Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sleep Death, My Love

Chapter Seven

by DeJaSins 2 reviews

Do you believe in ghosts?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Horror,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-03 - Updated: 2011-06-04 - 3810 words

I apologize so greatly for taking so long to conjure up this chapter, but I had to finish 20 weeks of classes in less than two months and I went to Florida to see a My Chem concert and just wasn't getting my imagintive juices flowing, so again I apologize, but if you're still tagging along, which I seriously hope you are, here is yet another chapter for you. The god thing about this break was that it got me to thinking that I've been delaying the inevitable long enough and am ready to really thrust you guys into the horrid plot which I have created... With that being said, you still have one more chapter until that begins (SORRY! But these things take time if they are to be done well) Anyways, let me keep you from this story no longer. Thanks again for reading, oh and comments, critics and suggestions would very much be appreciated.

Gerard's Point Of View

The putrid smell of burning flesh fills my nostrils and is so revolting that I fall to my hands and knees, grabbing my stomach with my right arm as I emptied out bile onto the ground beneath me. I look up and into the ocean of liquid fire before me, that was sweeping away the millions of corpses, souls and human remains in it's thick billowing waves.
It laps hungrily, slapping against the black beach on which I kneel as if it were licking its lips greedily, trying desperately to wash me into its gluttonous stomach. I scream as I throw myself backwards, falling on my back with a heavy thud, spraying the black sand outward and all around. The waves only find this more enticing, as they grow larger, smashing the beach with its intense fury as it continues to reach towards me. Sprinkles of small flickering flames fall into a circular pattern at my feet, then burst into an uproarious fire, encasing me inside flames as tall as myself.

Coughing erratically as my lungs fill with the thick, black smoke, my eyes dance maniacally as I search for an exit out of the ring of fire, when they catch sight of a person falling from the black sky. I squint to peer through the smoke and flames in order to get a better look at the man whom was falling head first into an ocean of flames, and my heart stops beating as my eyes widen in horror at my realization.
It was Mikey.

He opens his eyes wide, which are filled with tears and terror, and thrusts out his hand towards me as his body continues to plummet from the black sky, drawing him closer and closer to being engulfed by the ravenous fire that awaits him gluttonously.

“Gerard! Help me!” Mikey screams just as his body is devoured by the by the fire.

“MIKEY!” I scream as I shot upward in bed, my body sweat drenched and trembling from the almost absurdly realistic nightmare that I had just endured. With my right hand clutching the sheet for some sort of reassurance that this time I had truly escaped my realm of nightmares and was indeed finally back in reality, my left hand rushed to my face, pushed back the hair that was clinging to my forehead and cradled my head as I breathed in deeply in an effort to recollect myself.
“It was a dream. It was only a dream,” I whisper to myself as a pitiful form of solace. But my heart practically refuses to slow and clamber out of my throat.

“Breathe, Gerard. Breathe. It was just a dream. Now, breathe” I whisper in the darkness of my bedroom. For five nights now I've been suffering through these horrific nightmares and they nearly always end the same way, with Mikey burning in Hell's fire. One would think with this being a reoccurring dream that I'd immediately wake from it and then fall back asleep with ease, but the fact that it seems so undeniably real relieves me of all reasoning and my mind and body tremble in fear.

Slowly but surely my heartbeat begins to regulate and I lean up straight, propping my back against the headboard for support and dropping my hand from my head with a heavy sigh. I glance over at the clock which reads 3:52. Ha. Mikey's last episode was at about three too. We're apparently more alike than we realize.

I ease my body back onto the mattress, hoping to get a little more sleep, but knowing it to be futile. I could never fall back into a peaceful sleep with my mind in such a state. Still, with nothing else to do at four in the morning, I close my eyes and lye in wait, eventually falling into unconsciousness.

♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥

The putrid smell of burning toast fills my nostrils and I grimaced at the stench of it as I turned into the kitchen, rubbing my eye and yawning as I shuffled over to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup or six. I truly needed the caffeine.

“Got dammit, Mikey! Even you should know not to butter the fucking toast before sticking it in the toaster!” Frank yelled at Mikey who was currently staring at the smoking toaster with a look of complete indifference.

“Technically, he didn't because he buttered the bread, not toast” Ray said while crunching noisily on a piece of toast and reading the newspaper from his spot at the table, where I joined him, grabbing a piece of the newspaper in my passing.

