Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

8. Paranoia

by theescapist99 8 reviews

"Within moments, he went from a tortured man to a crazed animal --- panicked and scared."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-06-17 - Updated: 2011-06-17 - 934 words - Complete

A/N: The hint for last time admittedly wasn't very good. I couldn't think of a good song lyric that would go with this chapter without giving too much away. I had difficulty with even titling this. Sorry about that. :p Also with this chapter, just to avoid any confusion, keep in mind that Gerard's captors may or may not always be telling the truth.

8. Paranoia

Gerard sat on his bed, bandages blanketing his back. The healer had fixed him up, but it still hurt to breathe or even lie down. He was forced to remain in a seated position or endure more discomfort. He had had a small breakdown once the healer finally released him. He had tried hitting and kicking the man, but Gerard was weak and easily overtaken.

For the most part, he had calmed himself down. Yet he knew it was futile. They were slowly breaking him.

It wasn't long before another visitor came. It was the food bearer. Gerard physically felt himself relax at the sight of another food tray, plain as the meal was. His stomach had been growling for hours. It was funny really, going from gourmet meals at 5 star restaurants --- to this.

Yet nothing was the same anymore, nor would it ever be again. Gerard still wondered if this was some fucked up nightmare he was still going to wake up from. It had crossed his mind before, the idea that he might be kidnapped. There had been threats in the past. Yet he never imagined it would actually happen. That's what they hired security for.

So where the hell had security been when he was taken? He wasn't sure... he barely remembered any details himself. He had tried to strain his memory, tried to remember exactly what had happened. But he couldn't remember a thing for the life of him. Maybe it was a sign that this was all just a nightmare after all. One of the signs of a dream is not knowing how you got there, right?

The man set down his food tray, and Gerard looked away, expecting him to walk away silently as usual. He figured less eye contact meant less encouragement. Yet the man lingered for a moment, and Gerard's discomfort grew more and more.

"You attacked the healer last night." the man informed him bluntly. Gerard stayed silent. Did they want him to apologize?

The man continued, "Therefore you are to be especially punished for your lack of cooperation."

Gerard's felt fear rise inside him. Still looking down, he said softly, "What else do you have left to do to me?"

The man replied, "It has already been done."

Gerard looked up in confusion as the man placed a clump of something by the tray of food. After he had placed it, the man walked away towards the door. Gerard stared at the clump for a moment before realizing what it was. It was a small batch of black human hair. Gerard touched it gingerly and looked up at the man who was almost out the door, but seemed to be waiting for Gerard to say something.

"Hair?" Gerard called after him.

The man stood silently for a moment before responding, "It's your daughter's."

And he left, closing the door softly behind him.

The weight of the man's word took quite a while to dawn on Gerard. Yet when it did, Gerard felt himself shatter inside. His hands began to shake violently. He began to hyperventilate. Screaming came next. Within moments, he went from a tortured man to a crazed animal --- panicked and scared.

Gerard sprinted from his bed, hurling himself in the direction of the door. He forgot the shackles that bound him there and ended up falling in an awkward position on the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" he screeched over and over. Sobs soon racked his body as he pleaded desperately for answers. Do they have her captive somewhere? Were they hurting her too?

..Had they killed her?

He continued to shriek at the door, his mind too clouded in turmoil to work out that no one would hear him. Nor would they care if they did.



"I just want to know where he is..." Mikey mumbled into his knees, tears falling quietly down his cheeks.

"Shhh... I know Mikes." Ray sighed as he patted Mikey on the back. "So do I. We all do..."


Gerard thrashed against the cuffs that bound his ankles. He thought he felt a bone being dislocated, but he didn't care. The thought that these fucking monsters had even gone near Bandit was too much. He remembered the man telling him: "It has already been done."

What the fuck was 'it' supposed to mean?

His panic continued to heighten, his physical wounds almost completely forgotten. Yet at the same time, his despair grew along with it, the sensation of defeat consuming him. He cried desperately, pounding his fists against the ground like a child.

Gerard knew he could do nothing. He just prayed with all his being that his baby girl wasn't being hurt.


Mikey sobbed openly against Ray's shoulder, losing all control. He knew there was nothing more that could be done. He just hoped with all his being that his brother wasn't being hurt.


Next chapter: "When I am queen, I'll have my way...I'll make it drowning dollie day.”

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