Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys

I Don't Care

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-06-03 - Updated: 2011-06-03 - 620 words

"I really don't know what to say." Party Poison told her, staring out of the large window
across from Artistic Accident's bed.
Artistic Accident looked down "I was just wondering because... I know why you left me before I came to life. But once you found me and knew I was real and stuff, why'd you just leave me?"
"I didn't!"
"Yes you did!" Artistic Accident argued "You answered my questions, gave me a gun and told me art is the weapon. Now seriously, what good does that do to anyone?"
"Well you seem to know what you're doing now!"
"If I hadn't met Safety-Pin Kitten then I'd never have made it to Battery City alive." Artistic Accident pouted "I know I knew more than she did about killjoys and stuff, but she was stronger than I was."
"Look, okay-"
"I don't even care!" Artistic Accident suddenly snapped "I don't know why I cared why you ditched me. Don't even tell me why you did because I really don't want to know."
"I think you do..."
"No. I really don't." She narrowed her eyes at him "If I had died you wouldn't have cared at all."
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is. So just leave me alone, alright?"
Party Poison was about to say something else when Rag Doll came in. "The Doctor says you can go and stay with Safety-Pin Kitten because what she's got isn't contagious. Do you want some help getting there?" Rag Doll told her, wondering if she had interupted anything.
"I'll help her." Party Poison said.
"I want Rag Doll to help me." Artistic Accident said like a sulky five year old.
"It's okay Rag Doll, I've got this!" Party Poison told her.
Rag Doll chose to listen to Party Poison and left the room again.
Artistic Accident sighed "I don't want you to help me."
"I've been doing nothing but help you since we got here. One more time won't make a difference."

"I missed you so much!" Safety-Pin Kitten cried, throwing her arms round Artistic Accident seconds after she was put onto Safety-Pin Kittens bed.
"I missed you too!" Artistic Accident smiled, hugging her best friend back.
Party Poison edged out of the room quietly, not waiting to be thanked.
"Did you guys miss ME?" A familiar voice said from the other side of the room.
"Bed Head!" Artistic Accident cried "I'd come hug you but I can't walk!"
Bed Head smiled, skipped over and gave Artistic Accident a hug. Then she reached over and gave Safety-Pin Kitten a hug. "I must've been a real pain in the butt, huh?"
"I wouldn't know." Safety-Pin Kitten shrugged but Artistic Accident was laughing.
"Yeah, you really were!"

"Rag Doll!" Kobra Kid grabbed her arm as she was walking to see her friends "You do realise we've gotta go back for the others right?"
"Well, we're actually going now."
"Now?" Rag Doll asked "What about the others?"
"That's the thing. It's just you, me, Party Poison, Jet-Star, Fun Ghoul and Doctor D."
"What about Bed Head, Safety-Pin Kitten and Artistic Accident?"
Kobra Kid rolled his eyes "Get real. Artistic Accident can barely walk so how can you expect her to go fight a bunch of dracs? And Safety-Pin Kitten is still recovering from whatever illness she has. And Bed Head is the one they'll want the most."
"Once they've turned someone into a mindless worker, we can only change them back to a killjoy once." Kobra Kid told her "Then once they're made into a mindless worker the second time, they're stuck."
"But what about you four?"
"We've never been turned into mindless workers. Never have, never will. Now are you coming or not?"
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