Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Saviour of the Broken

Chapter twenty-The Brutality of Reality

by xxKilljoysxx 3 reviews

'Out of the three of them I've always found that I got on better with Frank though. I was worried that that might change after today.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-04-07 - Updated: 2011-04-07 - 1754 words - Complete


My stomach knotted as I walked away from Frank. I could feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head when I left for music.
I barely concertrated all lesson. The blood had drained from my face, I was worried about after school. What would I tell him?
Classes were all the same as music had been. My nerves getting the better of me. Luckily I only had History and Maths today with Frank, we don't sit together in History but we do in maths, but that's at the end of the day so I'm not worrying too much.. yet.
I left Art and walked through the hallways. Each one was the same, it really makes you feel invisable. People practically walk through you.
I saw the strawberry blonde hair of my friend Bob mixed in with the crowd of pushy students.
"Bob!" I called. Bob swirled around and waved, moved against the riot of people trying to get to Lunch.
"Hey!"he smiled at me. Bob was one of my best friends, along with Frank and our other friend Ray. They're the only real friends I've ever had, I've been friends with Bob the longest though, I met him when I was eight. Out of the three of them I've always found that I got on better with Frank though. I was worried that that might change after today.
"Where's Frank and Ray?" I asked.
"Ray said to meet him there, he had to do something in music."
"And Frank?"
"Dunno, probably waiting up for Ray."
Bob and I sat under a tree, the leaves and branches curved over, providing a sort of umbrella to shelter us from the pouring rain.
Like Bob said, Ray and Frank soon walked towards us, both being soaked in the rainfall. I smiled, Ray was a year ahead of Frank, Bob and I and he towered over most. Seeing him walk next to Frank, who was so petite always brought a grin to my face.
"Hey" Ray sat down next to me. The Lunch went on almost as normal as usual, appart from Frank's guilty expression plastered to his face. I felt horrible. I caused his pain.
He tried to hide it but I can read through him.
The end of the day was coming closer and closer and the knots in my gut go tighter and tighter, to a point where i found it almost difficult to breath calmly.
Frank remained silent the whole Lunch, he didn't even smile when Bob piggy-backed him to Maths class after the bell went.

Once Bob left with a toneless Frank on his back, Ray held me back.
"Hey, Mikes do you know what's up with Frank?"
"It's all.. complicated. I wouldn't ask him about it yet. He's just got a lot on his mind." Ray's face stayed in a concerned frown but he nodded.
"Hmm, okay. See you tomorrow Mikey"
"Yeah, See yah."
I walked to Social studies alone. It was a class where I had neither Frank or Bob with me. A class where I sat at the back and stayed quiet and trying to ignore Zac's impulsiveness.
Zac was your typical jerk, tall, tanned, buff with a perminant smirk taped to his smug face.
He wore the school's football team jersey and loved to prove to all around how good he was at beating the shit out of others different to him. I don't even think his friends like him much, they just don't want to get beat up too. He's really just a coward. He thinks that we don't notice that he leaves us alone if we're with Ray, only because Ray's a walking tree. If he actually took the time to know Ray he would know that he's one of the most gental and calm people I know, though he is very protective. We all are protective of each other. We're like a family, the four of us. Zac's friends with mostly people in Ray's year, only because he looks like he should be 17 or 18 years old, he sure as hell doesn't act it though, he has the brains of a 10 year old child, only being capable of acting out agressivly and unable to use self control due to his undeveloped mind.

