Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forgotten But Always Remaining

New Job, Old Problems

by MCRLoverCarley 0 reviews

Alex shows off on drums but what do the guys think?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-04-27 - Updated: 2011-04-27 - 1041 words

We played through most of the songs from Danger Days and The Black Parade, quite a few from Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge and a couple from You Brought Me Your Bullets I Brought You My Love and I didn't make any mistakes... Go me I'd only had half a cup of coffee!

"Wow. That was... Oh my god!" Gerard stammered. They were all staring at me, faces awestruck. I could feel my cheeks heat up at the gazes they were giving me. What!? I can get embarrassed too you know! "Uh yeah I guess I did alright" I murmured. "You guess it was alright!? It was fucking amazing!" Gerard yelled as he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. After standing like that for about a minute Frank, after inspecting the grip Gerard was holding me in, asked "Hey Alex you okay? Can you still breathe?" "Just... About" I managed to gasp. "Hey Gee you might want to let go it would be bad if you killed the new drummer so soon." Mikey said, trying to sound as though Gerard had killed all previous drummers. I rolled my eyes, seriously these guys watch too many horror movies. I suddenly felt a great pressure removed from my chest and I could breathe properly again. I think Gerard realised breathing is important for humans.

"Um sorry about that." he mumbled. "that's... Fine." I managed between deep breaths. "maybe not so much coffee for you Gee." Frank said bluntly. "What!? noooooooo!" did Gerard seriously just say that? He sounded like a teenage girl! "Frankie please! Don't! I need my coffee!" he pouted. Oh my god he was acting like such a bloody girl and if his voice got ANY higher I swear my eardrums would have burst! "How much have you had already?" I asked "Well I got up at 6am and I've had seven cups oh and the rest of yours! So seven and a half cups!" he exclaimed. No wonder he sounded so hyper. "I'm now regretting handing my coffee over." I murmured. "You should be" Ray said "he'll think you'll give him your coffee whenever he wants it now" 'Great going genius' my head complained. Oh great now I'm going mental too. I sighed.

"Hey what's wrong?" Frank came over and asked me. "other than the fact that I'm going insane and starting to hear voices in my head? Nothing really." I pulled down on the sleeves of my jacket down. Huh? Why did I do that? It's not like I've got anything to hide... Do I? Maybe it's just a nervous habit I picked up from somewhere. Frank noticed my agitation it seems and tried to cheer me up "Well if all you're worrying about is voices in your head then don't. Seriously I think you'll find we're worse" he winked at me. "I guess so" I muttered and pulled the sleeves down again, further this time. What is wrong with me at the moment? Is there something on my arms that I didn't notice this morning?

I saw Frank glance cautiously at me pulling my sleeves down. "Hey is everything alright?" he asked cautiously, eyes filled with concern. Oh god did he think I'd been self harming? "Yeah everything's fine. Why?"
"Well you just seem to be pulling your sleeves down loads and I just thought that maybe... god what am I saying? Sorry I didn't mean to... I mean I don't... well it's none of my business anyway." he said obviously giving up what he was trying to say but I knew what he'd been getting at anyway. "No! Oh god no I don't do that! I think it's just a nervous habit or something I picked up!" I replied almost instantly. "oh. Thank god for that! All of us would be so sad if you did that." he said relief filling his voice and eyes.

"If you did what?" damn Gerard for choosing that moment to join in! Could he have joined the conversation at a more awkward moment!? "oh it's nothing Gerard" I said "can you please call me Gee, Alex?" he complained.
"No" I stuck my tongue out at him. Teasing people -Gerard- is fun!
"Pwease?" What the fuck!? When did he turn into a cute five year old!?
"Nope!" I was going to win this no matter what!
"Frankie get Alex to call me Gee!" hey that's cheating!
"Fine Gee." Why's he so weak willed against Gerard!? Oh wait he's pulling the puppy dog eyes. "Alex will you call him Gee please?" I can still win this way!
"Okay Frankie" I beamed as Gerard moaned.
"Why will you do it if he says to but not if I do?"
"Because I'm loving teasing you" he hugged Mikey (him and Ray had just walked over to see what the fuss was about) tightly and pretended to cry.
"Mikey! Alex is being mean to me!" it was hard to believe Gerard's the older brother when he did that. I stuck my tongue out at him again. "Hey leave my brother alone and pick on someone your own size Alex! You shouldn't pick on people shorter than you!" Mikey practically yelled in my ear. "Erm I'm about Frankies size so I'm shorter than Gee you dumbass, I mean I know you need glasses for some stuff but seriously?" Mikey flushed as I said that, obviously noticing how much of an idiot he just sounded. "Just... Just shut up and leave Gee alone!" oops maybe I'd mad him a tad angry? "Okay chocy" I smiled innocently. "...Chocy? What the fuck Alex!?" Mikey groaned, he didn't take to the new nickname well nor did he understand it. "Well your name is Mikey Way which is similar to Milky Way, the chocolate bar, so your new nickname is Chocy." I explained. Mikey wasn't as appreciative of my nicknaming skills as Gerard, Frank and Ray were who were now on the floor laughing. "Let's just go get some coffee" he moaned. At this though Gerard perked up and started, literally, dragging us to the Starbucks around the corner.

Author Note: Hey! I'm thinking of maybe putting Bob in the story what do you guys think? Thanks for reading by the way!
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