Categories > Original > Romance > Chosen Wolf

Clear And Blue

by jadesohma 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-05 - Updated: 2011-04-06 - 632 words - Complete

Okay, so, I know some people are not comfortable with Ron and Dante's honeymoon sooo I'm not going to write about it. Just skipping a few weeks ahead as planed. And thank you Tomgirl567, I've had that all planed out already:D and while I'm doing shout outs, aeolist, thank you for being so devoted you read them on your phone! You rock! I hate reading on my ipod but on a phone! Thank you so much!

It's been a few weeks of being Mrs. Aiden Jeremy Lupus and it's been fun! I get to do everything! But, I have to say, something hasn't come in a while. It was suppose to come right after the honeymoon! I planed it to come a week after the honeymoon!

"Ronie...You love me..." I wine as we patch up Ellgha, one of our many runaways. He hit his head on a branch and is now out cold. Evan, our doctor, said he'll be fine.

"Oh god what did you do?" Well then!

"NOTHING! I just...need you to buy something for me becuase something hasn't come-"

"You think your?! I'M GOING TO BE AND UNCLE! I'M-"

"Ron! Shut up! This is why I need you! You look older, your a guy, and I need a a real bathroom!" I hiss at him.

He giggles. "Okay, since we're done with this meat head, let's go to the drug store." He drops Ellgha's leg and takes my hand as if I were a five year old.

"Can we get clear blue?" I ask in a 5 year olds voice to go along with it.

"We can get clear blue." Ron says nicely. I nod my head.

I'm jumping up and down, waiting for this thing to tell me yes or no! I'm in this shitty bathroom that I must get out of a.s.a.p! This can't be good for people, I mean- OH MY GOD! IT'S CANGING!

Little letters poped up slowly from the "T" so it's even more of a pain in the ass.

"Oh fuck!"

I run out of the bathroom, shoving the small stick in my pocket. Ron was sitting there playing with his hoodie laces when I come storming out. He sees the look on my face. His eye lit up. "I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE! I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE!" He sang.

"Ron if you don't shut up I swear I'll shove this up your ass!" I say pulling out the test.

He shrugs. "I've already had something bigger- much bigger- inside of me." He says.

I gape. "UGH! RON!" I say in disgust.

"What, Dante's huge! I'm jus-"

"Gross! No! Let's just get back so I can tell Aiden.." I say, rubbing my belly. I'm a teen mom... at least I'm married....

"Aiden! Aiden! AIDEN!" I can find him when I don't need to!

"He's in his chamber Dylan. I thought you were smarter than that!" Allie said with a smile.

"Oh ha ha." I say, sticking my tongue out at her. She does the same. We have a small war on who can stick it out the farthest. I lost...

After my defeet, I head to our "chamber" or as you know it, the rock. I push away shrubs. I hate them...

"You called?" Aiden asked, smiling, eye gleaming, and perfect, untainted smile flashing. Err, what was I saying? He's too gorgeous for his own good! I must tame this!

"I have something to tell you. I-I'm sure you'll be so happy." I say with a sweet tone of voice. He beemed up at me as I sit down next to him, placing my hand on his thigh. "I-I-I'm pregnant."
{Ooooooh! What'll he say?!?!?!?!?! teehee! I pretty much said everything before soooo yeah! Review please!!!!!!!]
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