Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Wizarding Hearts


by JLawrence_Kenny 0 reviews

Harry awakens, which is a surprise since he expected to be dead, and meets a few characters.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Ron,Voldemort - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-06-01 - Updated: 2011-06-01 - 1381 words

Yes, my readers, I have returned with another chapter of Wizarding Hearts. I found this chapter particularly difficult to start and end, though the middle flowed pretty easily, otherwise it would've been updated a few days ago. Regardless of my issues, I hope you enjoy this installment.


Gradually, Harry became aware of his existence. Normally, this would be an inconsequential event, but considering the fact that he had just expected to be dead, it was quite the revelation. He groaned as he felt his aching body protest his return to consciousness, shifting slightly on the soft surface upon which he laid.

"So. You're finally awake."

Harry opened his eyes suddenly, eyes moving to the owner of the soft voice that had just spoken. He tried to scramble away, but his body gave out before he could move much more than an inch, and his eyes snapped shut again from the pain. "Don't come near me!"

He heard the person make his way across the room towards him, and he hastily grabbed his wand, pointing it at the approaching figure, yelling "STUPEFY!"

The footsteps ceased. Harry relaxed for a moment, confident that the threat had been neutralized. He was surprised, then, when he heard the voice resume, "Well, at least we know that you're not completely defenseless," and before he could react with another spell, he felt his wand snatched out of his grasp. Unwilling to give up so easily, Harry lunged out toward the man. With the element of surprise, he managed to drive his shoulder into the man's abdomen, hoping to wind him enough to allow time to retrieve his wand and escape.

However, the man easily grabbed Harry by the back of his robes, tossing him back onto the soft surface. "Calm down, before you hurt yourself." The calm quality of the man's voice did little to ease Harry's discomfort; if anything, it annoyed him even further to know that he wasn't taking Harry seriously. He opened his eyes to glare defiantly at the figure in front of him.

The figure in question chuckled as he noticed the derisive look in Harry's eyes. "You've got quite the spirit, kid." Blue eyes sat beneath the man's unruly brown hair, and he wore a black leather outfit with fur accents. To Harry, he looked quite eccentric, but when he noticed the jagged scar cut across his face, as well as the large, oddly shaped, sword that hung from his waist, Harry knew that he was not a man to be crossed.

Harry attempted to stand again, but the adrenaline flowing through his body had already subsided, causing him to fall back on what Harry finally realized was a bed. "Who are you, and what do you want with me?"

The man's face remained stoic for a moment, but he finally replied, "Leon. And I just want you to heal up."

Harry looked quizzically at Leon, but he refused to divulge anything else. "And how am I supposed to believe that when I know nothing about you?"

Another long pause, and Leon looked away from Harry. "You'll just have to trust me." Harry tried to reply, but he suddenly found himself in the middle of a coughing fit. Leon silently turned around, walking away from Harry and opening a door that he hadn't noticed until now. "I'll be right back with some help."

Harry reached helplessly toward the retreating figure as if to stop him, but the door was closed before you could articulate any words. Alone, Harry decided to examine the room more thoroughly, in case he needed to make a quick exit. In his current state of health, that was unlikely, but the long months of camping had enhanced his caution. The building in which he found himself seemed to be comprised of only one room, with no windows and only one door through which he could exit. It was well-lit, and aside from a few dull yellow lamps, the only source of light came from an enormous computer that stood against a wall in the corner of the room. Knick-knacks of all types adorned the wall and ceiling. Hundreds of books covered the floor in places, stacked nearly to the ceiling, causing Harry to absently reflect on how Hermione would absolutely love this house.

Hermione! Harry suddenly remembered the events that had happened just before he woke up. His "death," his battle with Voldemort, and the sudden and unexplainable appearance of those black creatures. He remembered seeing his entire world being devoured by darkness, and then… What had happened? How was he still alive and where were his friends? Had it all been a dream?

A million questions whizzed through his head, distracting him so much that he barely even registered the door reopen and five people walk into the large room. Before he could speak, one of the new people, an older blonde man who wore goggles and had a toothpick in-between his teeth, said, "Them's some funny clothes he's wearing."

"You're not exactly the greatest looker yourself, Cid." This came from a girl that looked around Harry's age. She also wore a black leather outfit, though her shorts and vest left little to the imagination. Harry might've stared had he not also noticed the giant weapon the hung from her back and decided that doing so would probably not be in his best interest.

"What'd you just say to me, you whippersnapper?"

"Bring it, old man!"

Harry raised himself up on his elbows, trying to sit up and get a better look at the argument, but one of the other women in the room, a brunette wearing a pink and white dress entered his view. Cutting off his question, she pushed him gently back down onto the bed. "You can ask question later. For right now, let's get you healed up." Harry wanted to argue, but her eyes exuded a gentle calm that soothed his nerves, and he reluctantly loosened up as best he could. She closed her eyes for a moment, and then waved her hands over his body, muttering "Cure" as she did so.

The effect was instantaneous, as Harry felt his every ache and pain wash away into oblivion, only to be replaced with surprise and wonder. Not only was this woman a witch, but she was obviously an immensely powerful one to be able to cast spells without the aid of a wand, something he wasn't even sure Dumbledore could have done.

"What's your name?"

Harry found himself staring into the woman's eyes once again. "Harry. Harry Potter."

If he was confused by the fact that she didn't automatically know his name like everyone else in the Wizarding World, he was dumbfounded when her reaction was only a slight nod, along with the reply, "My name is Aerith. It's a pleasure to meet you." Gesturing behind her, she said, "You've already met Leon obviously. The two bickering are Yuffie and Cid, and the last one is named Tifa." Tifa leaned up against the wall of the house in a similar fashion to Leon. Her long black hair obscured her face.

Harry nodded to show that he understood, then asked, "Where are we?"

"This is Radiant Garden." Leon made his way around the bickering Yuffie and Cid, extending his hand out to Harry, in which was his wand.

Harry took it with a suspicious, "Thanks," then turned back to Aerith. "Is this anywhere near London?"

"London? Is that where you come from?"

"Well, not exactly London, but that's not important. I need to get back to Hogwarts, my friends all need me, and only I can save them." Harry noticed that the occupants of the room had finally quieted down, and they were all looking at him. "What is it?"

They all shuffled uncomfortably, and Harry could tell that his worst fears were about to be realized as Aerith spoke. "I think there's something you need to know, Harry."

Poor Harry. Just lost his entire world, and Yuffie and Cid just wouldn't shut up. I have a couple of really cool ideas that you will eventually see down the line thanks to my friends at DeviantArt, though not for a while. Just Read and Review, and I will be happy. ^_^ Merlin, I'm tired.
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