Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hunted

Chapter 21

by xblckhrtxx 3 reviews

I'll kill you

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2011-06-18 - Updated: 2011-06-18 - 2244 words - Complete

Lily's POV

We were seated at an antique table. It had been two hours since we'd been forced inside the mansion and Brent and I had been given seperate 'living spaces' as Beckett liked to call them. Well they were decorated in an old world theme that suggested that Beckett is probably an old fart, and as nice as they were, the clothes he was making us dress up in were a little too old fashioned for my taste. Bob was dressed in a black version of the Dandy outfit (minus the hideous hat). While I was stuck wearing some dress dark red dress that looks like the victorian era barfed on it. Then, to top things off, here we were, stuck having a fucking meal with the jackass that plans on forcing us both to become vampires. Not a good fucking day!

"Well, Lily, how do you like your living space?" I cringed at Beckett's sudden call to my attention.
"It's....interesting." I said carefully, I'd really like to try and stay human for as long as possible. Beckett grinned.

"And what about you Bob? How do you like your new outfit?" Beckett asked in a polite tone. Bob, who was trying very hard to pretend he was completely collected, rested his head in his hand before he spoke.

"Honestly, it's not really my taste. I'm more of a mod type of man myself." He chuckled lightly. I grinned, the day Bob dresses in a mod style is the day I trade in my stake and ask for a job in accounting. Beckett didn't seem to find the humor in our joke though.
"Well, too bad. That's what you'll be wearing until you're an official vampire Dandy." Beckett snapped with an annoyed tone. I laughed and looked at what we had to eat. There was plenty of food set out in front of us, like one of those giant feasts you see in cartoons.
"So are we expected to eat all of this?" I grimaced. Beckett laughed and then shook his head no.

"I don't think it would be possible unless you planned on trying to eat on it all for the next couple of days. I just thought I'd pull out a lot of food that way, there wouldn't be the chance that you have to eat something you don't like." He smiled. I made a face. I don't like this suddenly 'nice' Beckett.

"So, how much time are you giving us?" Bob asked nonchalantly to Beckett, as he ate a turkey leg.

"What do you mean Bob?" Beckett questioned with a coy smile. Bob swallowed and glanced at me for moment before speaking. I started on some fantastic tomato soup to the left of me, while I listened.

"How much time are you going to give us before you decide to turn us into..." Bob trailed off, unable to bring himself to say what was on both our minds. Beckett's smile widened to show off his fangs.

"Into what, Bob?" Beckett asked, challenging Bob. I continued to slurp at my soup, hey this stuff is like crack! Only soupy...shut up. Bob sucked in a breath and then an enraged look came upon him.

"How long do I fucking have until you decide to play God and suck the fucking life from me like a jackass and then turn me into one of your goddamned monsters?!" Bob shouted and stood up. I dropped my spoon and our eyes were on Beckett.

"That, depends on how cooperative you are with me, Bob. Maybe, if you're good and supply me with plenty of information about all of these vampires you've run into over the years, then maybe, I'll let you hold onto your humanity just a little bit longer." Beckett's smile got even wider (if possible) and then he sipped a cup of tea in front of himself. Bob slowly sat back down.

"And if I don't cooperate?" He asked darkly. Beckett set the tea cup down.
"Then you and Ray's issues will be over very quickly." He said in a completely casual tone. The color drained from Bob's face. Beckett then turned to me.

"I think when you finish your soup, my dear, we should go for a short walk. Bob won't mind." It wasn't a suggestion or an offer. I looked over at Bob. If looks could kill, Beckett would be a bloody carcass from the glare Bob was boring into him.

"Actually, I do mind. I was hoping to have a chance to spend a little time and discuss the change in our arrangements with Lily." Bob seethed. From what I could tell, he was trying very hard to not chuck the turkey leg on his plate at Beckett's head. Beckett turned to look at Bob then, very deliberately, he snapped his fingers. In an instant the vampire named Mike had his fangs resting on Bob's neck.

"I think Ray would be interested to know that he might get his wish soon." Beckett mused. I dropped a glass I had been holding. It smashed on the floor by my feet. All eyes were on me.
"Stop." I said simply. Beckett raised an eyebrow.

"Bob, just calm down. It's just a walk, we have to play by his rules right now. If we don't act carefully he'll take the one thing that we are holding onto, and I won't let you become a vampire because you were worried about me." I murmured and then Beckett stood up.
"Well put my dear. I think we should be getting on with that walk now." He grinned and was by my side before I could blink. "Mike, do a fellow a favor and escort Bob to his living space."

We were walking through the halls of the mansion. It was even more castle like than the one in Jersey, .Jersey....Gerard. A painful loneliness spread over me. If only he were here....
"You're going to make a strong vampiress." Beckett commented from next to me and I was brought out of my stupor. He looked to me for a witty response of some kind but I didn't reply. There was nothing behind my words at the moment, we're in his hands.

