Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Keep Running, Killjoys

Awake Again, Part 1

by Fatalfashionista 0 reviews

What happened to A.J. in A.J.'s view point.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-04-27 - Updated: 2011-04-28 - 286 words - Complete

I walked into the apartment, whistling a sunshiney tune in hopes my Trinity would feel happier when she heard me coming in. I worked so hard to keep her happy. She didn't like our Industry, and though I tried to show her the good that we were doing, she wouldn't accept it. She said we were blinding civilization. When we first made the Hover Walker, a device used to hover around instead of walking, she insisted on walking. When we invited the Laser Scissors, she laughed and turned her nose, but she let me use them all I wanted. I could tell she didn't agree with our ideas, but she still loved me. We watched romantic movies and had great meals together still with no problem. We kept making up better living inventions, but she was still happy to be with me. Then came the day the pills came out. They were at first just for all pain. They helped with headaches, arm aches, knee aches, ect. Basically you wouldn't have nay aches at all. Then they also fixed a cold, and all the symptoms. Then they fixed sick feelings, then sad feelings, then any unpleasant feelings. I never felt calmer in my entire existence. Those pesky feelings were gone for good! I was so glad, and tried to share it with Trinity, but when she found out, she looked disgusted. She started yelling at me about the whole thing. I didn't mind. Whatever happens, it was all cool, right? But she wouldn't take the pills. She refused to over and over. It troubled me a little, but the pills took care of that, plus there was the thought adjustment on tv and the sensitivity scans.
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