Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Helena

Kitchen kissing

by adrenaline_bomb 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-14 - Updated: 2011-05-14 - 3221 words

“Gee?” I asked as I lay in bed next to my beautiful fiancé.

“Yeah?” He replied, looking down at me where I was sprawled in the dark on his pale bare chest.

“Do you really think about stuff like getting married and…you know, adopting and stuff?” I asked, looking up at him as he smiled down warmly at me.

“Of course I do…I’m just…I don’t know.” He sighed and I frowned lightly.

“What is it Gee?” I asked and he sighed again.

“I don’t think I’d be able to look after a kid very well, and what about the tour and stuff? You can’t just bundle a kid on someone else or take them with you.” He mumbled and I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant though I could tell there was more bothering him.

“And the other thing is?” I asked and he nearly laughed at how easy I can read him. He is literally an open book in my lap.

“Promise you won’t think I’m stupid or anything?” He asked.


“Okay, well. I know that if we adopt, we could look after that kid real well and it would never need anything and it would have literally all the love in the world, but I guess it just kind of hurts somewhere inside me to know that we can never have a kid who…ties us together, I guess, a kid who’s half mine and half yours.” He said, biting his lip gently and waiting for my reaction, which was honestly, pretty much the same as his. I knew I wanted kids, but I wanted Gee more and I would give anything to be able to have kids with him, our kids, kids that are half mine and half his that bind us together in another way.

“I know. It bothers me too.” I admitted and he breathed deeply in relief.

“I still love you though Frankie, never forget that. This is forever, I love you forever.” He whispered, kissing me on the head as I still lay on his chest, tracing random lines and patterns up and down his pale and skinny artist’s arms.

“I love you too Gerard, forever and a day.” I promised, snuggling further into his warm touch as his elegant fingers traced the contours of my exposed spine, sending shivers and tickles shooting up and down my body.


When we awoke it was ten am and eerily quiet. Normally we’d hear Mikey, Bob and Ray crashing about or playing something by now, or the radio in the kitchen or Donna singing and laughing.

“Gee, why is it so quiet?” I asked, nervous to the deafening silence surrounding and crushing us.

“I don’t know, let’s go downstairs, maybe they left a note or something?” He suggested, getting out of the bed and pulling on some boxers as I did the same, taking my hand and descending the stairs of the strangely silent dwelling.

“Hello?” I asked, my soft bare footed steps echoing like whispers of a death in your darkest memories.

“Let’s check the kitchen, okay?” Gee said, pulling me towards the room that still smelt of luxuriously rich coffee.

“There’s a note on the coffee machine.” I pointed out, pulling it off to read what it said.

Gee and Frankie
We’ve gone shopping for groceries, be back soon and Mom’s gone round to Ray’s moms for some sort of cake night, so the house is ours for two days straight.
Love you both

“You’re brother’s so sweet to you still.” I commented, truly touched on how close and loving the two brothers were. Unnaturally close, some may say, but I’ve grown up with them, so it’s more than natural to me. It’s just brotherly love.

“I know. His handwriting is so damn neat too, mine just looks like a spider that’s been dipped in ink has staggered drunkenly across the page.” Gerard said, reading the letter over my shoulder.

“Most great artists have scruffy handwriting, same with genius’s. Einstein and Darwin, Kandinsky and Katrina, not to mention Tony Robinson and Rowan Atkinson to name but a few.” I pointed out and he giggled.

“You really think that I’m a good artist?” He asked sweetly and I nodded,

“It’s quite literally a privilege to know such a talented man, even though you so seriously suck at guitar.” I joked and he gasped, though still blushing slightly and hitting me playfully on the arm.

“Shut it Iero.” He pouted and I smirked.

“Make me.” I challenged and he smirked back before covering my lips feverishly with his own, making me submit completely to this somewhat unexpected touch.

“Made you.” He said triumphantly as he pulled away, smirking incredulously.

