Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The (Not So) True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys (And Their Cool Friends)

Chapter 4: Planetary (GO!)

by RebelDevil2019 0 reviews

Jess settles in with her saviours, the Killjoys

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-05-07 - Updated: 2011-05-08 - 1537 words

I awoke slowly, disorientated at first by my surroundings. I was still sitting in the back of the Trans-Am, only this time it was dark and we weren’t moving. I looked over to my left and saw Fun Ghoul exiting the car. He glanced over at me and grinned at my sleepy state.

“Come on, home sweet home,” I looked behind him and from the precious few light there was out here in the desert, I saw that we were parked in front of an old, run down diner. It was obviously a Killjoy base as it was covered in neon spray paint, graffiti and various BL/ind statements that had evidently built up over the years. Jet Star was already passing into the diner, a tired and weary Grace being pulled along behind him, hopefully to food and sleep. Party Poison and Kobra Kid had evidently already gone inside.

I smiled wearily and scooted along to the door. Fun Ghoul held it open for me and I smiled gratefully at him. He slammed the door behind me and followed me into the diner.

Inside, it was dusty and rundown, but definitely lived in. Kobra Kid was sat in front of the counter, touching up his laser gun and changing the batteries. I saw Party Poison in a booth in a corner, fiddling with an old radio. Jet Star was laying Grace down on one of the benches and covering her with a blanket. I walked over quickly to give him a hand. He looked up when I approached and I smiled.

“Don’t worry, I got her,” I whispered. He nodded kindly and walked away behind the counter. I looked down at Grace and smiled as her eyes flickered, half asleep. “Hey sweetie, how you doing?” I asked quietly.

“Mm, pretty good,” she whispered back at me. I found her hand in the darkness and squeezed it gently.

“How were things in the car whilst I was asleep? The guys were okay with you?”

“Yeah. Ghoul is really funny. He told me a lot of funny stories about all of us breaking in to BL/ind and killing all the Draculoids. Then we saved the city and everyone thought we were awesome and all went to get ice cream.” She smiled serenely, evidently caught up in this dream world Fun Ghoul had created for her. I was grateful; the kid deserved a little hope.

“Well, you never know, that might still happen if we’re lucky,” I replied, attempting to smooth down her crazy hair with my free hand.

“Yeah, I hope so. Can we really stay? I like these guys,” she snuggled deeper into the blankets, already dozing off again.

“Sure we can sweetheart. Try and get some sleep, yeah? It’s been a long day for both of us,” she nodded wearily and curled her fingers with mine before letting her hand drop onto the covers, already fast asleep. I smiled as I tucked the blankets around her. It had only been a few hours ago that we had been fearing for our lives and here she was, sleeping soundly, oblivious to the world around her, which was just how I liked it. A kid as young as her shouldn’t have to deal with this sort of stuff, no matter how tough she was.

I walked over to the counter where the Killjoys where conversing amongst themselves. Now that Grace was asleep, they allowed the stress to show on their faces. But stress from what, I couldn’t be sure. I wandered closer to listen to their conversation.

“Are you sure he said midnight?” Jet Star was enquiring.

Kobra Kid lifted his head from his hands and gave him a withering look, “Yes, for the seven hundredth time, he said midnight. Or did you not hear me the first six hundred and ninety nine times?” he snarled back.

“Kobra,” Fun Ghoul warned, shooting a glance over at me. This caused the rest of the Killjoys to finally notice me leaning against the counter. Conversation was halted immediately as the Killjoys turned to look at me. It felt like they were waiting for me to say something, so I thought it best to break the silence.

“Erm, I wanted to say thanks. You know, for saving mine and my sisters’ life. I know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there, so I just wanted to say, thank you,” it felt pretty good to get that off my chest. At least they knew now how grateful I was. Jet Star and Fun Ghoul both smiled toothy grins at me, but Kobra Kid just rested his head back in his hands and sighed dramatically. Jet Star reached underneath the counter and produced a bottle of water. He threw it over to me and I caught it (just). Fun Ghoul motioned for me to come over, so I hopped onto the counter next to him and crossed my legs yoga style on top of it.

“No worries. Glad we could help, really,” Jet Stars smile seemed really genuine as he shook his hair out of his eyes. That was what was nice about him, he was honest with you and he didn’t seem like the kind of guy to lie to make you feel better. He could keep a clear head and still kick ass when he wanted to, that evidence had been left behind us in Battery City.

“So, what’s happened?” I asked, cracking open the bottle of water. Jet Star opened his mouth to reply, but Kobra Kid beat him to it.

“What’s happened is that we haven’t been able to get a transmission from Dr. D ever since we picked you and your sister up,” he almost snarled as he lifted his head from his arms and glared daggers at me. “So now, we don’t have a clue about where to go next, or who could be following us or what to do now that we’ve picked a couple of kids who don’t have a clue what they’re doing!” he was right in my face now and I was leaning back to escape being spat in the face.
“Oh come on Kid, it’s not her fault,” Jet Star spoke up from the corner, for which I was grateful. Kobra Kid turned to glare at him instead, but was met with Jet Star’s cool gaze that practically screamed BACK OFF! Kobra Kid took a deep breath before backing away to join Party Poison in the corner. I let out a breath I hadn’t realised I had been holding. Fun Ghoul rubbed my arm sympathetically.

“Don’t worry, he’s not always this bitchy. He’s just freaked out ‘cause the Drac’s almost got Poison during the fight. Literally, missed him by about that much,” Fun Ghoul proceeded to hold his fingers close together to emphasise how close the Killjoy had come to death.

Jet Star chuckled “If there’s one thing Kid would risk his own skin for, it’s his family. I’ve never seen anyone more protective, and he’s the younger one!”

This was news to me – I hadn’t realised the Killjoys were related.

“Wait, so those two are brothers?” Fun Ghoul nodded absentmindedly, picking at spots of rust on the counter. “Wow, they look nothing alike.” I looked closer at the two Killjoys hunched in the corner – nope, no resemblance whatsoever.

“Yeah, it’s almost impossible to tell. But when they fight together, they can really kick some serious ass.” Fun Ghoul looked up and snickered, “Well, as long as Kobra Kid doesn’t forget his ray gun again.” I whipped my head around, amazed.

“He forgot his ray gun?” Fun Ghoul nodded enthusiastically.

“Oh yeah! It was pretty bad at the time, but looking back on it, it was SSOO funny!” he hopped onto the counter beside me, ready to launch into full story telling mode. “So, we’re stopping for fuel, right, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, these Drac’s pull up next to our car –“

“YES MOTHERFUCKER!” Suck my dick!” A loud cry made us both jump. Party Poison was punching the air in victory as static burst out of the radio. I jumped off the counter and went over to tell him to shut the hell up.

“Hey!” I punched his arm to make him take notice.

“OW! What did I do?” Party Poison rubbed his arm, looking shocked and hurt. I hadn’t hit him that hard (had I?)

“Grace is asleep and you’re gonna wake her if you don’t shut that thing off!” Confused, Party Poison looked over to where Grace was sleeping soundly and comprehension dawned on his face.

“Oh right! Sorry, sorry!” he hurried to adjust the settings on the radio, so the static wasn’t quite so loud. By now, we were all gathered around the radio, all listening out for something, but for what I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t too long before there was a loud burst of static, followed by a deep, gravelly voice.

“Evenin’, Killjoys.”
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