“Fuck you, Ray!” Frank yelled to Ray who merely smirked and shrugged his shoulders in response. “Get it out before you break the damn toaster!” Frank yelled after returning his anger to Mikey, who now had a fork poised and ready to dig into the slot of the toaster and retrieve the buttered toast from out of it.

“Did you unplug the toaster?” I call out from behind my mug, knowing all too well that he hadn't.
“Oh. Yeah, right. Thanks, Gerard” Mikey said with a soft smile, his voice seemed distant, almost dazed. I wonder if he saw her again...
Tsk. Listen to yourself, Gerard. You're beginning to sound insane. Of course he didn't see her again because there has never been anyone to see. I reprimand myself as I stare at my morphed reflection in the dark brown liquid.
“I hate my coffee black” I say out loud to myself as I take another swig.
“Yeah? Well I hate my toaster broken! But I guess we can't always get what we want out of life. Right, Mikey?” Frank yelled at Mikey once more as he snatched the toaster from him, turned it upside down and shook with all of might as a mini-dust storm of crumbs fell out. Mikey watched him with a crooked smile as he tried desperately to hold in the laugh that was threatening to burst forward.
“I'm sorry, Frank” he said just as the toast plopped onto the counter, charred to hell and back again.

“GOD DAMMIT! I just wanted a piece of fucking toast!” Frank screamed as he dropped the toaster with a heavy clang onto the counter top and covered his face with his hands as he backed into the counter dramatically.

“Hurry up and get off your period, Frank” Bob said after seemingly appearing out of thin air , pulling out a chair and then plopping his self into it.. He threw his half-eaten toast at Frank, hitting him directly in the face with the buttered side. After smiling with great pride, he picked up his second slice and was just about to take a bite when Frank snatched it right out of his fingertips and promptly took a bite for him.
“You little shit!” Bob swore as he stood up and grabbed for Frank but missed, then proceeded to chasing him around the downstairs area of the mansion while Frank taunted him by continuing to eat his toast and calling out how delicious and perfect it was. The fools.
“He's running with scissors. Any minute now someone's going to get hurt” I stated with closed eyes before lifting my cup back to my lips.

“Frank is right about one thing though. Mikey. You seem even more off kilter than usual. Is something bothering you?” Ray asked, causing my attention to return to Mikey who was now pouring himself a cup of coffee while yawning.
“No need to fret. Sleep was merely unkind to me is all” Mikey said another yawn chasing behind his comment as he rubbed his eyes and took a seat.
“I'll take that to mean that you didn't sleep well, which isn't surprising with all the moaning and groaning coming from Gerard last night”
“My what?!” I yelled, spitting out and nearly spilling all of my coffee as I practically jumped out of my seat. Although Ray blinked twice with wide eyes as though he were shocked by my reaction, he calmly moved his plate of toast from my spreading coffee and placed the newspaper onto his lap.

“I said your moaning and groaning. You later screamed out Mikey's name and Frank said it's cause you were having dreams of f-”
“I don't wanna hear what Frank said! Alright? I just had a nightmare and Mikey was in it!” I yelled with one fist clenched closed. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment and I refused to look at my brother.

“A nightmare? Eww, Gerard. We didn't-”
“Got dammit, no Mikey! I'm not that fucked up in the head” I say as I abruptly turn and walk into the living room where Bob has Frank in a headlock and Frank is literally crying out at the pain but continues to chew the remaining toast and occasionally comment on its perfection.

“Come on guys, enough. Let's go get some shit done for once” I grumble with an irritated sigh as Bob throws Frank down to the floor since he had finished all of the perfectly delicious toast.

Frank scrambled to his feet with his left hand rubbing his red and sore neck. “Look, don't get all pissy with us just cause you didn't sleep well. It's not our fault you keep having dreams about your brother”
“I am not having sex dreams about my brother!” I shouted
“I never said you were” He said with a devilish smirk. My face now ached from all the burning it had endured from all of today's embarrassment as I once a-fucking-gain fell victim to his obvious trap. But what was even more battered was my ego. Noticing my embarrassment merely egged Frank on. He closed his eyes and held his hands out with his palms facing upward as he shrugged.
“But now that you've virtually admitted to it, I have no choice but to label you as an incestuous pervert”
“Lay the fuck off it, Frank The only person who had peaceful dreams last night was you” Bob said as he stretched upward, and correctly positioned his spine with several satisfying cracks.
“Oh what the fuck, Bob? You too?”
“It'd be more appropriate for me to ask how you weren't. Between Gerard's moaning, that damn tub filling up by itself and Mikey's inconsistent screaming, there-”
“Mikey was screaming? Why? What for?” I questioned earnestly, seriousness strewn all over my face.
“Calm down, Gerard. He said it was just a nightmare. But he must be having them pretty frequently”
“Why? What do you mean?” I questioned while stepping closer to Bob who looked a bit shocked at my sudden upset, but I can't help myself.
He's my little brother.

