Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Alicia! Finally she's a main character!

Prt 2?

by ONotz 1 review

Didnt post all! :O

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [V] [X] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2011-06-21 - Updated: 2011-06-22 - 596 words

“Sure” I said when he asked if I wanted the wall, the bed was only a single, and then he asked if he could put his arm around me, there wasn’t much room. I giggled and said yes. He smiled and snuggled up to me. I smiled, it feels so….different to be in someone’s arms.

I awoke to him moaning in his sleep, he had a raging hard on. I smiled to myself, and did I hear, Frank? I smiled to myself to, I could feel myself grow when I thought what his dream was about, he thrust his hips up, straight into my ass, yup I’m throbbing. I reach back and rub him a little and turn over. He moans out, and I try not to giggle Somehow he’s in just boxers, he must have token them off or something. I wanted to surprise him so I slipped under the covers; I started to bring down his boxers when he bucked his hips.

I finally got his boxers down and was rubbing him when he twitched at the feel; I took him into my mouth. He groaned out and I bobbed slowly, he whined in his sleep. I giggled against him and his hands tangled in my hair and he took the blanket off of my head. “What are you doing?!” he asked, looking like he doesn’t believe it himself.

“You were moaning my name out, so I was going to surprise you.” I said and took him into my mouth again. He groaned and shoved my head down. I relaxed my throat and he slid down easily, what I couldn’t get I rubbed on. He groaned my name out as he came in my mouth.

When I came back out from the covers he was smiling at me, I smiled at him and he attacked my lips. He slid his tongue into my mouth, I sighed in content. Then to my amazement he started undoing the skinny jeans. When he slid them off he ran and locked the door, I had slipped the rest of my clothing off. He strattled me in nothing else but a T-shirt. I quickly took it off and he slammed down on me, I knew he was moving me but it surprised me.

I yelled his name out as he kept slamming down until I herd “RAY!” From the next room over, me and Gerard giggled. I flipped us over so Gerard was under me, I slammed into him harder and faster than I think I have with anybody, I kept hitting his prostate and he kept screaming. “Gerard.” I whispered as I slammed into him, “Come.” I whispered and he did, all over everything. I smiled and slipped my jeans on and walked out side as Mikey did, both of our faces flushed, and we could hear deep breathing from the other boys. Bob looked terrified; he was rocking back in forth with his ears covered.

I looked at Mikey…he seemed to have a limp. “Aww! The Way brothers are going to limp together!” I said and he turned red and (kind of) hurried to his room. I giggled and poured some coffee, arms slinked over my waist. “Frrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaannnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!” Gerard whined, he slid his hand over my crotch, I lent my head on his shoulder, and made a sound. “Will you move in?” He whispered. I opened my eyes “Are you my boyfriend?” I asked, he smiled saying ‘yes’, “There’s you answer..” I said using my slang, he smiled.
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