Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?

Chapter Thirteen~

by CyanideSunlight 5 reviews

And now, for the moment you've been waiting for! ;)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-22 - Updated: 2011-05-22 - 500 words

~Mikey's P.O.V.~

"Mikes, d'you think they'll fight?" Gerard asked. I didn't answer. I walked over to the window and Gerard followed. We watched them. I tried to read their lips but I couldn't, they were turned away from me. A couple minutes later, Aimee looked at me and Gerard and we ducked. I looked at him, then walked away from the window and sat on the couch, sighing.
Shit, Eva's being a complete bitch, I just know it. What the fuck did I see in her? I mean, she's gorgeous, sure. And because of her I'm not some dorky kid anymore. She was a bit of a slut, wanting to fuck anytime we had the chance. I can't believe I did that in the first place. I can't believe she was my first. I regret her so much. If she hurts Aimee... I don't know what I'll do. I'll think of something. I need to break up with her. How though? I've never done this before. Okay, calm down. I'll think of something.
My thoughts were going fast. CALM. DOWN.
Aimee came back inside. She walked in and sat next to me on the couch then leaned against me and sighed. She looked around and I noticed that we were alone. Gerard must've gone upstairs or something. Aimee bit her lip.
"What's wrong? Did Eva hurt you or something?" I asked anxiously.
She looked down. "Well... what is it between us?" she asked quietly.
"Err... Uh... what do you mean?" I was surprised she asked that.
"Like our relationship. Am I wrong if I think we could be more than just friends?" she blushed.
I didn't know what to say. Should I tell the truth? Oh god, she'll reject me if I do. Or maybe not...
I took a deep breath.
"Well I don't know what to say. We could be more than friends, I guess. Were you asking?" I looked at her, searching for answers, then she looked back.
"Maybe, but you're with Eva." Aimee said her name like she was saying something disgusting or something. Aimee's eyes looked sad.
I stroked her cheek. "I don't have to be, you know." I said softly. She put her hand on my and smiled. She's so beautiful.
Me and Aimee both snapped our heads up.
"Gerard. Please. Can you just fuck off?"
I looked at Aimee, shocked. She was glaring at Gerard.
He put his hands up and walked away, then Aimee looked back to me.
"sorry.." she whispered then looked down.
I brought her face up and kisses. Her soft lips frozen against mine. I started to back up, but she kissed back. I was almost surprised. I could feel her smiling and I was smiling too.
Kissing Aimee was nothing like kissing Eva.
Eva was... pushy. Controlling.
But Aimee... she was soft. Sweet. It was indescribable.
I knew I was in love.

I know it's a short chapter, sorry. I'll make a longer one next. c:
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