Bob blinked a few times before bringing his right hand to the back of his head with a sigh.
“I can't believe you haven't heard him at least once. He's been screaming just about every night since we've come here. He stopped for a little bit after the sixth night. But he started it up again last night. I keep asking him what it is that he's dreaming about, but he just says 'Do not worry yourself over it, and I apologize for waking you' Or some weird shit like that, then he walks away all dazed” Bob says as he rubs the back of his neck and looks up at me. I can hardly believe what he was saying. Mikey looked so peaceful that night, probably the most he has ever been since we've come to this damned place. But. When and how many times has that look of tranquility been contorted into absolute terror and screams in the night? And where was I? I'm Mikey's older brother. I'm the one who is supposed to know when he's hurting or scared and upset, and yet I wasn't there for him again! Not only that, but I was the very last to even realize that something was even bothering him! Why is that?! Why can't I fucking understand you anymore, Mikey? How come everyone else has noticed except for me?

“And, you say that this has been going on since the night we moved in here?” I interrogated him nervously as I tried to make sense of it all.

“Almost. Like I said before, it did stop for awhile. I think it was the night that Frank had that stupid idea to perform a séance that Mikey stopped screaming, although he still looked just as dazed as before”
“Hey! My idea was not stupid! And from what I'm hearing it seems that simply mentioning a séance made Daisy leave Mikey alone for a little while” Frank said with his stupid, triumphant smile plastered across his face.

“No it fucking didn't because there's never been a fucking ghost!” I screamed at Frank whose smile instantly vanished at the extreme presence of anger in my voice. He looked down at his shoes with guilt that should be mine. Yet again I yelled at him for merely being himself. And all of this fucking fury because of a god damned fabled ghost and a stupid, worthless mansion!
I run my hands up my face and violently clench fistfuls of my hair as my face began to burn from my ire. “God! I can't fucking take this anymore!” I screamed through gritted teeth as I tear my body away from the guilt and run into the kitchen, snatching up a surprised Mikey by the arm, ignoring his cries and protests as I dragged him into his room, slamming the door closed behind us.

It is just you and me now, Mikey. It's time that I put an end to all of this.

Mikey's Point Of View

“What the fuck is going on, Mikey?!” Gerard's thunderous voice demands of me as I sit down on the side of the bed, staring down at my hands as I'm too afraid to look anywhere else, lest I should see her.

“Fucking tell me, Mikey! What the hell is going on with you?!” He yells again, his face full of anger, but mostly conjured up of fear and concern. How I wish I could tell him something, anything to ease away that pain and fear that was carved into his face. I wish that I could tell him that the storm has past and there is no longer anything to fret over, that I am undoubtedly fine and we can move on as if this was all nothing more than a horrific nightmare. I wish I could...
But to do so would be nothing less than an absolute lie.

A heavy sigh coming from Gerard causes me to look up at him who is looking away from me, chewing on his bottom lip and running a right hand down his face in an effort to calm himself. He's very rarely allowed me to see him become this upset, and he has never once in our entirely lives yelled at me even remotely close to what he just did, although I can not blame him. He is my elder brother, and he is scared for me.

“Mikey,” he said calmly now that he had that moment to recollect himself. “Mikey, I need you to tell me”
“I can not, Gerard. I want to tell you, to explain it all so badly, but I am unable to. And even if I were able to find the words, you wouldn't believe me” I admit indifferently.

He grows quiet as he squeezes his eyes shut, clenching his fists and biting on his lip again, so much so that it reddens as if it is readying to bleed. I find myself staring at his fists that are clenched so tightly that they quiver slightly from the strain, and I can only wonder how deep the indentations from his nails will be upon his palm.

“This is about Daisy again. Isn't it?” He asks quietly, so fiercely upset that he can't even express it with his voice. But he doesn't have to, his silence and body language says it all.

