Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Married in the life of Ryden

Carpal tunnel of Love

by Uriefury 0 reviews

It's the next chapter, come on!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-03-28 - Updated: 2011-03-28 - 2156 words

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay Ry?" I said as I dropped Ry off at our house and left him with Spence and Jon. No reply, he just nodded and faded away, into the stained red kitchen. I wasn't allowed in. He'd kept me outside while he packed up most of my stuff, which was now sitting in the boot of the car. I sighed and walked down the drive, making my way back to the car, where Sarah was waiting at the wheel. She and Ry had talked quite a lot on the way back from the hospital actually. Ry seemed to like her, which was good. At least then maybe he'll start to understand. I pulled myself out of my thoughts as I opened the door and sank into the car.
"are you okay Bren?" Sarah asked me softly, reaching out and holding my hand reassuringly. I nodded. 
"Yeah, ill try to talk to him tomorrow about the divorce and.." I choked on my words. I really liked Sarah, but god, Ry. I squinted my eyes together to stop myself from crying. She moved over and hugged me. 
"It's okay. You still love him, I know" she stroked my cheek and smiled a bit. I don't get how she can be so understanding. 
"Sarah, you're actually amazing. Yeah, of course I do. But i want to try to make this work, for our child" I told her. And I wasn't lying, But then I realised something. We'd been together a week, with one drunken night of foreplay, and I had got her pregnant. What have I done..?
"It sounds obscene after a week that I'm pregnant, but it's okay" she whispered. Can she read my mind or something? "Shall we go home then?" she asked timidly. I nodded my head again and she started the car; pulling out of the driveway. I took one last look at the house and wiped my eyes. I kept hold of her hand the whole journey unless she needed to change gear, desperately trying to reassure myself everything was okay. It wasn't. The journey was silent and sad. I sat there, facing the window, crying silently. I was practically moving in with Sarah after a week. It sounds really bad, But I can't go back, Ryan won't have me back. 
"It'll be okay Bren" Sarah crooned, softly stroking my hand. She made me feel calmer. I looked at her and nodded, then faced the window again; my heart aching for the hand on top of mine to be Ry's. I'm stuck in this now, so what am I going to do? Ry won't take me back, so I'll stay to support my kid. 

Ryans POV:

I can't believe he's not here. The house is empty. 11 years and now its gone. All his possessions, and him. Fuck. I miss him so much. What am I going to do? 
"Hey Ryan" Jon scared me out of my thoughts when he spoke. He walked into the room and sat on the sofa next to me. I nodded and brought my knees up to my face. "It'll be okay soon Ryan, he hurt you, forget about him" Jon spoke quite coldly. What the hell? 
"Have you taken your medicine?" I asked him softly. He seemed annoyed but I didn't want to offend him or anything. I actually found his medication in the bin, so I know the answer. 
"Why is everyone asking me that?!" he said, sounding frustrated. I rolled my eyes and pulled the capsule of tablets out of my pocket. He groaned and snatched them out of my hands. 
"Take them Jon. I need you to be supportive, not bitchy" I told him. I need him to take my mind off Brendon, if even possible. He sighed and took a tablet. 
"He still hurt you Ryan. And you want a divorce, don't you?" Jon put his arm around me and rested his head on my shoulder. 
"I suppose so" I spoke hesitantly. I sighed and my eyes teared up a bit. Fighting tears was hard, I blinked and they escaped, running down my face. Jon squeezed me and sighed. 
"Brendon's gonna make the divorce even harder for you, he's not going to agree. maybe you should call Jared and take him to court" Jon whispered. I widened my eyes and moved out of his reach. 
"I need to talk to him about it Jon! I don't even know if I want a divorce! I can't" I stopped and wiped my eyes, looking at my bandaged wrists. 
"Ryan, he's not going to come back" Jon spoke firmly. "I'm really sorry Ry. I think divorcing him would be best for you" he said as he moved over and hugged me. Maybe. I don't know why he's being so pushy. 
"But, what if I never see him again" I whispered, more tears running down my face as I thought of never seeing Brendon ever again. 
"Ryan, you're not getting it, you don't need him" he took hold of my hands and looked at me. 
"I still love him Jon. I don't want to lose him" I blubbered through almost hysterical tears. 
"Ryan, he's the scum of the earth, he doesn't deserve you. Look at how much he's hurt you! You don't deserve this Ryan" Jon looked down at my arms and sighed. He had a point, I guess. 
"Jon, you're right. I'll call Jared" I got up from the sofa and made my way to the phone in the hallway. Jon waited patiently in the living room. I picked up the phone and dialled Jared's home number. After 4 rings he picked up. 
"Hi, this is Jared" he spoke cheerfully through the phone.
"Hey Jared, it's Ryan, I have to ask you something" I said, wiping my cheeks free of tears.
"Hey Ryan! It's been a while! What's up? How's Brendon?" he asked through the phone. My eyes teared up again and I sobbed through the phone. "Ryan, are you okay" I heard through the receiver. 
"Jared, I want a divorce" I whispered down the phone. "But Brendon doesn't. I want to take him to court" I told him. 
"Fuck Ryan, are you sure?" he asked urgently down the phone. I could hear him scramble around through the phone, probably searching for his book of dates and stuff. 
"Yeah I'm totally sure Jared. I'll explain it to you all soon, I promise. Do you think you could get us a date, as soon as possible?" I spoke with a shaky and not too convincing voice, running a hand through my hair. 
"Umm, sure Ryan, I've got a free date in 19days. I'll book it for you as long as you can convince me you're 100% sure" he spoke calmly though the phone. I nodded but realised Jared couldn't see me. 
"Yes, i am sure. I'll call you tonight and explain to you what happened. Please do this for me, Jared" I leant on the banister to stop myself from falling. I can't believe I'm actually divorcing Brendon. 
"Okay, it's all set. 14:00, in 19 days. I'll talk to you tonight Ryan bye" he spoke quietly. I think he's a bit shocked. 
"Bye Jared" I said, then hung up the phone. I wiped my eyes and dialled the number of Brendon's mobile. No answer. I'll have to leave a message.
"Umm, hey, Brendon. Look, I've got a date for court, for the divorce. It's on the 23rd, at 2 o clock. Ill talk to you about it tomorrow I suppose. Bye" I finished shakily and hung up, then returned to the living room where Jon greeted me with a hug.

