Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Danger Days: Bob`s Story

chapter sixteen

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 4 reviews

Does Bob get his memory back? Or will he kill the three killjoys like ordered? The killjoys taking part in the break in say their last goodbyes, just in case.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-05 - Updated: 2011-06-05 - 1471 words - Complete

NOTE Sorry it took so long to get this up, my friend stayed over on Friday and yesterday I had to write I don`t love you. Hope you like the chapter, I`m afraid the story will probably be over soon(ish). But I will have some new stories up, I wpn`t vanish off of here (Aren`t you all so lucky?)
But I probably won`t have the new stories up untill my current ones are finished. Keep a look out anyway-I often change my mind. Like I said, hope you like the chapter, if you do please leave a review as it encourages me to write faster.
Bob`s pov.
“I ...I know you…but…how?” the three familiar strangers (Yeah, I know that sounded really fucked up) were still staring at me, looking hurt, scared and genuinely upset. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why.
“Bob…you….you’re not…you, are you?” The black and red haired girl asked me, tears filling her emerald coloured eyes, the barest glimmer of hope in them. The boy that was slightly taller than she was took hold of her free hand and squeezed it gently, obviously trying to provide some form of comfort.
“Rosie, I`m scared.” Said a very familiar looking child with black and blonde hair, tugging on the girls arm. I couldn’t help but wonder if they were related-their facial structure was almost identical.
“Shh, it`s alright, Skyes.” She pressed a kiss onto the top of his head.
The elder boy, the one with black and blue hair and multiple piercings in both ears, stared at the two in disbelief, before turning his attention to me again. He looked angry, very angry, but very saddened, and more than a little disgusted. I wanted to ask him why, but didn’t. They were killjoys and Korse had warned me that killjoys were manipulative and would twist whatever you said. He had told me that they needed to be destroyed, that they were a risk to keep round, due to their rebellious nature and love for bloodshed. I found it hard to believe this though. These three that I had been ordered to kill, looked anything but that, sure, they were different to everyone here, but did that mean they were bad? Take the kid for example; he couldn’t be much older than six years of age, not very dangerous.
I could only follow orders, though. I knew from personal experience what happened if you disobeyed orders, especially direct ones from Korse himself. It was painful, excruciatingly so. I raise my ray gun, one that was exactly the same as those used by the dracs.
Don’t do this.
I pause for a moment, but whether it was because of the voice in my head, or the looks of fear from the killjoys, I couldn’t tell. I raised the gun again, aiming at the pale, skinny, heavily tattooed boy. The girl pushes the child farther behind her and attempts to shield soon to be dead boy.
“No, Rose.” His face and voice lack emotion, and he pushes the girl back gently, but with enough force that she has no choice but to move. I can see the child crying, and the girls eyes once again are slowly filling up with tears, causing her green eyes to glisten like emeralds.
“Don`t do this, please.” I take no notice of her, and prepare to shoot the teenage boy. It would be quick, and probably painless, I didn’t know.
“This isn`t you. You`re so much better than this, don`t.” the words seem very familiar to me, for what reason I don`t know. Memories I dint know I had came trickling back. In my mind I could see a bus, a large one, with bunks and a mini kitchen space. Sitting in the bus were four faces I recognised, but couldn’t not name, and myself. We were all visible upset and angry, apart from one sitting in the middle of us all. A pale man with black, greasy, limp hair was sitting in the centre, his hazel eyes red and puffy.
“I`m sorry, I won’t do it again. I`ll stop.” It was clear to me and the others, who I still couldn’t name, that he was not only trying to reassure us, but himself.
“This isn`t you, Gerard. You`re so much better than this.” I recognised the voice as my own, only it held so much more authority than it did now.
The scene in my mind changed, this time showing the same bus, only this time only four people were sitting in it. Like before, they were all visibly upset, but I was nowhere to be seen.
“He’s gone?”
“No, frank, it’s just a joke. Of fuckin course he’s gone!”
“Gerard, shut up.” Ray glared at him. “He only asked. “
Gerard sighed. “Sorry. I just can’t believe it.”
Couldn’t believe what? The scene faded away, and I was suddenly aware of Korse standing in front of me, glaring at me and holding a ray gun to my head. The three killjoys were being held by a drac each and they too had a gun being aimed at them.
“Looks like someone’s awake.” Korse spat at me and kicked me in the stomach, casing me to double over.
“Get them out of my sight.” Korse ordered the dracs, who immediately obeyed.
“As for you.” He hissed, lowering the gun. “You will be taken to a separate cell and then when the drugs have been modified, you will be administered them.”
“But sir, if his body has resisted them once, he will probably be unaffected by the latest, improved drugs.” Said the businesslike, dark haired woman. I didn’t know she was in the room, but seeing as she often was with Baldy…
This statement seemed to throw him for a moment, but he soon recovered. “Then take him to a cell, where he will wait until his execution. Seeing as he is of no use to me anymore, he may as well be…disposed of.”
Party Poison`s pov.
“This it, guys.” We could just see the outside of the evil, colourless building we were about to attempt (and hopefully, if all went well) to break into. I knew that Kobra had his doubts, along with Jinx- I mean Screaming Revolver. I hoped everything went alright, and that no one would get hurt, but at the end of the day, we knew what we had to do.
“Okay, so we all know the plan and, erm-“
“Quit stalling, we know you`re scared, we are too.” How nice of Kobra to interrupt when we didn’t know if we were going to even live to see another day. If we did, I would kick his ass tomorrow, and if we didn’t I certainly would in hell. I really didn’t believe I was going to go to heaven, but hey-miracles happen. I guess.
“Yeah, Poison. I`m scared shitless.”
“So, erm, in case we don`t you know, make it, I guess we should all say whatever we gotta say to each other now, huh?” Jet smiled at us all. I could tell he was hoping for the best- we all were, but was also preparing for the worst.
“Love you bro.” Kobra gave me an awkward one armed hug. It reminded me of simpler times, life on the road, singing and just having fun, not worrying about a thing. I missed those days, but tried not to reminisce too much. We all did, it was just too painful in most cases. Most of us killjoys just lived in the here and now, in the moment. In a way it was nice, in others it sometimes felt…empty. But we all always had to keep an eye out for danger, so we didn’t have much time to think about that kinda stuff. Which was good in a way.
I return the hug and whisper “Good luck.” In his ear.
“Bye, Poison, Jet, Ghoul, Kobra.” Screaming, Poison and Bee hug us all, then turn towards Dark Fire, Crimson, Static and Bullet.
“This is it.” I say again, after all the “Good lucks” and “Goodbyes” had been said. This time, knowing this really was it. “It`s been amazing knowing you all, be it for years or only a handful of days. Good luck out there, and die with your masks on if you have to.” Everyone cheered quietly, as to not gain any unwanted attention from any dracs out on patrol.
“Don`t worry, we`ll never let `em take us alive.”
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