“That you did.” I replied, wrapping my arms round his waist and leaning my head on his chest, listening intently to his calming heartbeat as he wrapped his arms tightly around me, holding me close to him and humming gently.

“I wonder when Mikey will be back.” I said, my voice muffled slightly against the pale, warm skin of his bare chest.

“I don’t know…but if we have the whole house to ourselves…?” He left off, smirking at me as my expression matched his own. I leaned up on the balls of my feet and kissed him roughly, my lip ring pushing into the soft and pale skin of his lip as he responded more than enthusiastically, shoving his tongue in my mouth and ravishing it completely as sparks of passion flew through my body at the sensation of our tongues touching and sighting together like an un rehearsed dance.

“Gee…” I groaned into his mouth as our bodies pressed closer together, my hands twirling strands of his ebony hair through my calloused fingers as he pushed me against the counter, practically eating my tongue though I couldn’t care less as his cool hands rested on the small of my back as the connection and passion between us grew and inflamed. This really was a friendship caught on fire. This was love.

“Guys?” Came Mikey’s voice as the door opened and Gerard groaned, slumping slightly and removing his lips from my own and I mewled at the loss of contact, pouting unhappily at Mikey’s bad timing. Correction, darn awful timing.

“Hey, um…” Mikey said, walking through the dark doorway to the old fashioned kitchen of his family home and staring at us somewhat uncomfortably.

“Hey Mikey.” Gerard said, pretty much rolling off me even though we were standing up as he perched on the classic marble counter, legs swinging as his pale skin and black boxers contrasted against the marble and oak of the kitchen, making him practically glow.

“Did I interrupt or something?” He asked, chucking an aubergine in the fridge (that thing is so not going to get used, though this is Mikey so he’ll probably try and put the bleeding thing in the toaster.

“Nah, don’t worry about it, man.” I said, grabbing a can of cola from the bag and sitting down at the large oak table of the Way’s kitchen.

“Okay.” He said, shoving random tins of beans and soup into any cupboard that there was space.

“What do you want to do today?” Gerard asked and if I was a cartoon then a light bulb would have appeared above my head.

“One hundred random things?” I suggested and Gerard and Mikey grinned, eyes shining as they nodded in excitement at the thought of playing something we’d only played once when we were teens and drunk. This is going to be so much damn fun…


“Have you still got the list Gee?” I asked as he rooted through a pile of notebooks that were stacked haphazardly by his desk, standing about three feet tall as he tried to keep them standing with not much look.

“I’m sure- ah!” He yelped as the pile of books fell on him, bringing his lamp down too as he crashed to the floor on his butt, though still holding a battered piece of paper we printed off the internet years ago proudly in his hand.

“Right, let’s have a look at it then.” Mikey said, snatching the list from his brothers grasp as Gerard wiggled out from under the notebooks as we stood on either side of Mikey, reading the list over his shoulder.

