Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

9. Dunking Head In Urine

by theescapist99 7 reviews

"They would leave him in for around five seconds each time. Long enough to partly reach a drowning sensation."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-06-20 - Updated: 2011-06-20 - 349 words - Complete

A/N: Next chapters a better one, promise. :) I have to put in a few slightly boring ones if I can even go anywhere near 100 chapters lol.

9. Dunking Head In Urine

Two of them came in with a tub or a very large bucket. They released Gerard from the handcuffs at his ankles. He begged to know where his daughter was, but they refused to even acknowledge his pleas. They forced him to kneel on the ground, gripping and pulling at his hair the entire time. He tried to bargain with them, told them he'd do anything they ask if he could find out where his daughter might be. Again they ignored him, dragging the bucket closer to him.

A horrid stench resonated from it. Gerard held his breath as they pushed what seemed to be a tub of merely water towards him. Once it was close enough, the man plunged Gerard's head into the tub, submerging his head into the fluid.

Gerard gasped out of surprise, and in doing so, allowed the fluid to fill his mouth and lungs. It was then that he realized the fluid was in fact urine. A big tub of urine. Gerard gagged and they pulled his head back out of the urine.

Gerard gasped, gagged, and spat once he was out. Yet he barely had any real time to breathe before they submerged his head in it again. And again. And again. They would leave him in for around five seconds each time. Long enough to partly reach a drowning sensation. The intervals between them were barely short enough for him to be able to get an appropriate amount of air. The man kept his grip on Gerard's hair like one would gripping onto something to save their lives.

This went on for what felt like hours. They eventually seemed to get bored, after which they threw Gerard back into his bed, leaving him flailing and gagging like a fish out of water.

Next chapter: "On the edge of paradise, poison burning in my veins; Unavailing...compromised; My dreams remain the same..."
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