Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

11. Force Feeding

by theescapist99 7 reviews

"Further and further down the tube was forced..."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-07-01 - Updated: 2011-07-01 - 777 words - Complete

A/N: Okay a few things about this story. Yes, we shall see Mikey soon. As for suggestions, I'm willing to do anything that doesn't actually kill him or dismember any of his limbs. For the sake of longevity, we need the limbs --- and for him to be alive.

Also, I felt I should give you guys a bit of background on how this story came to be. Really, it started as just an inside joke. My friend and I were laughing about how she thinks I'm "mean" to Gerard in my fanfics. I made a remark that went something along the lines of "I should just make a story called 100 ways to make Gerard Way cry, that way I wouldn't have to come up with these lame plotlines...". Of course I ended up adding a "lame plotline" to that, and here we are.

So yes, this story is "mean". Really though, I'm just poking fun at myself. General point being, if you doing like Gerard being sad or hurt in fics... you should probably run far, far away from mine.

Enjoy. :3

11. Force Feeding

When Gerard awoke again, he was still bound by his restraints. Yet the drugs seem to have worn off as he was finally able to stay conscious for more than five seconds. He waited, unable to look at anything but the ceiling until he heard the door open again. His heart raced faster. He was unable to crane himself much to see them, which made his nervous sensation far worse.

They came into view soon enough, three of them this time. One of them held an object in his hands that looked like some sort of tube.

"You haven't been eating well." one of them spoke. Gerard took note of a rich German accent. Was he in Germany? "We need to remedy that." the same man added.

One of them reached over and grabbed Gerard's chin, almost caressing it with gloved fingers. Slowly, he pulled down his mandible. It was almost taunting, how gentle this man was being, reminding him of how he was too weak to resist.

The third held the tube. As he came closer, Gerard saw that the tube was long and had a funnel at the end of it. It was wide and thick. The man lowered the tube near Gerard's mouth opening. It didn't take long to figure out what they were trying to do. The tube entered into him, clattering with his teeth. Gerard had a rather small mouth, so he began to gag rather quickly.

The tube began entering its way into his esophagus. It was far too thick to fit down anyone's throat. The cartilage in its path began to stretch, eventually breaking. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't scream. He could do nothing as his eyes watered, tears streaming down his face.

As the tube continued down its path, blood flowed out of his nostrils. He was certain he was bleeding on the inside as well.

He felt like he was drowning.

He struggled against the restraints by reflex, but of course it did nothing. He just wanted to be able to breathe again.

Further and further down the tube was forced. Until finally --- the tube stopped, and very carefully and slightly, Gerard could breathe again. His gag reflex was still kicking at him repeatedly. The man whose hands were still free took a bowl of what looked like mud and brought it to the funnel. Gerard could already feel his gagging worsen. He knew he probably wouldn't taste it, but it still looked disgusting. The man poured it in, and as the tube was transparent, Gerard could see the slop as it traveled down into his throat. Some of the blood from his nose was also making its way into the mouth. They poured quite a bit of the substance into him, emptying the entire bowl.

Even after the bowl had been emptied, they kept their positions. The man forcing Gee's chin down continued to do so, and they stayed that was for what felt like an eternity. Gerard felt heavily nauseated, but knew he could not vomit. His breathing was improving, but still heavily labored.

Finally, they put the bowl away and moved to begin removal of the tube. While this seemed like a good thing at first, it proved almost as painful as the entry. The tube rubbed against the sore and injured tissue of his esophagus. They did the removal very slowly, at a snails pace.

They wanted Gerard to savor the pain.

Next chapter: "And as I looked back, some had nails through their hands, torsos and throats."
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