Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Keep Running, Killjoys

Awake Again Part 6!!

by Fatalfashionista 0 reviews

A.J. Finally shows his true colors.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-05-10 - Updated: 2011-05-10 - 839 words - Complete

We reached the city at last. We all knew this could be a suicide mission. We all knew we could die, and yet, we all didn't care.
We reached the city, and we all got out of the car. I looked up at the very bottom of Brandon's tower. That's where they would keep her, if anywhere at all. I started to run, but Kobra and Ghoul held me back.
“Get off me. What do you think you're doing?” I yelled, astonished they would try and hold me back.
“I know you're eager to get your girlfriend back, but you can get yourself killed if you go with a plan.” Poison laughed.
“Well, what do you think we should do?”
“Well, you seem to know where she would be, so where should she be?”
“The bottom of that tower right there.” I pointed at Brandon's tower.
Poison nodded. “Alright, boys, and girls,” he winked at Karma, “We are here on a rescue mission. In and out. This is not a raid, so no going gun happy. That means you also, Ghoul.”
“Awww!!!!!” Ghoul whined.
“Now, we will take the lower level. Leather and I will go and find Fatal, everyone else will go and everyone back up for protection.”
“Poison I think it will be better if I went with Leather.” I looked up surpirsed at Kobra. I guess that would make sense. He would want to watch over Fatal also.
“If you think that best, bro, I let you go.”
Kobra smiled at Poison. “Thanks.”
“Let's go.” I said impatiently. The more time we took, the more they would torture Fatal. I couldn't let it get that far. We started running, Kobra and I in the front. The building was ready for us, too. We had to dodge and shoot at the exact same time. I had learned sharp-shooting from my cousin a long time ago, and it was handy now. We got downstairs quickly, and there was no one behind us. The rest must be holding up our search. We looked through all the cells. They were all empty. Finally, I saw a darkened cell, with only one light on. There I saw a purple sneaker barely showing. Fatal! I took the keypad and, knowing the universal password, opened it up. Fatal looked up at me with happy, teary eyes.
“A.J.!!” She exclaimed and jumped up and kissed me. Kobra stood to the side and looked away. Then we realized there was not only one prisoner in the room. A rusty haired girl with a bright green outfit was watching us with a huge grin, and a girl with bouncy short blond hair was glaring at us. She cleared her throat.
“Whoops, sorry Moxie.” Fatal laughed. “Where are my manners? A.J., this is Moxie Missile and this is Riot Redemption.” I smiled and nodded at both.
“I'm sorry, but could we please get out of here?” Moxie said, looking anxious, “The dracs could come any time.” Fatal and I nodded and we all walked out. Kobra behind, suddenly, both Moxie and Riot Redemption gasped. “
“Kobra Kid?” They both exclaimed.
“Yes.” Kobra smiled at them, but he kept his eyes on Fatal.
“You're one of the four Fabulous Killjoys!” Moxie exclaimed. She looked at Fatal. “You never told us you Zone Ran with them!”
Fatal shrugged, “It never came up.” She grinned at me, and we all ran up. The rest of the killjoys had pretty much cleared out of the room when we came up. Wow, either they were that good, or the dracs were rounding up more. We all started out the door, when I heard Brandon's voice.
“Not so fast, traitor.” I turned around and so did Kobra and Fatal.
“Brandon.” I growled. He had twenty or so dracs behind him. “Fatal, you and Kobra go. I'm sure you can take care of each other.”
“What? No! I'm fighting with you.” Fatal looked defiant. I kissed her on the head.
Kobra was shaking his head. “Not like this, Leather, not like this.”
“There's no other way.” I snapped at him. “You both go save yourself. I'll hold them back.”
Brandon laughed. “You? You don't stand a chance.”
I turned to face him. This was my last shot. He was smiling evilly at me. Kobra and Fatal had left, or so I thought. I started shooting at the dracs, and shot fifteen down before Brandon came up. I hot him in the stomach. He looked down, his grin falling.
“You got me, cousin, but before I go, I want to tell you, you almost had the secret to immortality on your hands, and now, you'll never get it.”
“I never wanted it.” I shot him in the heart, but as he fell, a beam exploded from his gun. It hit me right between the eyes. I heard faint screaming of Fatal and Kobra as I fell down, down, into cold blackness. I knew, though, I had done my job, and I left in peace.
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