Top 100 Random Things to Do

1. Go to a furniture store and spin on all the spinny chairs. See which one spins the fastest.

2. Go up to someone and poke them repeatedly while saying "Pokemon" over and over again.

3. Practice hiding while following someone.

4. Go to Starbucks, put a loaf of bread on the counter, and just walk away.

5. Order fries at McDonald's, then ask for fries with that.

6. During silent reading, go in front of your class and start doing the Macarena.

7. Sit in a tree and stare people down as they drive by.

8. Put energy drink in your humming bird feeder and see what happens when they drink it.

9. While taking a test stand on your desk and say Santa is real with a serious face.

10. Give every object in the room a name.

11. Teach your pet rock to swim.

12. Glue a quarter to the ground and watch people try to get it.

13. Make a cardboard car and go through a local drive through, then act as if everything's normal.

14. Put a walkie talkie in your mailbox and shout at everyone who walks by.

15. Walk up to a small child that resembles you, and tell them that you are them from the future.

16. In winter put snowballs in your freezer, then in summer throw them at people who are sunbathing.

17. Jump up and down screaming, and when people look at you strangely, just smile and wave.

18. Stand in an elevator and make explosion noises whenever someone presses a button.

19. Bark like a dog at people out the window of your car.

20. With a serious face, order a diet water whenever you go out to eat.

21. Climb up a tree and throw meatballs at people.

22. Go up to a person and say that you like their socks.

23. Try to avoid the sun and if you it touches you scream and pretend to die.

24. Go to Wal-Mart and follow people around like there your family.

25. Ask a vegetarian if they eat animal crackers.

26. Convince your best friend that there is a such thing as diet water :D.

27. Play capture the flag in a mall.

28. Hide in a clothing rack in Walmart and when somebody goes by YELL "PICK ME PICK ME".

29. Stare at somebody until they leave the room.

30. Make sound effects for everything everyone does.

31. Call the airlines and ask if they now have flights to the moon.

32. Pile up some pillows and try to jump over them.

33. Stare at someone for a long time. Then walk away like nothing happened.

34. Ride down your staircase on a mattress.

35. Go into the middle of a crowd and call out a random name and see who replies.

36. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints at the cash register.

