Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Watercolor Romance


by thekobrakid2019 0 reviews

Gerard didn’t like change. Slash. Gerard/Frank, Mikey/Patrick Stump.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-04-01 - Updated: 2011-04-03 - 1026 words

Gerard doesn’t like talking about the wedding, the man who took his dad’s place in his mom’s bed and the strange girl playing music really loudly down the hall. He also doesn’t like how well Mikey’s adapting to all of this.

“It’s not so bad.” Mikey’s voice was muffled by the toothbrush hanging from his mouth. “You hated South Brook.”

“It’s not just changing schools.” Gerard brooded as he leaned against the shower door.

“Corey isn’t that bad either.” Mikey rinsed his tooth brush out in the sing and set it down in the pink Hello Kitty cup in the bathroom. Gerard stared at it with distain. “Ashly’s not bad either.”

Gerard didn’t argue anymore. He didn’t like it here. He didn’t like having to wear a uniform to a school he already didn’t like. He didn’t like his new hippy, stay-at-home step father. He didn’t like his new weird step sister.

In short, Gerard didn’t like change.


Gerard isn’t going to pretend like he had a lot of friends at his old school and he got along with everybody and he was mister popular with a cool car and played sports and had a smoking hot blond girlfriend. Just by looking at him everyone would know he was lying about at least one or two of these things.

If Gerard was to be completely truthful he didn’t really have friends. It wasn’t like he was a complete loner. He had his brother who was a freshman the year before and some random kids from art class and Algebra that he got along with. But it wasn’t like he was hanging out with them on the weekends and going to parties. Hell he couldn’t even remember being invited to any that weren’t being held by his family.

And he definitely didn’t have a cool car. If he was lucky he could snag his mothers Jeep on her days off and that was rare. Mostly, Gerard just stuck to riding the bus.

Gerard was the kind of kid that made up every excuse he could possibly think of to get out of gym class for the week or even a day if he could. He even took to pretending he twisted an ankle or two to be able to sit on the bench for a few days.

He was a scrawny pale kid with jet black, long, greasy hair that spent too much time reading comic books and drawing to even care about having a girlfriend. Besides, he was pretty sure by the time he was 12 that he was gay.


“Eat up!” Corey had a toothy grin. The kind that Gerard would assume to be infectious if he wasn’t such a pessimist about Corey in general. “It’s going to be a long first day. Got to make sure you keep your energy.”

Gerard stared at his plate. Chocolate chip pancakes. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten them. Maybe the third grade…or that time at his grandmother’s house…either way Mikey was eating them up like he couldn’t get enough and Gerard could only stare at them and think about what would happen if Neil Gaiman and Tim Burton had a lovechild.

“It’s not going to bite you.” Ashly spoke up from across the table. When Gerard looked up she was staring at him with a cocked eyebrow. “Unless that’s the problem.” Gerard made a face and went back to imagining.

“Gerard,” Corey said softly tapping the teenager on the shoulder. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Gerard said too quickly pushing the plate back almost violently. “Just not hungry.”

“You sure?” Corey pressed.

“Yeah,” Gerard nodded and Mikey was quick to snatch up his pancakes. He had them gone before Gerard even left the room.


“I’m going to leave without you.” Ashly was watching him from her car. Gerard felt like he should have been more or less happy that he didn’t have to ride the bus but he couldn’t seem to make his legs move to get to the car.

“Can you do something?” She asked Mikey who was already in the backseat. The younger Way shrugged and kept staring out the window.

The schedule in Gerard’s pocket felt like lead. He’d barely looked at it since he got it but he knew it was mostly art classes and credits he had to make up to graduate from this school.

“Come. On.” Ashly said sternly getting into the car and slamming the door shut. He could see her tapping the steering wheel impatiently.

A thought occurred to him at that moment. This girl could make his last year of high school a living hell without having to say two words. He didn’t know if she had any leeway or if she was popular or anything but he knew that if she said anything to the right person he could be ruined. It was best to listen to her.


It was a few minutes later that the car parked in front of another house. Two teenagers got in. A girl in the front seat and a guy in the back that made Gerard move into the middle on account of being claustrophobic. Gerard didn’t mind so much though. He was still next to Mikey.

The girl in the front seat turned around. “Which one of you are Gerald and Mickey?”

“Mikey,” Mikey corrected. “That’s Gerard.” Gerard clutched his sketchbook tighter to his chest.

“That’s better than Gerald.” Was all she said before she started playing with the radio.

“That’s Ray,” She said carelessly gesturing over her shoulder. “Don’t let his hair eat you.”

Ray made a face at the back of the girls head before saying a quick hello.

“I’m Danika.” The girl finished as she landed on a radio station. “Welcome.”

Most of the talk ended there except for Ashly and Danika talking in the front about nothing Gerard could make out.
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