Categories > Books > Harry Potter
Wizarding Hearts
0 reviewsWhen Hogwarts is consumed by the now almost nonexistent Heartless, how will Harry adapt to his new role as Keybearer? And what new, chilling enemy lies just over the horizon?
0 reviewsHarry is just about to finish off the Dark Lord once and for all, when something even more sinister than Voldemort himself interrupts the fight.
0 reviewsHarry awakens, which is a surprise since he expected to be dead, and meets a few characters.
-1ClicheA New Face Appears
0 reviewsHarry makes a few discoveries.
0 reviewsAkihiko and Harry leave Radiant Garden.
0UnratedThe Mysterious Tower
0 reviewsHarry and Akihiko arrive at Yen Sid's tower.
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