Well I wanted this room because it was originally Daisy and Antonio Moreno's master bedroom. So I figured it would host a majority of the paranormal activity inside the house”
“Wait, wait. Antonio Moreno? As in the silent film star?” I catechized as my mind raced through my memory of our first night in the mansion when the t.v. turned on by itself. I remember I looked at the screen and I knew that the male actor looked familiar. It was Antonio! The original owner of this house!
“Yeah, he and Daisy were married. You know, you really should do some background checking before you just move into supposedly haunted houses” he said as he he pushed his body off of the wall with a disappointed sigh at my lack of knowledge on the subject, but I could only give a damn less as my thoughts were only of Daisy and Antonio. Why and how would a movie featuring Antonio, original owner of this mansion, simply turn on by itself in the exact room that was once his master bedroom? And why is this woman, this Daisy, always crying in this very room?
“MIKEY!!!!” Frank screamed in my ear, causing me to literally jump in the air before rubbing furiously at my now aching ear and pounding ear drum.
“Dammit Frank! Why the hell would you do that? Are you trying to make me deaf of something?!” I yelled with tears in my eyes as I held my hand to my ear which was still resonating with both the sound and pain of Frank's yell.
“Believe it or not I actually came in here and woke you for a reason. And you were so stuck in your damned thoughts that you didn't even hear me telling you that we've all been waiting on you so we could practice some of those songs. Also, I've planned a meeting in the Heavy Room, but they all agreed that that has to wait until after our music session” he complained with obvious irritation in his voice. Still rubbing at my ear with one eye squeezed closed I glared at him.
“Well why couldn't you just wait until I woke up?! I mean, you act as if you've never been tired before!” I yelled as I kicked the covers off of my body and swung my legs over the side of the bed in my frustration.
“We were waiting on you. But it's fucking five in the afternoon! How long are we supposed to wait before we can get some shit done?!” He yelled due to his own frustrations.

I glared at the hardwood floor beneath my feet. I had decided after my conversation with Gerard, that regardless of what I believe I hear, feel, or even see with my own eyes, that I am not to dwell nor speak of it to anyone in the house, lest it upset Gerard, and of course, they begin to question my sanity. So I could never tell them about the nightly happenings that kept me in terror all throughout the night.

I sigh loudly as I speak with closed eyes. “I. I'm sorry Frank. I just. I guess I'm just not yet accustomed to this room. And this mattress is awfully lumpy, it makes sleeping practically impossible” I sealed the lie with a soft, sheepish smile as I ran my fingers through my hair.

Frank gave a sough as he looked around the room. “Yeah, I guess it can be a bit of a difficult adjustment, sleeping in a brand new room and all that jazz. But I'm sure you'll make peace with it soon enough. I assume that's also why you've been talking so strangely as of late”

“What do you mean?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He blinked twice and then smiled. “You mean you haven't noticed? You sound like your from the freaking early 1900's, or even later than that. It's totally weird man, but it only just started a few days ago. You really haven't noticed?” he questioned with a soft chuckle.

“No, I. I haven't” I said softly as I looked back down to the floor, only looking up at the sound of him shifting slightly, perhaps nervously. With both eyes closed, he scratched at the back of his head before giving another sigh, then he began heading towards the door.
“Look Mikey, take as much time as you need getting settled. I'll only keep waking you when it's necessary. But when I do, I expect no bullshit complaints and that my head hasn't been chomped off.” He stopped to turn and look at me from the doorway. “Is that a deal?” He asked. A loud yawn and a slight nod of the head was my answer.
“Good. See you in five” He called over his shoulder as he exited the room completely.

I stood up straight and closed my eyes, releasing a burdened breath of air. I then pushed my shoulder blades backwards in an effort to crack my back, not stopping until I heard the satisfying pop of every bone falling back into place. Opening my eyes, I look onto the black t.v. screen, only to find a reflection of her tear-soaked smile gazing back at me.

“I'm so sorry... I'll always love you”

Gerard's Point Of View

“Dude, I am so fucking stoked to play this one for Covallo! He is gonna shit his fucking pants when he hears this!” Frank exclaimed as we walked to the Heavy Room. I smiled at his enthusiasm, but it faltered when I looked over my shoulder to see an obviously distraught Mikey falling behind in our steps.
“Mikey. You gotta watch out for your entrance on that second meter, you came in late like three times” I called out to him.
“Huh? Oh, yeah um. I'm sorry, Gerard” He muttered, avoiding any kind of eye contact the whole while. I was hoping that he'd of caught the true meaning behind the comment and want to confide in me. Tell me what it is that is bothering him. No avail. Perhaps my hint was too vague. But it's just not like Mikey to miss a beat. He's very clever about these things.

“Aww Gerard, leave him alone. He hasn't been sleeping very well because his mattress is all lumpy. So he only messed up because he's sleep deprived. He'll get it next time. Right kid?” Frank smiled as he looked over his shoulder to Mikey.
“R-Right” Mikey answered warily, doubtful he even knows what he's answering to. Still, I suck my teeth in order to stay my tongue as we entered the Heavy Room. I haven't the faintest idea what Frank means by lumpy mattresses, but it's obvious that it was a lie, and a poor one at that. After growing accustomed to sleeping on the rock like bunk beds on the tour bus that swerved and bumped on every pothole, Mikey had become able to find comfort in anything he slept on, including hardwood floor. A lumpy mattress wouldn't keep him from losing even a seconds worth of sleep. So what is it that has him so distraught?