37. Attempt to fall over twice...WITHOUT getting back up the first time.

38. Go into a Pepsi factory and ask for a job while you're drinking Dr. Pepper.

39. Knock on people's doors on Halloween and sing Chirstmas carols.

40. Go to an atm machine and when the money comes out scream i win i win.

41. Go into a store and yell marco and see if anyone yells polo back.

42. Put plastic wrap on a doorway and wait for people to walk into it.

43. Inform a pedestrian that they are a pedestrian.

44. Walk up to a random person and go you are the chosen one.

45. Clap in someones face while their sleeping.

46. Attempt to glue yourself to the ceiling. If you succeed, when people walk past, spit on them!

47. Go in to a public bathroom, go into a stall, wait a second, then scream, "Mommy I need help!"

48. Eat alphabet soup in alphabetic order.

49. Go to pizzaHut and ask for a bigmac.

50. Connect a whole bunch of straws together, then drink a soda from across the room.

51. Attack a bus with a banana.

52. Prove a teacher wrong.

53. Pretend to be a turtrle.

54. Tell your life story to whoever is around. If they walk away, follow them & keep talking!

55. Get some glad wrap and cover an open door and wait for someone to walk into it.

56. Buy Bird seed and ask how long it will take for your birds to grow.

57. Make an army out of gummy bears.

58. Draw a mushroom in the corner of your classroom whiteboard and then see how long it stays there.

59. When someone says "Have a nice day!" tell them you have other plans.

60. Go watch a horror movie in the cinema and scream at the parts that aren't the least bit scary.

61. Go to a superstore, buy ONE pencil, and pay for it with a hundred dollar bill.

62. Get a pack of Skittles, throw them at people and yell TASTE THE RAINBOW!!!

63. Yell a dramatic countdown and at the end do nothing.

64. Text everyone in your contacts and tell them all to bake a pie.

65. Buy a bunch of stickers and randomly stick them to peoples foreheads.

66. Say "Peanut Butter" While You’re in a Serious Conversation with somebody.

67. Tie hot wheels cars to the bottom of your cat/dog's feet.

68. Ride in an elevator and start sniffing at random people.

69. If you have $10,000, exchange it all for pennies and make huge pile of them so you look really rich.

70. Make faces at the passengers in the car next to you.

71. Make a cake that looks like a carrot and eat it. Beat that, health!

72. Point to the sky in a public place and see how many people look up to where you're pointing.

73. Start laughing insanely in a store, then walk away completely straight faced as if nothing happened.

74. Put a slinky on an escalator. Slinky +Escalator = Infinite Fun!

75. Treat a rock like a plant. Then show your friends how much it has "grown".

76. Go onto a golf course with an air horn and blow it every time someone’s about to hit the ball.

77. Call dominoes and ask for pizza hut's number.

78. Go through a drive through on foot and if they ask about your car, say it's invisible.

79. Randomly in class shout out, "It's time for my drum solo!" Begin hitting on the desk with pencils.

80. Pretend to be a power ranger all day. Make sure to pose!

81. Run around in circles for no apparent reason.

82. Give random people pennies and say, "It's your lucky day, dude."

83. Meow when you are in an elevator even if it has other people in it.

84. Throw water balloons at random people that pass your bedroom window.

85. Poke something. Anything.

86. When you see someone close a door, open it again.

87. Go to Burger King and ask them for directions to McDonalds.

88. Pull over on the side of the road, and point a hair dryer on the road, and see if people slow down.

89. Say "in my pants" after every sentence for the next 20 minutes DO IT.....!!!

90. Pour water in hand, then make a sneeze noise, throw the water on the back of someone's neck.

91. Buy a subway sandwich, then go and eat it at a Mac Donald’s.

92. Stand on the side of the road with a hair dryer and point it at cars.

93. Complain to your parents that you don't have anything to complain about.

94. Have a staring contest with your dog.

95. Set an ice-cube on fire.

96. Make tiny screaming noises when you cut a carrot.

97. Go into town dressed like Little Bo Peep and put up lost signs for your sheep.

98. Stare at a random person for a few minutes, then grin and say, "I'm wearing new socks today."

99. Follow someone but don't tell them why.

100. Try to run through a wall but make your sibling do it first.

“No way are we going to do all of this in one day.” Mikey said and Gerard smirked.

“Mikey?” He asked

“Yes.” The younger of my two favourite brothers replied.

“Go run into that wall.” Gerard said, pointing at the large breeze block brick wall at the one end of the room.

“Okay.” Mikey said and… actually did it! However, he did make a rather nasty crunching sound as he fell to the floor, and groaned loudly.

“Geez, Mikes, I didn’t think you’d do it, are you okay?” Gerard asked, taking careful steps towards his brother who was giggling.

“Ouch. Ah, normally when you ask me to do something, it’s actually important so I don’t question it, but that hurt. You suck, Gerard.” Mikey whined, still giggling as his brother helped him off the floor and dusted him off.

“You are so stupid Mikey.” I said and he frowned.

“I’m blonde, leave it.” He muttered, using his mock angry face and pouting at me.

“Most people would find being called blonde and relating that to stupid offensive, but not Mikey, oh no, he just sits and agrees with it.” I say sarcastically, giggling as Mikey stuck his pink tongue out at me.

“Anyway, the guys will be back in a minute anyway.” Mikey said and started off up the stairs to his room, shutting the door behind him and blasting out Anthrax at high volume.

“Come on, coffee?” I asked Gee and he rubbed his head and frowning lightly like he was in pain, nodding.

“What’s up?” I asked as he took a few wobbly steps towards me.

“Migraine coming on.” He whispered and I nodded, steering him back towards his bed and pushing him back so he was lying down.

“Try and get some sleep.” I whispered, pulling the black duvet over his skinny frame and kissing his forehead. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” I said and walked quietly up the stairs, knowing full well that noise wasn’t going to be doing him any good at all right now.

“Hey Brian, Mikey’s upstairs.” I told him as I walked out of Gerard’s bedroom and shut the door behind me.

“Thanks, Bob will be back in a few minutes, I don’t know what’s going on but he and Ray went back to their apartment and I think something happened.” Brian warned, clapping me on the shoulder as he jogged up the stairs to go and see Mikey.

I slumped into the kitchen and flicked on my favourite house hold appliance- the coffee machine and watched as the deep brown and caffeine rich liquid filled the cup. My mind was focused on nothing in particular as I sat at the table, sipping my coffee that was too hot until I heard the front door open and Bob’s familiar footsteps come down the hall.

R&R to tell me what you think, I read over the past two chapters and I didn't like them so I re wrote them
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