Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Diamonds & Poison

Chapter 5

by Bad_Romance 2 reviews

Diamond felt her heart pound in her chest as she knew desperately that something wasn’t right, and she held her white gun up in the air, and moved closer to Kobra who was stood next to her

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-05-12 - Updated: 2011-05-13 - 1851 words - Complete

“Diamond, you fancy that chat now?” Dr D asked her from his desk, and Diamond nodded, setting the comic book on the coffee table, and followed him outside the shack, and she sat on a old metal bench outside the back of it, whilst Dr D came closer to her.

“What’s your real reason for coming back then?” He asked her, knowing there was something bothering her.

“I broke up with Leather Shock. He was turning into a monster. I had to get away from him” She mumbled, leaning back on the bench, and running a hand through her long hair.

“I had heard that he was getting more kills than anyone in Zone 7” Dr D said, his hand playing with his beard.

“They are a angry bunch of killjoys D. They’ve turned into Dracs without realising it. And I mean that in the sense that they aren’t bothered who they are killing!” Diamond said to him, her hands now resting on her flat stomach.

“Did they ever hurt any of their own?” He asked, looking at Diamond who now shifted uncomfortably.

“I got beat a few times by Leather and Green for refusing to go into the city. They locked me in the middle of the desert for 2 days once, and they threatened to drop me of at Korse’s lab in the city a couple of times” She quietly said, picking bits of her trousers and throwing them on the floor.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Or leave earlier?” Dr D asked, astonished that she had let herself stay with them for so long.

“I couldn’t just pick up and leave! I had to wait out my time. I had signed an oath when we first started saying I would stay for 3 years. I got let off a few days early cos I had found Leather cheating on me with Ballerina Love. Fucking cow had been sleeping with him for 6months” She angrily spoke.

“Did it really bother you though Diamond?” Dr D asked, a doubtful tone to his voice.

“No, it didn’t. But we had been together for 2 years. And when we first started going out, it was love D. We loved each other. I just, I think I was more hurt by the way he had changed. He only started fucking her anyways cos she’s as ruthless as him!” She hissed, feeling anger quickly wash over her body, and she desperately tried to shake it off.

“Yeah I’ve heard a few mentions about them. He obviously wasn’t meant for you. You’ll find someone soon enough kid” Dr D smiled to her, and she grinned.

“Who said I’m looking for anybody?” She grinned to him, looking at him whilst he laughed.

“Well, I’m just saying. If you wanted anybody. You could have any of those men in that shack. You know what your like, put your mind to it, you can have them melting in your hands” Dr D grinned to her, poking her arm.

“Ha! I doubt it! Party wont even speak to me most of the time” She mumbled.

“Ah! So we have a little crush on Party Poison?” Dr D questioned, raising his eye brows, a smirk on his face.

“I never said that. Stop putting words in my mouth” She pointed at him, and she glared at him before laughing.

“Well, you’d be a nice couple” Dr D told her before sticking his tongue out at her and then turning his chair to go back into the shack.

Diamond shook her head, and sat on the bench for a moment. She had to admit she thought Party was gorgeous, but she didn’t know what he was really like. She hadn’t spoken to him that much before she left, and when she had it was the usual good morning, and how are you? Now he had changed, she had a feeling it would be even harder for her to get to know him. She shook her head and tried to stop herself thinking about him, she had only been back for under 24 hours and she was feeling like she had a school girl crush on him.

“Oh Diamond!” She heard Fun shout from around the corner of the shack and she sighed before standing up and walking around the shack so he could see her, he smiled warmly at her and then came to stand in front of her.

“I’m sorry about this morning Diamond” He told her, a serious look on his face.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t of snapped at you. I was ratty this morning, and just should of held my tongue” She told him, smiling softly at him.

“Well, we’re both sorry. So we’re back friends. I’ll just remember to stay clear of you in a morning” He smiled to her and grabbed her hand before pulling her towards the car.

“What are you doing?” She frowned, but the smile stayed on her face.

“We’re going to Zone 4 now” He told her, opening the car door, and bowing for her, indiacting that she should get in.

Diamond laughed and then looked towards the shack where she saw Party, Kobra, Jet and Dr D coming out of it, she laughed and held her finger up to Fun.