“Is the camera recording?” Frank asked while Mikey took a seat on the couch next to me and Bob leaned on the wall parallel to the camera and thus out of its view.

“Yes, Frank. It is now” Ray sighed as he placed the camera back on the table, only to have it snatched up by Frank.

“Okay. So after quite the dramatic wait due to a certain, Micheal Way,”
“I now call this meeting to order” Frank said as he placed the camera's sights on each of us individually. Slowing down drastically when it came time for Bob's solo shot.
“If you record me with that thing Iero I will break off each of your legs”
“Alright then. Lets get started” Frank continued, ignoring Bob completely. “Alright, so the reason why I called this meeting today was to hear all of your thoughts on an idea of mine”
“So what's the idea” Ray yawned, physically expressing the boredom we all seemed to share. Except for Frank, of course.

“I've been thinking. Well I mean, we all want to know if this place is really haunted or not, right? So I've been thinking that we should, perform a séance and we could-”
“Oh not this bullshit again” I inveighed as I slouched backwards into the couch, close my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. Hoping that my physical defensive stance would be enough to prove to him that I was serious and unwilling to compromise or even discuss the situation. I open my eyes just slightly to sneak a peek at Mikey from the corner of my eye, who is now completely alert, face pallid and a bit panic stricken. My gaze drops back down to my feet.
“Come on Gerard! You act as if we haven't done this before!”
“I said no, Frank” I growled as I glared up at him, my thoughts unwaivering, even though there wasn't a single reasonable one among them.

“Frank, please. I am begging you. Do not perform a séance in this house” Mikey's trembling voice cried out, shattering our argument as we all turned to stare at him. His arms wrapped tightly about his visibly trembling body, his skin had paled to a sickening white, and his eyes, derived of any true color or life, were open wide and staring at something that wasn't there.

“Mikey. Mikey what's wrong?!” I questioned in a panic as I turned to face him, grabbing his quaking body by the shoulders as my eyes searched him over for the cause of this sudden direst. But he merely shook his head and stared directly at Frank.

“I. I know you don't understand, but I. I have a horrible feeling in the very pit of my stomach, warning me, screaming out to me, to not do this. To not perform a séance in this house. So I am pleading with you, Frank. For the love of God, don't do this!” Mikey bellowed with a voice close to tears as he stared up at Frank, eyes wide with tears and his earnest plea.

“Mikey, I. I'm sorry. I didn't know that this was bothering you so much. I wont do it. Okay? I promise. I won't perform the séance” Frank spoke softly, his hand clutched tightly on to the camera that was recording nothing but the floor.

Breathing somewhat heavily, Mikey's face softened with composure, while his body's shivers slowly came to a stop. “Thank goodness. Frank, thank you” he whispered as his body fell lifelessly onto my chest.

“Jesus! Mikey, are you okay!” Frank shouted in concern.
“He's fine. Leave him alone, he's sleeping” I growled at him as I tried to lift Mikey up and lay him back against the couch cushion. Thankfully, Bob noticed I was having difficulties and ushered past Frank to pick him up.

“I'm sorry. I didn't know that it was really bothering him this much” he muttered as he stared at the unconscious Mikey being taken out of the Heavy Room by Bob, with Ray behind him. He turned his attention back to me, and was actually surprised when he saw the anger etched upon my face.
“What?”he asked innocently. I scowled at his ignorance.
“I warned you, Frank. I said no more of this haunted house bullshit, and you did it anyways! Why can't you just be respectful to everyone's wishes and do as you're fucking told?!” I seethed
“Because I'm not a child, Gerard! I asked because I wanted to make sure everyone was okay with it before I just went ahead and did it. So give me that much. And I said that I wasn't going to do it anymore, alright? He said 'no séance' so there isn't going to be a fucking séance. So don't tell me that I'm not respecting people's wishes!” He yelled back, ending the conversation by showing his back to me as he turned off the camera and placed it on the table. I ran my hand through my hair with a sigh and rubbed the back of my neck with closed eyes. Taking my frustrations out on Frank wasn't going to solve anything.
“Look, Frank. I'm sorry. I know you didn't mean to upset anybody with this, but we're all a little uneasy right now. Still, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that”
“Aww, fuck off it Gerard. You're just being an older brother, like you should be. I shouldn't have brought it up. I guess I expected a little bit of hesitancy or resistance, I just, didn't expect him to become that upset about it” Frank said, widening his eyes as he spoke
“I know” I said as I looked to the couch, thinking of the fear and intentness Mikey displayed there just moments earlier. “No one could've” I whispered.

With a final sigh, I closed my eyes and walked towards the door. “I think I'm calling it a night, Frank. I'm sorry, that I yelled at you. You didn't deserve it” I called over my shoulder, before disappearing into the hallway.

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As I headed towards my room, I stuck my head inside of Mikey's bedroom. He lye perfectly still with his head facing the away from me so I was unable to see his face. The only movement coming from a silent movie playing on his t.v. I tiptoed inside, turning the television off, before looking down at him as he murmured softly in his sleep. For once though, he sounded contented and carefree, completely unburdened by whatever it is that has been plaguing him since our arrival here. I smile softly as I gently pull the unmade covers over top him.

“Dream well, Mikes” I whisper while I quietly exit his room.

With my head cradled by my pillow, and my body comforted by the warm covers and soft mattress beneath me, I drift slowly into sweet dreams, may they last forever.
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