Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Restart Living My Life

Chemical Lies

by redglitterapple 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-14 - Updated: 2011-06-14 - 590 words - Complete

Gerard’s POV

Three days later and Frank hasn’t spoken to me. Ive just been wondering around school on a limb. Whenever I saw Matt or Pete I just used to wave and we share a few words. Now that seemed to happen less and less. Like they were avoiding me?

Why would they do that? Well, not just them. EVERYONE seemed to be avoidng me? Even Kat. She was like my second best friends here, now first. Whats gotten into everybody?! They didnt have a problem with me last week.

Just then, I saw Kat down the hallway. It was just us walking down the deserted hallway so she couldnt NOT notice me. “Kat.” I spoke up. She put her head down and continued on.

“KAT!” I grabbed her by the arm and twirled her round. “What the hell?! Have I done something wrong?” I felt so confused and pissed at the same time.

“Just go away Gerard. I dont wanna talk to you. Not after what you did.” she turned away and I just stood there. Could I have done something so bad?

Fucking hell! I didnt wanna be here anymore. Not with all of this shit. I didnt even know what was going on! This was the most rediculous thing ever.

I planned to go to the field and just bunk off or jump the fence, but on my way, I heard a group of kids talking. They stopped when I came into view. I eyed them and kept walking. Letting the words seep through to my brain.

Did... did they just. No. I could be hearing things. But it would explain why everyone was avoiding me, hating me even. God, how could he twist this into something this bad.

Frank’s POV

I have a million friends. Everyone loves me. Damn right was I proving my father wrong. This day just got better and better.

Outside its sunny and hot out. We’re all crowded around the benches just gossiping. The start of a fresh new day. You gotta love Wednesdays.

The bell signaled the end of lunch and I grabed up my half drunk coke and full bag of skittles (damn right I like skittles) and shoved them in my bag. Uhh, geography last. Thank God, I had this class with Tyler. We walked into the class and sat down at the back where I normally sat. And... Gerard? Okay, maybe he didnt get the message... Nope, he did. He looked pissed.

“Can I talk to you?” he was grinding his teeth together furiously.

“Can you?”

“I wasnt really asking.”

I nodded to Tyler and he walked over to talk to Miley and Kylie. Twins? Yes.

He stood even though the seat was free.

He eyed me and only said one thing. Why.

“Because you did. Would you rather me lie?” I replied. It wasnt completely true, the details were still a bit hazy,but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

He finally sat down and whispered in a cold voice to me. “I never did anything. YOU came onto ME! Dont try and cover up what you are.” he stood and walked out. Sat down for al of 1 minutes. Nice.

I just stared. Like I did that very first geography lesson. Staring at th very same door he walked out of again. What I am? Huh?

What is he on about? What I am...
Sorry for another short chapter. Hopefully they will start to get a bit longer.
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