Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Wizarding Hearts


by JLawrence_Kenny 0 reviews

Harry is just about to finish off the Dark Lord once and for all, when something even more sinister than Voldemort himself interrupts the fight.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry,Tom Riddle - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-05-19 - Updated: 2011-06-01 - 1242 words

Well, dear readers of internet land, this is yet another crossover Fanfic that I've had bouncing around the inside of my head for a while. To those of you that follow me, I am not abandoning my other story, and to those of you who don't, you should totally go read my other story. I like crossovers because of the challenge that comes from trying to merge to separate Universes together so that their laws make sense. But I digress. I present to you, Wizarding Hearts.


"So it all comes down to this, doesn't it?" whispered Harry. "Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? Because if it does… I am the true master of the Elder Wand."

A red-gold glow burst suddenly across the enchanted sky above them as an edge of dazzling sun appeared over the sill of the nearest window. The light hit both of their faces at the same time, so that Voldemort's was suddenly a flaming blur. Harry heard the high voice shriek as he too yelled his best hope to the heavens, pointing Draco's wand:

"Avada Kedavra!"


The bang was like a cannon blast, and the golden flames that erupted between them, at the dead center of the circle they had been treading, marked the point where the spells collided.

Suddenly, something went wrong.

As quickly as the flames had erupted, they disappeared into a black void that appeared at the center point. The silence that had fallen over the crowd continued as all present stared at the emptiness that had absorbed the two spells: the crowd with anticipation, Harry with curiosity, and Voldemort with hesitant fear.

Then, without any warning, a swarm of pitch-black creatures erupted from the black void. Caught off-guard, the majority of the crowd was helpless as the creatures attacked them. The veteran fighters such as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick managed to fire off spells at the invading force, but were overwhelmed by the sheer number.

Harry watched in desperation as the ravenous creatures attacked his friends that had managed to survive for so long before his eye caught movement from Voldemort. In the confusion, Voldemort had wrestled another wand away from a bystander and had now leveled it at Harry, again casting the Killing Curse towards him. Thankfully, the black void again absorbed the spell as it began dragging rubble, people, and spell-fire alike into its slowly expanding gullet.

While Harry was reluctant to allow Voldemort the chance to recuperate and gain the upper hand, the sudden appearance of the black void caused him to worry about his friends. Throwing one last look of disgust toward Voldemort, he turned, searching frantically until he found the two of them backed up in a corner, surrounded by the black creatures.

"Harry, help us!" yelled Hermione. Ignoring the murderous Dark Lord, Harry ran to their aid, flinging spells left and right in an attempt to distract the creatures from their prey. He grabbed Hermione's wrist, dragging her and Ron out of the corner, running out the doors of the Great Hall and onto the grounds.

The sight that greeted their eyes was beyond what they could have imagined.

Instead of the war-stricken ground that had been present a mere ten minutes prior, the only thing that greeted the trio's eyes was a gigantic void just like the one that had appeared in the Great Hall. Ron sank to the ground in horror as the three watched the trees, the ground, even the sky ripped apart and sucked into the massive darkness that threatened their world.

Harry clutched the wand in his hand painfully. He didn't know what was going on, nor did he care. The monotonous months of searching for Voldemort's horcruxes, his own sacrifice, and the sacrifices of all his friends and family; it all became pointless as the world he knew was slowly destroyed by this unknown force of evil. He turned around, watching the noble ramparts of Hogwarts slowly disappear into the void, just as Voldemort burst out of the doors himself. Harry found some solace in the fear that was evident in Voldemort's face, and the fact that even if the entire world were to be destroyed, the most evil wizard of recent history would at least die with them.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Harry turned around to see Hermione's tear-stained face inches from his own. He pulled her into a long embrace, taking comfort in his friend's arms moments before the darkness enveloped them all.

And he fell down… down… down into the darkness.

Master Yen Sid looked out at the night sky from his tower, the gentle glow and twinkle of the stars in the sky his own personal entertainment. For once, he was not looking out at the stars with a look of concentration and apprehension on his face. He was not waiting for any of the stars to twinkle out. He was not waiting for any unknown visitors. And he was not waiting for disaster to strike. He was relaxing for the first time in many years. The chosen wielders of the Keyblade had brought peace and harmony out of the chaos that had threatened the worlds. While the Heartless would always exist, the machines that had created the artificial Heartless in Ansem's laboratory had been destroyed for good, thereby significantly reducing the threat they posed to the world order.

So content was Yen Sid, that he almost missed the faint star twinkle out of existence near the edge of his vision. His good mood was ruined, and he scowled deeply. The borders between the worlds had once again been erected, preventing passage between them. Apparently, enough darkness must have been present on the world to allow a great Heartless threat to amass and find its Keyhole. The unknown planet's fate saddened Yen Sid and, though it seemed to be nothing more than an isolated incident, he resolved to check up with his apprentice, King Mickey, at the earliest convenience, to ensure that nothing untoward had occurred to threaten the ever-important world order.

As he watched the sad star fade slowly to nothingness, Yen Sid witnessed three specks of light shoot out from it. Strong hearts, no doubt, to survive the utter destruction of their planet. He closed his eyes, silently wishing them luck wherever they found themselves landing.

That was when a loud crash reverberated throughout his tower, startling him out of his reverie. He turned around quickly, ready to combat whatever threat might be making its way up to him, but stopped when he noticed the strangely clad girl lying unconscious in front of his desk. He sighed heavily, realizing that a new adventure lay just around the corner.

Was it too much to ask for just one day of peace and quiet?

And there is your first chapter! Reviews are, as always, appreciated, as they convince me that my work does not suck, and inspires me to keep writing this and procrastinate on the actual novel I'm working on. For the record, that's on Ficwad if you're interested, under the same penname.

I think I'm slightly masochistic for always picking combat-heavy games to crossover with. It's difficult to write fluid fighting scenes in story form, and I usually take inspiration from the Kingdom Hearts Manga by keeping the combat down to a minimum. And I'm starting to ramble yet again. Til next time, fair readers!
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