Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Alicia! Finally she's a main character!


by ONotz 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-17 - Updated: 2011-06-18 - 1118 words

Our child is 2. I say OUR because she thinks I’m her father. We don’t have the guts to tell her. I even- erm, well. The thing is. Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We are kinda having another child…..and it’s mine…….

Elizabeth is now 16, with her 14 year old sister.

“MOTHER! ELIZABETH IS SNEAKING OUT!” my little sister said as I dropped out of the window and ran. I turned a corner and ran into someone. Dad stood in front of me with a smile on his face “House. Now.” He said. I sighed and followed him home, until the door then I bolted. I ran all the way to Bandit’s until my uncle stopped me by the fence, he brought me into the house, and about 3 minutes later Dad walked in. He had a scowl on and motioned for me to sit on the couch. He called Bandit down “It’s time.” Dad said to my uncle. “Are you sure? Have you spoken to Ali?” He asked. Dad nodded, he sighed. He called my sister in, from where I guess she was waiting?

“Bandit honey. You know I had a brother right? You know how I told you not to tell your cousins right?” He said, she scoffed “Dad, I’m 17, can you please talk to me like I’m not 4?” She said, but nodded. He sighed, “Okay.” Dad said. “Elizabeth, I’m-“ I knew it was true. “MIKEY FUCKING WAY IS MY FATHER RIGHT?” I yelled standing up, Dad looked away, and he nodded. “YOU DIDN’T TELL ME UNTILL I WAS 16? REALLY!” I yelled and stormed out. Bandit followed close behind, she didn’t talk though. I stormed my way to the bridge, were my father jumped. I cried silently.

I didn’t go to school the next day, I didn’t even go home. I stayed at the bridge the whole day. I just fell sleep in the middle of it. I was being shaken. “Hey.” Tegan said. I just started to cry. I never cry. Tegan was shocked, he was the only one to see me cry, and that only happened once a year. The date of Mikey Way’s death. He knew, he’s the one who suggested it. Suggested everything, the way Alicia+Mikey=Me when Alicia+Frank=Cassie. He shushed me and rocked me.

“It took them 16 years. 16 years to tell me what I knew.” I whispered. He nodded and helped me stand. We walked to my house, we walked right past my parent’s, and into my room. There was a box sitting on my bed with a note. ‘When you’re ready. –Frank.’ I sighed. He called himself Frank. He was Dad. Mikey- he was father. Or I would call him my dad, but Frank was my DAD!

Tegan smiled. I opened the box, Dad’s beanie, his bass picks, some old picks. Most importantly, a deck of cards. ‘The king of the poker face. Happy birthday Babe.’ Was sprawled on the box, in my mom’s handwriting. I smiled, Tegan sat on my bed, going through pictures. There was one I wasn’t expecting, one of his funeral. Tegan snatched it from me and pulled out a tape. ‘My kid. When she’s/he’s old enough.’ It said, I put it in my DVD player and pressed play.

My father readjusted it, “If you are 6, please leave this alone.” He said. Mom and Dad sat behind us. “Man, didn’t think I would go through with this.” He said looking down. “Listen. I’m not responsible enough to take care of a kid. I’m going to call Ray, and when someone gets here. I am going to jump. I-I can’t be a killjoy anymore, in the shadow of my Brother. I love you Gee, it’s just…I feel like offing myself every 5 minutes. I’m sorry. I love you all, and Frank. If you are the father of this kid…..Thanks man. I really appreciate it. Well then, goodbye guys, I hope I have fun in the black parade. But if that is true, I am going to be scared.” He nodded and relived his poker face into a smile, said ‘so long and goodnight’ and cut the camera off. Mom was smiling, “Your father was never a disappointment in cliché, but it made Gerard happy.” She said. Frank was smiling.

Tegan squeezed my had and got a text. “3-2-1-“ Cassie burst through the door, bloody and bruised. Our parents stared, I totally forgot about her bully. “Amber.” Tegan sneered. “I’m going to kill her.” I whisper, I slowly got up and walked out. Mom and Dad hugged Cassie, while she started her story.

(at school)

Ashley Henderson laughed with her friends, she was going to pay. “Hey Amber!” I yell, she turns. She grins at me, “Hey twerp!” She says and laughs “I’m a year older than you!” I said, she laughs again. “Whatever. Do you need anything?” She asked flipping her long blonde hair. I brought my fist back when someone ran up “NO!” But I brought it down on her face. I jumped on her back, making her fall. She just cried for help as my other best friend, and her twin, pulled me off. “Hey Riley!” I say and we walk away.

I got to Tegan’s when Riley just stopped. She collapsed. On the spot. I ran tpo the door and pounded on it, ran back to Riley. Tegan opened the door and ran out, he called an ambulance. I climbed in with my best friend. Riley suddenly awakened. She sat up and the paramedic undid her IV. She hated needles. (Had to add it XD) I smiled “You okay? You gave me a scare.” I said sweeping her fringe out of her dull blue yes. She smiles but then that falters. She cries out “MY BABY!” She yells, Tegan burst into tears. I just felt numb. When we got out of the ambulance, I called my father. “Dad. I’m at the hospital with Riley. No I’m okay, I need to leave though. Please come and get me.” I say, he’s going to be here in a moment. When he pulls up I got into the car numbly. “So what’s up?” He asked driving back to my house. “Honestly? I have no idea.” I whisper.

“Sooooooooo.” Tegan says when I see him the next day at school, I shrug it off and walk off. “You can’t ignore me.” He says down the hall, I turn with tears in my eyes “You are a liar.” I whisper and march off.
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