Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie with You?

It's Time

by IloveMCRmy 0 reviews

Thank you for everyone who has read this far it really means a lot to me!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-04-27 - Updated: 2011-04-27 - 525 words - Complete

Chapter 5: It's Time
Paige's POV

"Oh fuck!" I'm sorry you guys but I got to go, I can't be here right now. "Shit, shit shit." I said while I hurried trying to grab all of my stuff in one hand. I just want to get out of there as fast as I could and get away for Gerard. As I was at the opening of the Cafeteria I looked back at the table to get one good look at Gerard. Oh fuck he looks good is all I could thing, his long black hair, hazel eyes, and his outfit. Skinny jeans Iron Maiden t-shirt, with black hoodie and leather jacket made me want to die. While I was examining the finest specimen of man I had ever seen I managed to get a glimpse of his face. He looked sad genuinely sad, I wanted to talk to him about it, let him know I was here for him. Then I thought the worst thing of all, it's my fault he is so sad, as terrible as it sounded it was true. Tears started rising to my eyes, I could feel them at the edge of my eyelid about to drop. The first streamed down slowly, I could feel the warmth of it against my cheek. Then one after another they started pouring out, I wanted to leave, go to the bathroom or something. But I couldn't I was frozen shocked that I made him feel this way, after I though I would be the last person to. Right at the end that thought he looked up at me from the table, his hazel eyes connected with my brown ones, and right then and there I knew it was time. We needed to talk.

Gerard's POV

"She saw me coming, that's why she left. How the hell could she see me from behind her?" I said looking at Lindsay and Frank confused.

"Well fucking genius over here gave that one away" Lindsay stated as she slapped Frank on the back of the head.

"Hey fuck off! She wasn't ready I was just doing Gee a favor, cause it would have gone so bad because she wasn't ready! Trust me, I have known Paige way longer than you fuckers." Frank explained himself.

I looked at him solemnly before I said "Yeah... you're right".

Which he was if I would have surprised her like that it would not have ended well. I watched her walk further and further away, she looked amazing, her straight brown hair blew behind her as she walked, it was like she could create her own wind. Then she stopped at the opening of the Cafeteria. She froze with her back turned then she turned towards my direction. She was far way, but far enough to where I could see that she balling, and she was just frozen. Her beautiful brown eyes met with my hazel ones and we looked at each other deeply in the eye before she broke the contact and ran down the hallway. I knew she was ready; all I had to do now was wait for the right moment.
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