Categories > Original > Drama > Mastas Of Ravenkroft


by Skulletones 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-21 - Updated: 2011-06-21 - 874 words

Seere Channing
I wish I new what it was that I had done wrong. Did I make the move too soon? Was the whole evening a lie? Was she only acting. I needed Michael. He said that when you find the one true love you're meant to be with you new. You don't know how but there's just this feeling that you have. And they'll feel it too. And when you touch you know that they know and they know that you know but you're both afraid to admit it. I wanted, no needed to know if Guinevere was that one girl. Because I got all kinds of feelings when I just thik about her and when she was with me I swear I could feel everything she was feeling. I needed Michael to see my heart and tell me who's peirced in it. I got up and headed out of the Quad turning the corner to outside of C Block. When I finally saw her properly for the first time today. And once again at the sight of her smile my world started spinning and it felt like if she didn't come to me I'd die. I braced myself for the murdering feeling of rejection I'd get when she realized I was here and turn and make a run for it. But instead she carried on smiling her small delicate smile and walked towards me. My world started to slow down and the dying feeling eased. "Hey." Guinevere's voice shook, guilt completely covered her face.
"Hi." I felt like I was talking to her for the first time again, but this time was worst.
"I-I'm sorry I've been avoiding you." She looked down sadly. My world crashing and braking as her smile disappeared. Her hair was fast to act as it came flowing down and consumed her face. "I heard some, bad fake rumors. . . and, stayed away." Despite her mumbling I heard her as if she were shouting.
"Rumors?" I asked puzzled. Then remembered some the shit Tor shouts in class. "Hey don't worry about it." I said taking the bottom of her chin, lifting her face up to me and with my other hand pushing away her hair so her full face showed. "Next time, just ask me. I won't get mad." Her lovely grey eye's full of relief and that small delicate little smile slowly made it's way over her face and those eye's filled with passion. I slowly brought our faces together and planted a gental kiss. After which she hugged me and apologized for what seemed forever. But I didn't mind, her embrace was like being in a feild of warm cotton wool on a lazy day, you could just drift off so easily. It was hard to remember ever feeling like this before. I bent down a little to whisper to her. "Would you be my girl friend?" The return smile and kiss was her yes and that was all I thought about for the rest of my day. Who knew fairy tales were real in modern day life? Well at least, she was mine.

Guinevere Beau Pre
I sat back on my cousin's couch eating my chocolate bar. "Come over here already, everythings ready." Sophie called me over to her chair. Sophie Green, - not the one from school - my favourite cousin who's nineteen years old and a hairdresser. She needs me here today for a competion so I her only girl cousin on our Mothers side of the family am stuck as her hair model for a competion that could help her pass her exam so she'll become a full hairdresser. I got up and sat down on her chair. "Sooooooo, come on. Tell me about this boy. Who is he?" Sophie prompted and wheeled the chair over too the sink and started rinsing my hair.
"Well," I blushed. "His names Seere."
"Angel?" She asked confussed.
"Crossed with Werewolf."
"Ohhhh, sounds better and more interesting."
"Hahah yeah, I love it when he takes me flying." I closed my eye's remembering the times he took me flying at lunch and after school.
"And . . . what else? Age? Year? Cute? Strong? Come on! Don't leave me guessing. When are you going to see him next?" Shopie asked me impatiently. I laughed and awsnered her questions.
"17, year 12, very and also sexy, yes and fast, and the next time will be about tomorrow. He's taking me out to somewhere special. He won't tell me where though." I pouted.
"Well it won't be a surprise that way. Oh more pressure on me we better double make sure that you looks good." She smiled pulling my hair out of the sink and starting to dry it. "So I was thinking, your hair comes down to you knee's," she tapped my knee's. "Let's cut it up to your waist and colour your fringe blue or purple?" Sophie asked pulling out the hair dryer and started blow drying my hair.
"Hmm I like purple." Wondering if Seere would like my hair cut nd colour.
"Okay, then I'll put slight blue slashes in the rest of the hair."
"Sweet!" I smiled no longer caring if Seere'd like it cause I sure would! I couldn't wait.
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