A balled paper hit the side of my head. I looked up from reading over my notes. Zac's smirking face mouthed "READ IT"
'FAG' was scribbled across the sheet of paper, I heard Zac laughing and highfive Jason who sat chuckling next to him. My eyes narrowed but I turned back to my notes, thinking how fucking immature one could get. Just when I had thought he was to stupid to insult, he proved me wrong by acting out in yet another mindless matter.
He wasn't worth my time. The bell rang, peircing my eardrums.
I stuffed my books into my bag and swung it over my shoulder. Zac and Jason shoved me out of the way and ran out the door laughing.
"Thickheads" I muttered under my breath, shaking my head.
I slowly made my way to Maths. Another hour until I have to talk to Frank. Even though we will be sitting together in class, I hoped that he won't bring anything like that up. I need this hour to prepare what I'm going to say.
I opened the door to Mrs Dawson's room. Frank wasn't here yet.
I went and sat at my desk next to Frank's empty one. I rubbed my hands together nervously and tapped my foot on the desk's leg. I bit my bottom lip and wrapped my arms around my waist. My eyes stayed fixed on the door, waiting for Frank's small figue to come through it. But no one came.
I looked at the clock that hung above the door, the lesson had been going for at least 15 minutes. I frowned. Where is he?
"Mr Way can you please get your book out and copy the notes like the rest of the class."
I continued to search the class, maybe i missed him coming in and he just didn't want to sit with me.
"Mr Way?!"
I saw no Frank.. but Jason's empty seat, my conclusions came to a close.
"Can I go to the bathroom, Miss?"
She frowned, but nodded. I jumped from my seat and walked quickly to the door. Once I was out of sight from Mrs Dawson I sprinted down the deserted hall. I pulled my phone from my pocket and txted Bob and Gee.
Is Frank with you?
Gee: No, why?
"Shit" I swore out loud. But decided that I can't ignore Gee's txt or he'll freak out.
Can't find him.
My phone buzzed a short while after. I'm on my way
"Fuck" I swore again, but didn't complain back to Gee.
My phone buzzed again.
Bob: No, he left for maths though, he should be there."
He's not, I'm looking for him now. I replyed
I didn't know where he could be. I don't even know whether im over reacting or not. He might have just gone home sick or something. I pulled out my phone again and called Frank's cell phone.
It rang and rang, it was the longest wait of my life. He didn't pick up. I left him a message.
"Hey It's Mikey. Where are you?"
I sent him a txt saying the same message. No reply.
"shitshitshit" I repeated in my head. Where the hell is he?
"MIKEY!" I jumped and turned around quickly.
Gerard ran towards me, looking worried and concerned.
"Gerard! I have no idea where Frank is, Bob told me he left to come to Maths but he didn't turn up and he won't answer his phone and he wouldn't have gone home sick without telling me." I said in one rshed breath.
Gerard frowned. Then, we heard a cry of help, followed by chilling laughter.
Gee froze, his eyes wide and full of rage. He broke out into a run in the direction of the scream. I tailed close behind.
Gerard rounded a corner and came to a sudden halt. I nearly whacked into him from behind. He had the same fury plastered to his face, his jaw clenched. I looked at the scene infront of me.

I wanted to be sick.

Before I could react, Gerard moved. Zac had Frank pinned to the wall of the back of a building. Frank barely moved, his chst heaved up and down and his eyes would continuously glaze over.
Gerard grabbed Zac by his should and spun him around to face him, he punched him hard in the face, making him tumble to the ground. It looked almost like Gee has had experience in beating the shit out of people...
"What the fuck!?" Zac yelled, holding his bloody face and rolled on the concrete. His nose gushed blood.
I watched wide-eyed as Gerard pounded his fist into Jason's gut, making him spulter. Now Jason and Zac lay on the cold, hard ground. The rain poured down on our faces and drenched our clothes. But it didn't stop Gee. It seemed like nothing would. He was furious. He spat at Zac, who was shielding his face. Jason started standing, Gee kicked him down, winding him
"You fucking cowards" He spat down at them both.
"What the fuck, man?" said Jason. Both Zac and Jason stood up. I didn't want to watch much more. I felt useless. I turned, Frank was sitting with his back against the wall and his head tilted upwards, letting the rainfall stream down his bruised and bloodied face.
I went to him, he had his eyes closed. I sat down. "Frank?"
He groaned to let me know that he heard me.
I sighed.
"Jeez, I was so worried. Here, I'll take you to the bathroom to clean up."
I put Frank's arm over my shoulder and his body tensed from his aching limbs.
"Sorry" I lead him away, but not before looking back at Gee.. If you could call him that. I felt like I didn't know him. Where did all this agressiveness come from?.. He stood tall over both hurt bullys, who were groaning and spitting up blood.

I know about his two years without me. But has he told me his whole story?

And as I walked Frank to the bathroom, I let the images of Gerard stopping Zac and Jason flood my mind.
I don't know if I feel safe.. or scared.
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