Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Restart Living My Life


by redglitterapple 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-17 - Updated: 2011-06-17 - 633 words - Complete

Gerard’s POV

I really didnt wanna be here anymore. I didnt wanna see his face, I didnt wanna be in the same place, the same town, even the same planet.

I had no clue what happened to him over the weekend and those three days, but something was up.

I was aimlessly wondering through the halls. I didnt know where to go. Thats when I realized my feet were leading me to the music room. I guess I always connected to music deep at heart.

I opened the door into the cool air conditioned room and saw a dark figure turn from the window.


She had tears in her eyes and imediately went to gather her things the minute she saw my face. I rushed to her and bent down and she was fumbling to get her things together.

She eventually gave up and just looked point blank at me.

“Why are you here?”

My words were scattered and I forgot what to say for a moment. “I-I-I just, I... to get away.” I blurted.

“From what?”

“Everything. Everyone... Frank.”

“Why would you get away from him. Arent you like totally for him.” her words cut like a knife and stung like venom.

Now I finally understood. Why people were avoiding me, why Frank was being a complete and utter douche to me. What happened... the kiss.

“He... he told everyone?”

“Well duh!” she threw her hands up a bit “And why would he lie?”

“Because he likes attention. Look, Kat, I swear to you I never... it wasnt me, I didnt do anything!”

“Why should I believe you. Ive only known you for a week!”

“And how long have you known Frank for? I bet you know him pretty well. Well enough to know he would twist something.”

“Twist? But, I thought you said you didnt do anything?”

“Yes!No... uhh”

“I knew it” she grabbed her bag and was just about ready to go out the door.

Thats when I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her round to see me. She squirmed under my grib, but I wouldnt give. It was then that I pulled in closer and...

Frank’s POV

What I am... Pfft.

I was walking home alone. It started to rain and non of the dudes really felt like walking, so they all crammed into Petes Jeep. He drove that thing EVERYWHERE!, except in the mountains...

My hood was pulled tight over my head and I watched my feet trudge one infront of the other. I reached my front door and slammed it shut once I was in. I didnt really know what to dow with myself. I could do the late homework assignments, but that would be boring.

I crashed down to the basement tuning out to my guitar, blasting some music and just drawing out some random comics. I strangely noticed how I tried my best to make them perfect. Like Gerard’s pictures.

Sigh. What have I done?

I abandoned my projects and went back upstairs to the cold empty place I call a home. I felt a little hungry so I searched around the kitchen for something appealing. To no avail. I ended up muching a bowl of cereal. I should probably go shopping. DAMN! Im pretty sure the shopping money would be cut slack, so I guess that means I would have to get a job.


I dumped my bowl in the sink, not really bothered right now, and then walked upstairs to my room. I was just really tired. Even though my phone alarm rang off telling my I had a voicemail to check, I switched it off and fell on my bed.

I cuddles up under my duvet and slwoly drifted to sleep humming to myself.
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