Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In A Hail Of Bullets

Coffee Shop Soundtrack

by HippieSlacker_ 0 reviews

Gerard catches up with Mikey and Taryn has a rough day at work.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-06-28 - Updated: 2011-06-29 - 892 words

When Taryn’s alarm went off in the morning, she hit the snooze button. Three times. Finally, she actually looked at the clock.
“Shit.” She said as she sprung out of bed. She had less than an hour before she had to be at work. She got a quick shower, and instead of blow drying her hair, she just put it up again. Once she was dressed and ready, she left her house. She entered the elevator and checked her watch. 20 minutes until her shift started.
“Fuck.” She said as the elevator door closed.

Gerard woke up on his couch around 9 am. It was the earliest he had been awake in months. Feeling productive for a change, he changed his clothes and combed his hair for probably the first time in a week. He called his brother Mikey.
“Yo, Mikes, wanna grab a cup of coffee?”
“Sure.” Mikey said, “When?”
They made plans to meet at a local coffee shop in half an hour. Gerard grabbed a pack of cigarettes and left his apartment. Once he was out of the apartment building he lit a cigarette. He ignored his car and decided he would walk to the coffee shop instead. It was only about 15 minutes away.
The September air felt cool on his skin as he walked. He noticed how much better the world seemed when he wasn’t hung-over or stumbling around drunk. When he was only a few blocks from the coffee shop, he happened to look into a restaurant and saw Taryn working. Though, she didn’t look care-free and happy like she had yesterday evening.

Taryn had just handed an order to the chef when she noticed her ex-boyfriend, Will and his friends had sat down in her section.
“God dammit.” She said louder than she meant to.
Jean, the only other waitress working, looked over at her. “What?”
Taryn looked over at Will. Jean follower her gaze and mouthed an “Oh.”
“Would you mind taking that table? I’ll take one of yours.”
“Oh, no problem, Tar.” Jean said as she walked over to the table.
Taryn felt relieved. She had already been late to work and had been bitched at about it. She did not need to deal with Will and his immature shit. No, not today.
Taryn noticed that one of her other tables looked ready to order. Unfortunately, that table was right beside Will’s. Oh well. She thought as she walked over.
“What can I get you guys today?” She said just as she felt something grab her butt.
Completely enraged, she turned around.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She said sharply.
Will grinned childishly. “I’m just messin’ around, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe.” She said, “And don’t touch me, either.”
“Oh, someone’s in a pissy mood.” He said.
“Excuse me.” Taryn said to the people at the table she was waiting, “I’ll be right back.”

She walked back to her bosses office. He may be a dick about work, but he did not take his waitresses being harassed lightly. She knocked on the door.
“Mark, I need to talk to you about something.”
He opened the door, and Taryn told him about the incident with Will. Almost as angry as Taryn, he walked over to the table and told Will and his friends that they were no longer welcome in his establishment.
Will winked at Taryn “I’ll see you later.” He said as he walked out.
Taryn ignored him and went back to work.

After witnessing that little scene, Gerard wanted to go in and say something. But what? He had only spoken to her once. He’d probably never speak to her again. Taryn happened to look out the window and make eye contact with Gerard, who looked down and continued walking on his way. He arrived at the coffee shop before Mikey did, so he went ahead and grabbed a table and ordered their coffees. Mikey arrived a few minutes later.

“So, what made you decide to call me?” He asked Gerard, “Normally I’m the one calling you.”
Gerard shrugged. “I don’t know. I felt…good this morning and wanted to see my favorite little brother.”
Mikey narrowed his eyes. “Did you get laid last night?”
Mikey crossed his arms. “That’s the only thing I can think of that would put you in such a good mood. Who is he?”
“Mikey, what the fuck?” Gerard exclaimed. “No, I didn’t get laid last night. And for the last time, I’m straight!”
Mikey laughed “If you say so.”
The waitress brought them their coffee.
“So…why are you in a good mood, then? You’re not drunk…”
“Do I need a reason to be in a good mood?” Gerard asked.
“Yes. And I need to know what it is.”
Gerard sighed and drank some of his coffee.
“I met one of my neighbors last night and we hung out for a little while and…it was pretty nice, actually.”
“Whoa! You actually talked to someone? I’m proud of my big brother.”

Gerard told Mikey about Taryn and how he felt…okay when she was around.
“Shit, man.” Mikey said, “If she makes you feel like this then I think you two should talk more.”
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