I look back down to my hands and close them tightly as if silently affirming my decision. I can not tell him, I mustn't. He, who has not seen her nor even felt her presence since the day of our arrival, would never understand and would simply claim me void of my sanity.

“I'm sorry, Gerard” I whisper as I slowly close my eyes, completely unable to even glance at that stunned and unbearably pained expression that I know now adorns his face. In all of our years, we may have excluded the entire world from our affairs, locked ourselves in a distant and enchanted castle where we harbored our love, fears, dreams and secrets under lock and key from all others. But never once had we kept secrets from each other. Not once. Until now.

Gerard snatched me up by the collar of my shirt and pulled me into him so that I had little choice save to look him dead in the eyes, which were brimming with tears of anger, betrayal and fear. His face reddened and his eyes were wide with emotion. I closed my eyes at the heart breaking sight in an effort to stifle tears of my own.

“Dammit Mikey! I am standing right here begging you to talk to me! I'm real! I'm standing in front of you! Not some damn fictional ghost! She's not real, Mikey! How many times do I have to fucking say it! Its just your imagination!”
“I wouldn't be so sure” came a hushed voice from the entrance of my bedroom. Gerard and I looked over to find Ray slowly walking towards us, hesitating at the sight of us, and then turning slightly as Gerard released my collar and looked away from me as he wiped away his fallen tears.
“What. What are you talkin about, Toro?” Gerard whispered in a raw voice as he stared at the ground.
“I think. I also think that Daisy's ghost is real. Ever since we found that picture, I can hear a woman weeping at night, and it's gotten worse ever since Frank mentioned performing a séance”
“I's an old house, Toro. It makes all sorts of strange noises that could be mistaken for weeping, especially in the dead of night” Gerard countered, completely unimpressed, but to both our surprise Ray merely smirked.

“I knew you were going to say that, as it's the same exact thing I've been telling myself every time that I hear it,” he said as he pushed his hand into his coat pocket. “But even if that truly is the reasoning behind the crying, how do you explain this?” he asked as he withdrew a picture from his pocket.
The same exact picture we had all witnessed being reduced into a smoldering pile of ash.

“Wh-Where? How did you get this?” Gerard asked as he walked over to Ray and took the picture for a closer inspection.
“I found them sitting on my dresser last night after I got out of the bath. I didn't know what to make of it, so I hid it between my mattresses until now. I told Bob who said he doesn't care and to stop trying to spook him with this paranormal bullshit. Needless to say, I haven't said anything to Frank yet” Ray said as he looked straight at me, then back down to the ground.

“But this... This doesn't make any fucking sense!” Gerard mumbles to himself. His hand, which is placed on his forehead, parts his shaggy black hair so hat I have a perfect view of his pallid face and his eyes, wide with fright, stare unblinkingly at the folded picture in his trembling hand, scanning it for any explanation or shard of evidence that this was all fake. That this was all just in his head. But make no mistake, Gerard. This is no more a figment of your imagination than I or Ray.
It's not in your head Gerard. This is all too real.

He drops the picture, which slowly floats to the ground, mimicking its movements from the recording, almost mocking us as it dances beautifully, landing gracefully like a cherry blossom upon the hardwood floor, only to be stomped repeatedly under Gerard's thick, black boot. It's crunching a final scream as it once again cried farewell to such a cruel world.
I can only wonder whether or not this time will be the last.

“Do not speak of this, ever. It never happened” Gerard hissed as he glared at us individually, first Ray, then myself, silencing us with his stare and yet daring us to combat him at the same time.

He abruptly turned and left us, stopping just outside the door where he looked to his right toward the staircase, scoffed loudly, then started off to his room signifying his arrival by slamming shut his bedroom door.

Ray sighed loudly, causing my tired eyes to look up at him silently.
“I'm sorry Mikey. I just thought that I could reason with him” Ray soughed as he walked out of my room. I merely shook my head and kneel down, picking up the damaged picture as I did so.
“No. You have no reason to be, Ray” I whisper as I look forward only to see her standing in the middle of the door frame, no blood nor tattered clothes, only tears.
She clutches her hand to her chest with her fingertips holding tightly to the pearl necklace that adorns her beautiful pale neck as tears caress her gorgeous face.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry” She cries with a lamentable smile.

Alright! So as I stated before, you've got about one chapter more before we seriously get started. Please hang tight until then, I promise you wont be disapointed
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