"You're a lot less talkative than you were before, have I possibly broken The Lillian Giordono?" Beckett laughed. I glared at him darkly and then out of nowhere I brought my fist up and connected it with his face. It was like punching a cement block since he's a vampire and all but it was enough of an impact to cause him to stagger backwards a step or two.
"How dare you! You ungrateful bitch!" He roared and then just like that, I was pinned against the hallway wall. Beckett towered over me and had his hands holding on to both my arms. What a lovely way to go down.

"You know, maybe Bob was right." Beckett grinned down at me. "Maybe, taking this walk with me was bad decision on your part."

"Maybe you should shove you’re damned arrogance up your ass and rotate!" I shot back. He struck me hard in the face. My head flung back and I banged it into the wall. I could taste blood in my mouth and a bruise was definitely going to form on my cheek where he hit me. Beckett moved his lips down to my ear.

"You know Lily, I could turn you into a vampire right now. It's so simple really, and then you'd be mine forever. No one else could ever interfere. You'd be bonded with me." He said sadistically. Then, he grabbed my chin and tilted my head to the side. I took in a shaky breath.
"Are you afraid, Lily?" He asked and I could feel an excitement practically radiating off of him. He leaned in.

"Are you terrified." I felt his fangs graze my neck and I closed my eyes.
"Do you are going to die?" He whispered lightly. I clenched my eyes shut and that's when he drove his fangs into my neck.

"PETE GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THERE!" I screamed as ten Dandies came at him. I watched in a stunned awe as he used all of his vampire strength to throw them off and then beat the crap out of them. There was chaos all around us, we were in the most vampire infested part of Newark and tonight's the final showdown. People screamed and ran for their lives as both the elegantly dressed Dandies preyed upon them and the less than polite looking kind followed suit. William Beckett and Pete were going to finish this here while Brandy, Brenda and I finish the coven we'd battling vigorously lately ,My Chemical Romance. I'd seen no sign of them thus far but that didn't mean they weren't here, I scanned the streets drenched in terror for any sign. Sadly, my view of the surroundings could only last a minute though because as I was enjoying the ass kicking they were getting, someone else decided it was time for my own. Mikey Way jumped out at me with his fangs blazing.

"Not today you blood sucking piece of scum!" I shouted and brought my leg up to kick him away hard in the stomach. He was thrown backwards but my leg reacted as any human's would to kicking a brick wall. I bent over as pain shot up to my knees and back down in waves at my feet. I only gave myself a second to be in this pain though because he might choose to strike back.

"You should really go see Pete's mansion right about now, dear. A friend mine is waiting there for you." Mikey suggested and then took off away from me at vampire speed. I stood up and looked in the direction of Pete's mansion. He'd purchased it strategically so that it would be overlooking this infested area. It was time to destroy them. I took in a deep breath and raced towards the mansion.

As I dashed by, I saw the carnage taking place around me. Dandies were hypnotizing unlucky young girls whom were likely about to be bitten, people were being tossed about like toys, and a priest was being jumped. I noticed my own allies amongst the battles. Patrick was fighting off tons of vampiresses, Joe was hitting some vamps with the butt of his gun, and Andy was using some martial arts to kick major ass. I silently cheered them on. I would help them as soon as my own war was complete.

Darkness threatened to swallow me as I approached the mansion. I heard a movement as I made my way to the door and I froze. Vampire? Or human? Suddenly, I twisted, brought out a stake from my jacket, and turned in the direction of the sound. Brandy and I both had stakes to each other's hearts.

"Oh thank god!" I breathed with a relief. We both removed our stakes and smiled at each other in the darkness.

"I was worried you were Frank." She laughed.
"I thought you might be Gerard," I confessed. We both stared at each other for a moment. We may be going in to destroy the coven, but on a personal level we knew who's kill was who's. I don't doubt that the vampires know just the same.

"Ready?" I asked while trying to keep it sounding light, like we might be about to go for a job instead of a life threatening battle that could result in one or both of us dead.
"We're going in human," she started.

"We're coming out just the same or dead!" I howled and then Brenda came out behind Brandy brought up her leg and swiftly kicked the door down. Darkness.

We stepped in quietly. So far it was just a creepy entrance way.
"I wonder if they were so silly as to forget?" I half laughed. Then a defeaning C sharp shrieked from a piano that I could just barely make out of the darkness. We both gripped our stakes.

"Welcome ladies, I hope you girls have been enjoying your night, but I really hope you get to enjoy your time with us more." A voice I could only guess was Frank's said from the darkness. I looked out into it.

"We'll start enjoying ourselves when you start letting us get on with this whole thing." I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, the door slammed behind us.
"Whatever you say." Frank laughed as an axe swung down at Brenda from beside me.

I jerked my body up, swung my legs off the side of a bed, and started running forward.
However, I got a severe head rush and I only made it two steps before I lost balance and fell on the floor. I heard a light chuckle from behind me. I whipped my head around and there he was, William Beckett, in all his bloodsucking glory.

"I'll kill you." I seethed and touched the side of my neck. Two fresh bite marks welcomed my fingertips.


My first attempt at a flashback. How’d I do??? I really didn’t like it, but that’s just me. If I have at least 3 reviews by 8 PM tomorrow (as my dad calls it) Texas time I’ll update. Oh and jadesohma you’ll be in soon sweetie!

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