Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Vampires Will Never Hurt You

the bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake

by iamthelolrus 0 reviews

Things are never easy when a vampire falls in love with a human. AU. Slash. Ryden. Chapter 7.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-04-01 - Updated: 2011-04-02 - 2417 words

Having Jon with them turned out to be really annoying. It was bad enough with just the issues from him being the only human and having to deal with all the things that that entailed. Also, Jon just was annoying. He spent most of his time insulting Brendon, arguing with Pete and Spencer, bossing Ryan around, and he would completely ignore Patrick when he was trying to help him train.

“I’m starting to hope he got himself killed the first time he goes hunting,” Pete said one night when they were taking a break from fighting practice and Jon was out buying human food.

“I hate to say it, but I kind of do too,” Patrick admitted.

“Guys, come on. He’s not that bad!” Ryan protested.

“Not that bad? I kind of just want to kill him now instead of waiting for somebody else to do it!” Spencer said.

“Well, with the way he’s been failing at training, I’m pretty sure he’ll take care of the getting killed just fine on his own,” Patrick said.

“He’s too lazy,” Ryan agreed. “That’s the problem.”

“And too good at having selective hearing,” Pete said.

“We have to find a way to make sure he can actually defend himself,” Ryan said, pouting at Patrick. “Please.”

“I’ll try to think of something,” Patrick agreed with a sigh.

In the end, it turned out that there wasn’t really any problem with Jon to begin with. They discovered this one night when they were in fight practice and Patrick decide to partner up Spencer and Jon.

Spencer and Jon got along worse than even Jon and Pete, and they had already spent most of the night arguing. So even Pete had to ask, “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Patrick?”

Patrick had just shrugged and said, “He’s the only one we haven’t tried with Jon yet, it’s our only shot.”

They all started training and like usual, Jon ignored everybody’s advice and kept yelling at Spencer anytime he tried to get him to actually do something. Spencer tried to ignore it, but finally, he got sick of it.

“Do you want to die?” Spencer demanded. “Cause, seriously, if you don’t start listening to one of us, you will.” Then, after a second, he added, “Or maybe you’re just too afraid cause you know I’m going to kick your ass!”

“You couldn’t!” Jon argued, even though he had never shown any fighting ability what-so-ever.

“Prove it! In all the times we’ve been in training, you haven’t even been able to defend yourself from Ryan. I could kill you with out even trying, and so could any other vampire who wanted to,” Spencer said. “Hell, I think even a five-year-old little girl could kick your ass.”

Jon glared at Spencer and took a few steps towards him. “Don’t be so fucking cocky, I could hurt you if I wanted to.”

Spencer simply raised his eyebrow and said, “Bring it, bitch.”

And just like that Jon, lunged towards Spencer with skill they had never seen from him before.

Spencer moved out of the way and avoided the attack only by seconds, and after that Jon immediately started punching him. Spencer managed to deflect most of the punches, but a few still managed to hit their targets.

Spencer finally managed to grab a hold of Jon’s arm and twist it behind his back, but it wasn’t long before Jon managed to break away. It quickly turned into them both constantly attacking each other for a few minutes. Suddenly, though, Jon kicked Spencer’s leg out from under him in a blur of movement. Spencer fell to the ground and Jon put his foot on Spencer’s stomach to pin him on the ground.

“If I had a stake, you’d be dead already,” Jon said. “I think I can handle some vampires.” Then, he calmly walked out of the room.

Spencer just laid there in surprise before finally get up and brushing himself off. “You know, I hate to admit it, but I think he’s going to be just fine.”

The rest of them just nodded, still in shock.

Now that the Jon problem was no longer a problem, they all had more time to concentrate on the issue of taking William down- especially since they actually had a little more of a chance. So this led to them all discussing the plan during a break one night.

“I still don’t think we’ll be able to do it on our own,” Brendon said.

“Then what do you suggest?” Pete asked, annoyed.

