Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Young and Dangerous

This is who I really am

by DisasterKid 2 reviews

Gerard commits a crime in the woods. Frank and Mikey finds out.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-06-03 - Updated: 2011-06-03 - 688 words

Gerard couldn’t stop; it was like something inside him had taken over his body. The man fell to his knees, and hadn’t even screamed. He was already dead. He kept drinking and the warm liquid filled his mouth. It tasted so sweet, not like it had tasted when he was human. Then it had, had a metallic, salty taste. Now it tasted like honey, and he couldn’t get enough. He felt the last drop of blood enter his mouth, and felt full. He carefully licked all the blood from the man’s body; he didn’t let anything go to waste. He looked around him. Luckily no one had seen him, even the man’s dog wasn’t there anymore. Then he thought of what to do to the body. If he let it be, people would find it and see the bite marks in his neck. No, he certainly couldn’t do that. Maybe he could dump him in the lake? People probably wouldn’t find him there, but it was still risky. He decided that was the best option, so he grabbed the man by the arm swung him around his shoulders. He was surprisingly light, but then Gerard remembered that he was a vampire, he could probably carry really heavy things. He ran down to the lake with the man on his back. He wanted to do it quickly; Frank and Mikey might be on the track of him by now. The lake was placed in the middle of the dark forest, luckily. There probably wouldn’t be any people there right now. He walked as close as he could to the lake, and carefully threw the body in the water. It sank slowly, but after a minute he couldn’t see it at all.
Mikey stood beside Frank, trying to comfort him. He was crying heavily, and people was starting to give them weird looks. Frank had broken down when Gerard ran away from them, he was still shocked. He had just gotten Gerard back, and now he was leaving him again. He knew he’d probably come back, be he just needed him now.
“Don’t cry Frankie.” Said Mikey and stroked his back. He didn’t really know what to say. And he was worried. What was wrong with Gee? He didn’t understand why he suddenly just left.
“I’m going after him.” Said Frank.
“No Frank he’ll come back so-“ said Mikey but Frank was already running towards the woods. Mikey knew he couldn’t stop him so he ran after him. So what if he missed the rest of his classes that day, this was about his brother, and there might be something seriously wrong with him. Though Frank was short, he was faster than Mikey. Mikey was gasping for air when Frank finally slowed down.
“God Frank…” he said while hyperventilating, “You’re really fast.”
“Schh-“ said Frank, they both listened. They could hear someone cursing not far away.
“God… Fuck..” said the voice, and then they both knew it was Gerard. Frank quickly ran towards the voice, with Mikey halting behind him.
“AAAHHH!!” Screamed Frank, and Mikey ran up behind him. There was his brother – with blood all over him. He looked up at them, and turned around. Obviously ashamed.
“Gerard wha-“ said Mikey but broke down sobbing.
“I failed okay? I couldn’t stop it.” Said Gerard and walked away.
“No Gerard! Wait!” said Frank and ran towards him, but just as he approached him, he disappeared.
“Gerard stop it!” said Mikey. He knew he used his powers.
“Gee, please come back! It’s okay!” yelled Mikey, trying to come on contact with him.
“No,” said a voice and Mikey looked beside him, and saw Gerard. “It’s not o-fucking-kay Mikey. Can’t you see me? I’m awful.”
“No Gerard!” said Frank and hugged him, not caring if he got blood on his clothes.
“Frankie… I can’t.” said Gerard and broke down, sobbing.
“Don’t worry Gee,” said Mikey and stroked his brothers back. “You’re gonna’ get through this.”
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