“One minute’ She grinned and then walked past the killjoys to Dr D who was smiling up at her. ‘Dr D, you’ll be okay on your own?” She asked him, feeling protective of him since she had found out he was unable to walk.

“Diamond I’ll be fine. I’ve got some friends visiting later on!” He grinned to her, and she smiled back to him, then leant down and kissed him gently on the cheek.

“See you soon”

“Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close and die with your mask on if you’ve got to killjoys” Dr D waved to them all on, and Diamond waved back whilst getting in the middle of Fun and Jet in the back of the car and Party fired up the engine, and quickly moved into the desert.

The car journey was quiet, and didn’t take as long as Diamond expected, and it was made a bit better by listening to the radio which played a lot of good songs, and her and Fun sang along with them enthusiastically. They arrived at the base of the killjoys in Zone 4, and pulled up outside, and Diamond frowned as she noticed just how quiet it was.

“Something isn’t right” She told them quietly, as they all got out of the car and Diamond slowly followed.

“What do you mean?” Fun asked, a grin on his face, and then Party shoved him slightly on the arm.

“Shut up” He whispered, and got his gun out of its strap, the others all followed, and got there’s out.

Diamond felt her heart pound in her chest as she knew desperately that something wasn’t right, and she held her white gun up in the air, and moved closer to Kobra who was stood next to her.

“Put you masks on” Party whispered to them, pulling his mask out, and putting it on his head, and Diamond saw Kobra and Jet move to the car and get there helmets, putting them on quickly, whilst Fun quickly pulled his Frankenstein mask over his head. Diamond grasped her mask from her pocket, and pulled it over her eyes, and noticed she was now standing closely to Party as he had moved closer to her.

“What the fuck is going on?” Kobra hissed, looking around them frantically.

“Something isn’t right!” Party whispered back, and then all of a sudden they all jumped from a loud bang coming from the metal shack, and the door flew open, and out ran about 15 Dracs.

“Shit!” Diamond shouted, and then they all began ducking and dodging the laser beams coming towards them. She felt a firm hand on her wrist, and she was been yanked back towards the car. She tried shooting her gun straight as she was pulled backwards, and then she was pulled to kneel behind the car. She looked and saw Party kneeling next to her, and he was firing his gun quickly.

She looked and saw that Fun, Kobra and Jet were all slowly moving backwards, and they had all managed to shoot 10 of the Dracs. She lifted her head and began frantically shooting one of the Dracs who was specifically trying to aim for Jet Star, and she managed to shoot him in the chest, she smiled as he fell to the floor dead. She fired her gun, and helped the rest of them bring down the last 4, which they quickly did. Once the Dracs were dead on the floor, Diamond looked to Party, who now turned to her, and put his hand on her arm.

“You’ve been shot?” He said, and Diamond wondered if she heard a tint of worry in his voice.

“I’m fine, I cant even feel it” She mumbled, as she looked down, and saw a burn mark in her left shoulder, it had put a hole through her jacket.

“We need to get it cleaned” He said to her softly, and she nodded back to him, and let him help her up.

“Diamond you okay?” Jet asked, as he came over, and Diamond was been pulled gently by Party to the metal shack.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just a little wound” She smiled weakly to him, the burn on her arm starting to sting now.

“Oh my….” She frowned as Party stopped in the entrance of the shack, and she looked at him, and his eyes were firmly on the scene in front of him, which made Diamond gasp, and then quickly move back outside. She put her hand to her mouth outside, and felt tears spring to her eyes.

Inside the shack laid the dead bodies of all 17 killjoys that had been living inside Zone 4.

“Diamond, you okay?” She heard Party ask her and he gently moved a strand of hair from her face, pushing it behind her ear.

“Yeah… Its just… Why are they doing this?” She whispered, and felt a small tear fall from her cheek.

“Come on, lets get you too the car” He softly said to her, and stroked her hair softly, before she nodded, and she grabbed his hand as they walked.

Party looked down at there hands together, shocked. He was tempted to take his hand away from her, he didn’t want her to feel him shaking. But then he looked up at her sad face that was looking at the car in front of them, and he tightened his hand around hers, and pulled her closer, then kissed her softly on the side of the head on her hair.

“Thank you” She whispered to him softly, and he nodded, feeling his self fall for Diamond, just a little bit more.
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