"Hey guys! Guess what i got on DVD?!" Andy ran into the living room holding a DVD above his head.
"Oh no, nonononono! Not..." Joe stood up and took the DVD from Andy's hands.
"GLEE!" Andy took the DVD back and jumped up and down. Patrick cheered and Pete clapped.
"Put it on! PUT IT ON!!" Patrick waved his hand, gesturing to the tv, Andy obeyed, giggling with glee. (no pun intended) Andy grabbed the remote and shoved himself between Joe and Pete. 
"You guys, are just SO out of order" Joe went to stand up but Andy pulled him back into his seat.
"Just sit and watch. You might like it!" Andy said to Joe. Joe snorted and sat down.
"I'll bet you, Joe, $25 you cant sit through one episode" Pete pulled out of his pocket some notes and slammed them on the table. 
"Yeah! I'll put in another $25!" Patrick added his money to Pete's and Andy did the same.
"75 bucks mate, you've GOT to accept" Pete reached his hand out to Joe, he looked at the money, and Pete's hand.
"What happens if I don't sit through one, what forfeit do I get?" Joe looked at Pete with raised eyebrows.
"Andy will strap you to that chair, and you will watch the WHOLE season" Pete laughed at his evil forfeit as Joe's eyes widen in fear.
"Andy, I've heard you watching it, and from what I've HEARD, I don't think I will survive. But FOR THE MONEY, I will sit through this first episode with you guys" Joe slouched in his seat and put his hands behind his head as glee started. 

some time later

"I. CANT. TAKE. IT. ANYMORE!" Joe had his knees to his face, his eyes wide.
"Joe, it's been 3 minutes!" Patrick shook his head in disbelief.
"3 MINUTES! ARE YOU JOKING! ARGH!" Joe tried to get up, but Andy held him down, saying "Wait! They're gonna start singing soon! You said you'd sit through! Do you really want to watch the WHOLE SEASON?!" as Andy spoke those dreaded words, Joes eyes widened in fear and he stopped struggling.
"Thankyou for making me see the light Andrew" Joe folded his arms and bit his lip.
"Did he just call you Andrew?" Patrick asked Andy, pulling his eyes away from Glee and laughing nervously.
"I think this DVD is messing with his brain" Pete joked. He looked at Joe's concentration face and stifled a laugh. Joe's eyes were fixed on the tv screen, he was biting his lip really hard now.
"Somebody get him a towel to chew on or something before he bites his lip off!" Patrick motioned to Joe, who acted like he couldnt hear any of them. Andy got up and got a towel for Joe, when Andy came back Joe opened his mouth wide for just a second, Andy just managed to get it in his mouth before his lower jaw snapped back and started chewing.
"hunkwoo" Joe made a noise through the towel, looking over to Andy briefly, then reluctantly pulling them back to the tv, where Rachel was singing ANOTHER solo. Joe's shoulders fell and he rolled his eyes.
"I think he said thankyou, aww" Pete grinned, put his arm around Patrick and kissed him. Then they all returned their full attention to the tv. 

40 minutes later 

"Okay Joe, it's over..." Andy pulled the towel out of Joe's mouth cautiously. 
"I. hate, you" Joe turned his head slowly and death glared at the other three, who were trying to contain insane laughter.
"I'm going to take my money now! You guys are mean, but I NEVER have to watch that appalling excuse for a tv show EVER. AGAIN" Joe turned the tv off, stuffed the money which was on the table in his pocket, and sat down proudly. 
"I have to say Joe, I didn't think you'd survive the whole episode, you nearly bit your lip off!" Pete pointed at Joe's red lip and sniggered as he re-entered the room from taking a phone call. "It was brendon, he was real shook up. I didn't even understand what he was saying" Pete mused to himself, with his head in the fridge; no one really heard what he said. 
"Yeah, that hurt, that REALLY hurt" Joe rubbed his lips together as Ashlee opened the door.
"Hey guys, what've you been up to?" she sat down next to Joe and kissed him. "What happened to your lip?" Ashlee asked Joe.
"We watched glee" Joe answered as he plonked his arm around ashlees shoulders.
"Umm, okay" she smiled and got comfortable in Joe's chest. 
"How's Bronx?" she turned her head to face Pete. He closed the fridge door and checked on Bronx, who was napping in his new, permanent room since ashlee moved in. Pete came back moments later carrying a sleepy Bronx in his arms. 
"Momma's back Bronxie" he softly spoke as he sat back down and passed Bronx to Ashlee, who sat up properly to take hold of Bronx.
"Momma!" Bronx yelled, quickly snuggling into Ashlee's arms. Bronx then screamed when something outside crashed. Joe jumped up and looked outside to see a motorbike firmly planted into the pavement outside, and a familiar looking man lying in the middle of the road. 
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