Categories > Original > Romance > divided

Starting School. For Real (edited)

by quietliar 1 review

finally finished

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2011-05-21 - Updated: 2011-07-17 - 788 words

I wake up with a pounding headache. Everything hurts. I don't want to get up but I know I have to. I through on a shirt that says 'kiss me I'm Irish' whatever Irish is. Mycriel is waiting for me on the bike again.

We ride in silence to the school. He won't look at me as he gets off and leads me to a row of doors. "This is your locker. You share with a girl named Diamond. Be nice and dont freak out," he tells me and walks off.

When I miserably fail at opening it a girl walks up and hits the door and it pops open. She gives me a huge smile.

"You must be Crystal. Its nice to meet you. The names Diamond," she says giving me another big smile and giggling. "Heard bout what happened yesterday. If that ever happens again you just come to me and I'll take care of ya."

Diamond shows me around school. We have the whole first part of the day together. Of course I wont see her from lunch on. As my shitty luck would have it the only people I do know at lunch are the three I was really hoping to avoid.

As soon as I see them I run. Like when I ran back home my feet take me where they want to go so I don't have to think about it. Though right now I wish I did. I have so much I want to avoid thinking about right now that focusing on running would be a welcome distraction.

When I finally stopped I found myself in the little alley way thing where I had been attacked. Like last time I'm not alone here. Luckily it is not one of the girls from then. it is a gorgeous guy who has a steaming stick in his mouth. Diamond had one of those this morning. What did she call it? Cigarette, yep that's what they are called.

The guy looks up and our eyes meet. His eyes widen and he smiles at me around his smoke. I feel my face grow hot. His smile, even with something in his mouth, made him look even hotter. You could see his perfectly white teeth that practically shine against his tanned skin.

"You can sit down ya know," he says. "Most people who come here aren't as violent as those bitches you were with before." He motions for me to sit next to him and without even a thought I sit next to this beautiful stranger.

"Shane by the way," he says reaching out the hand not holding his cigarette out to me. I look at it quizzically for a moment and on instinct, or whatever, I take it in mine and shake. I hear him stifle a laugh as he withdraws his hand.

"My name is Cryl.... Crystal. Crystal Fairchild. I'm new here. Its nice to finally meet someone who doesn't want to kill me," I say trying to but a laugh in my voice, but it falls short of what I was going for.

"Ahhh so your a Fairchild, huh? That explains the mess I found you in yesterday. Maria and her bitch clique don't like other girls around Micheal. You aren't the first and you won't be the last," he says casually. "So if your family of Micheal why haven't we met before? He and I have been friends forever. I thought his parents didn't keep in touch with their families."

sticking to the story Micheal came up with I say, "I went to boarding school out in the country. I don't come home much so it's no surprise he never mentioned he had a sister," I pause for a second quickly going over our conversation thinking of what else to say when I remember what he said about yesterday. "Hold up what did you say about finding me yesterday?"

"Oh nothing. Just forget it," he says looking away from me. Not before I see a blush creep across his face. Before either of us has a chance to respond a loud bell signaling the end of lunch rings. He immediately jumps up and runs to what I assume to be his next class. I know if I tried I could catch up to him and demand my answer but right now I have bigger things to deal with.

hey guys i am sooooooo sorry it took so long to get this finished. its been written for ever i have like the next six written too. so they should come out pretty fast now. i've been busy with school and job so please dont hate me that this took so long. xoxoxoxo Ari :)
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