There was a silence while Brendon tried to come up with some ideas, but finally it was Spencer who said, “I have an idea.”

“What?” Patrick asked.

“We aren’t the only ones who are sick of William. The other vampire gangs in the city are tired of being forced to obey him. I bet we could make a deal and get them to help us,” Spencer said.

“We don’t make deals with killers,” Pete said.

“In this case,” Patrick said quietly. “I think we may have to.”

“What kind of deal?” Ryan asked. “We can’t let them get too much out of this.”

“How about we promise not to hunt any of their gang for a few years? That, and William being out of their way, should be enough,” Spencer said.

“Sure,” Pete said. “But wouldn’t they just kill us before we even get the chance to tell them what we want?”

“I don’t know about any of the other gangs,” Brendon said. “But I could get Travis to at least listen. We’ve always been friends. Sometimes I’d even go hang out with his gang if I had nothing better to do.”

“Travis? Actually, that’s perfect. If we even only have his gang, we might even have a chance. His gang is one of the largest,” Spencer said.

“Vampires have gangs?” Jon said, entering the conversation far too late.

Pete ignored him and just said, “Alright, Urie. This one’s up to you now. Make whatever deal you have to, but get them on our side.”

Brendon had to admit, he was a little afraid. Friend or not, he was still going right into the headquarters of one of Chicago’s biggest vampire gangs. Travis was not exactly above killing Brendon if he pissed him off.

Alright, so maybe Brendon was as scared as he had been the first time he went to see Pete. But Pete had turned out to not be quite as scary, so he was hoping he could say the same about this.

Of course, there was the possibility that he would just end up dead, but he was kind of hoping it wouldn’t turn out that way.

It was a few nights after they all discussed it that Brendon finally worked up the nerve to go to Travis’s headquarters. Ryan had offered to go with him, but Brendon definitely didn’t want to risk anything else happening to him and made him stay behind. Brendon was at least glad that Ryan had actually wanted to go with him, though.

As he walked down the dark streets alone, however, he kind of wished that somebody had gone with him. He’d even be happy if Jon was there so he could throw him to the other vampires and distract them if they decided they did want to kill him.

He finally reached the streets near the headquarters and as he did he saw that many vampires were standing in the dark there. He cautiously walked closer and tried to find one that he recognized so he wouldn’t be attacked.

He was starting to worry until he saw the beautiful, dark-haired vampire woman that he knew without a doubt. Vicky-T.

Vicky-T was one of the most vicious vampires that Brendon had ever met. The stories of what she had done were terrible. She had always been friends with Brendon, though, and he had only ever even seen her scary side a few times.

She apparently noticed him at the same time he saw her because her eyes widened and she quickly walked over to him. “What are you doing here?” she demanded in a whisper.

“I need to talk to Travis,” Brendon explained. “It’s very important.”

She raised her eyebrow. “Brendon, there are rumors about you. I heard you went against William,” she said.

“Yes,” he said.

She sighed. “I heard you’re a vampire hunter now,” she said, looking nervous even as she spoke.

“I need talk to Travis,” Brendon repeated, trying to avoid the subject.

“Brendon…” she started.

“I’m on your side. Travis’s side,” Brendon said. “And I need the help of your gang.”

She just stared at him for a second before saying, “What are you planning?”

“William,” Brendon said simply.

Vicky-T looked worried but she nodded. “I guess he is a problem we all need to take care of. Come on, I’ll take you to Travis. Stay with me, try not to let any of the other vampires see too much of you, and whatever you do, don’t talk to anybody,” she said, taking a hold of his arm and starting to lead him through the street towards what Brendon knew was the entrance of the gang headquarters.

“I love you, Vicky-T,” Brendon said.

She laughed. “You’re such an idiot, Bren.” They reached the entrance, a huge door leading to what looked from the outside to be a dingy warehouse. Two big vampires stood guard at the door, and they looked hesitantly at Brendon for minute before they finally opened the doors.

