Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The (Not So) True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys (And Their Cool Friends)

Chapter 6: Jet Star And The Kobra Kid/ Traffic Report

by RebelDevil2019 0 reviews

An interlude with Korse . . .

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-06-02 - Updated: 2011-06-02 - 634 words

Korse watched the woman sitting opposite him with growing tension. He had just finished explaining to her why he had let the Killjoys escape him yet again. Her office was situated at the very top of BL/ind HQ. The back wall was made entirely of glass and her chair was currently turned to overlook the city laid out before her. A city which she owned, controlled. Korse knew this and it made him scared for his well-being.

“Let me check that I have this right,” came the cool, collected voice from the chair, making Korse jump. “The Brown sisters were not apprehended and brought back to BL/ind as we had agreed they would be, correct?”

“Yes ma’am, that is correct,” Korse replied meekly, not liking where this was going.

“This is because the Killjoys instead snatched them, and swanned away into the desert with them, correct?” the voice continued from behind the chair.

“Yes ma’am.”

“And now your Draculoids have no idea where they are thanks to Dr. Death Defying’s secret hideouts amongst the Zones, correct?”

“Yes ma’am.” Korse’s voice was beginning to falter as he faced the woman in the chair – or rather, the back of her head. She sighed and continued to stare out the window.

“I put my trust in you for a reason, Korse. You were designed that way. To carry out my orders without fail. If you are failing me, then maybe I should put my trust in someone else instead. Have you demoted back to a Scarecrow . . .”

Korse instantly froze with dread at the thought of being just another drone, having to follow everyone’s orders all the time. He hated it. Korse loved being in charge, loved the power and the respect he received in his position. He definitely wasn’t going anywhere.

“No, Ms Kim, I swear, we’ll get them back, I swear we will –“

“You’d better,” Ms Kim’s voice cut him up. It had turned deadly serious now and ice cold. “Because you know how important those girls are to us and you know how catastrophic it would be if the Killjoys ever found out about what they can do. To this day, I regret allowing those experiments to take place. I admit that it was my fault, that if it wasn’t for me, then we wouldn’t be in this mess. However, I am the one trying to clean up that mess and if my men aren’t up to the task, then perhaps I should find a more . . . reliable soldier.”

“No ma’am, I assure you, we will attain those girls and destroy the Killjoys while we’re at it. They won’t know what’s hit them, my men have almost narrowed down the Killjoys location, we should be ready to attack any day now. We’ll have the girls, don’t you worry.”

“Good. And make sure you don’t harm them too badly. I want to deal with them myself.”

Korse began to back towards the door, pleased that he had escaped punishment. “Of course, Ms Kim. No worry’s, we’ll have them back here within the fortnight, no problem,” just as he turned his back on the office heading for the door, Ms Kim called after him.

“Korse, I do believe you’re scheduled for an upgrade today. Best you head on down to Upgrading tonight before heading out after those Killjoys.” Korse’s heart sank. He hated his upgrades. Just hours of numbers and codes scrambled around his brain until they were mercifully shoved back into place, along with even more fragmented bits. It left him feeling exhausted and with a horrendous migraine.

“Yes Ms Kim.” He sighed in defeat as he headed out the door.
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