Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Alicia! Finally she's a main character!


by ONotz 0 reviews

What is wrong?!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-20 - Updated: 2011-06-20 - 627 words

When I woke up we ended up naming our daughter Stephanie K. Tegan held her for hours, so did all of our friends. Ms. Iero (Alicia!) promised to help me. A problem was going to come up though. My parent’s are coming home in 2 months. Until then, Tegan is living with me, and after that if my parent’s won’t allow it, Mr. Iero said we could go there. I think it was because of Eli for some reason though…

(2 months)

My parent’s walked through the door and stopped when they saw Steph, my mom smiled and said “AWW! You’re babysitting!” But then Tegan walked out and kissed the baby, “we did good huh?” He said not knowing my parent’s were standing at the door. My dad made a growling noise “Is this your child Riley?” Mom asked, I nodded, Tegan smiled. “Hello there.” He said and picked Stephanie up. My mother’s face grew red “Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. The. House.” She spat, me and Tegan shrugged, picked up our already packed bags and walked to his loaded car. I sighed as we pulled out. “So, calling Eli?” He asked, I nodded. “Because your girlfriend needs to know!” I mocked, he nodded “Yup she does!” (DD, does this surprise you O.o)

I walked through my best friends doorway, she smiled and got up. She took Steph and swung her around, “Hey baby.” Tegan said kissing his girlfriend lightly. “Hello Tegan, Riley.” Frank said as he took Stephanie. Eli looked up at Tegan, “Hello Tegan.” She said sweetly. “Hello Elizabeth.” Her face scrunched up “Ewwwww…..” Alicia came through the door “Hey! Your father picked that name.” I looked over to Frank “Wasn’t me!” I giggled. “At least he had good taste in music” I said to a very annoyed Eli.

“Okay child-“ Frank said, “HEY!” I said, he chuckled. “-Go partying or something. I get Stephanie for tonight!” I smiled my thanks and ran up to Eli’s room, when I opened the door Tegan and Eli were already making out, I just ran past them and into Eli’s closet. I picked up her smuttiest outfit and put it on. I walked out And Frank was in the room, he stared at me like ‘What the hell?!?’ “Uh….” Tegan said looking at Eli for help.Eli smiled at me “Didn’t know you were in the closet!” She made a joke, Frank giggled, “Awwwww……” Tegan said looking over me and shaking his head. “Come one, get ready NOW!” I said and pushed them into Eli’s closet. Frank just shrugged and walked out. He was a cool dad.

Bandit POV

I walked over to my sobbing father. “Dad…” I whispered sitting by him. “What is going on? You left, and when you came home you sat here and just broke down.” I whispered, more to myself than to him. “B-Because I-I don’t know how to say this!” He said. Mom Walked through the door “I’m leving you Gerard! Come on Bandit!” She said with Venom. Was this why he was crying.

“No! Not that then this! Lyn-z please….” He begged, he got on his knees in front of my mother and begged her not to go. When she walked out the door, he looked broken. Ashamed and broken. I helped him up and to his bed. Mom was beckoning me to come, but I slammed the door in her face. Dad was sobbing on his bed, so I laid with him. I just rocked myself back in forth. Finally my dad fell asleep so I moved. I grabbed my phone and called the only person I could trust- Uncle Frank.

OOOOH! What is going on? :) Review!
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