Vicky-T led Brendon in through the doors. Even though Brendon had been to their headquarters many times before, he was still impressed, as he always was, by the extravagance of the inside. Everything was the most expensive and most recent thing that could be bought. Travis always was one for extravagance.

There were even more vampires inside, all staring at Brendon with curiosity. Vicky-T just walked past them all without even sparing them a glance, even when one of them approached her and asked who was with her.

Finally, they reached Travis’s room, where there were two more guards stationed at the door. They looked up when Vicky-T approached but didn’t seem as surprised to see somebody with her.

“Who’s that?” the one guard asked, nodding his head towards Brendon.

“Doesn’t matter. He can come in to see Travis,” Vicky-T said firmly.

The other guard laugher. “Vicky-T, honey. We can’t just let anybody in to see Travie on your word alone.”

She glared at him. “Then you can ask Travis if he’s allowed to come in,” she said.

“Then I’ll need his name,” the second guard said.

“Brendon,” she said, and both the guard’s eyes widen.

“You had better have a good reason for this,” the first guard warned.

“Ask him!” Vicky-T demanded.

The second guard nodded. “Alright,” he said, and he went inside Travis’s room. A few minutes later he returned. “You two can come in now,” he said, and stepped out of the way to let them into the room.

Vicky-T walked into the room, letting go of Brendon’s arm as she did, and he followed after her.

When they got in the room, Travis was sitting in a gigantic chair with a huge grin on his face. “Brendon!” he said. “Man, I thought I’d never see you again!” Brendon couldn’t help grinning back.

Vicky-T rolled her eyes. “This isn’t exactly just a friendly visit, Travis,” she said.

Travis laughed. “Of course not. But it’s still nice to see him!” he said. Then he asked, more seriously, “So, what’s up, dude?”

“We need your help,” Brendon said.

“Who’s ‘we’?” Travis asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Uh…well…” Brendon said.

“Your fellow vampire hunters?” Travis asked, smiling. “Pete and Patrick and Spencer and your boyfriend.”

“Uh, yeah,” Brendon said, surprised that Travis knew so much.

“William told me everything. He thinks I’m going to help catch you and turn you in,” Travis said. “Sometimes, his stupidity astounds me.”

“You wouldn’t turn me in, even though I’m a vampire killer?” Brendon asked.

“Well,” Travis said, hesitantly. “You’re my friend, dude. I could never let you get killed. Although, if you guys get to be too much of a problem, like killing too many of my gang, I guess I’d have to do something about it.”

“Well, don’t worry. I have a deal for you,” Brendon said. “Which would help you with another problem.”

“Oh yeah?” Travis asked, looking intrigued.

“We all want to get rid of William. He’s more of an immediate threat for us than for you, but getting rid of him will help you as well. The thing is, we can’t kill him on our own. Now, you also don’t want us to kill your kind. So if you could have your gang aid us in attacking William, we won’t kill any of your gang for…fifty years,” Brendon said.

Travis grinned. “A hundred,” he said.

Brendon shook his head. “Seventy-five.”

“Deal,” Travis said.

Brendon grinned. “Great!”

“So do you know when you’re going to do this?” Vicky-T asked.

“As soon as we can. We still need to train some more, and you all should as well, but I can’t let him do anything to Ryan,” Brendon said.

“Is that your boyfriend?” Travis asked with a devious grin.

Brendon rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t like me, dumbass.”

Vicky-T giggled and Brendon glared at her.

“We’ll start training,” Travis said, trying to hide his laughter. “You’ll come back soon so we can figure out each other’s progress and decide when we’ll do this?”

“Yes,” Brendon agreed. “But I have a feeling we’ll be ready faster since we know we have a chance.”

“Dude, you’ve got more than a chance. We’re going to make that bastard pay for taking over this city,” Travis said.

Brendon had to admit, he was starting to be kind of excited for the attack.

Or maybe just to know Ryan would be safe.
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