Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out

Dirty Dance

by AlexandraSweden 1 review

Frank and Gerard being dirty. **Explicit contents**

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-07-02 - Updated: 2011-07-02 - 616 words - Complete

Gerard wasn't used to not being in charge, but he let that slide as Frank had his body like a blanket over himself. Their tongues played a wicked dance of slipping in and out, rolling and twisting.
Both boys fought for dominance without winning. It ended in a draw, which none of them was especially happy about.

Gerard felt Frank's cool fingers spin their way up underneath Gerard's black T-shirt. The touch made him shiver, both because of excitement and the fact that the fingers were cold like fucking ice.
So much pleasure from such a simple touch. How could that even be possible?

Frank had said that they couldn't continue doing what they were doing, what that now meant. Being attracted to each other? Having lusts? Kissing? Sharing the apartment?
Gerard didn't know. All he knew was that Frank had said that and the following moment thrown himself at Gerard like a beast ready to hump the fuck out of a rabbit.

Gerard was a victim of Frank's shilly-shally back and forth. He never understood if Frank really enjoyed their closeness or if he went with it to show thankfulness.
That didn't matter as the boys were connected by their lips.

Gerard's cock had gotten hard. It remembered that the last time Frank has kissed him, it had lead to him giving a handjob too. He sure wanted an encore of that.

Frank tugged at the hem of Gerard's shirt. They broke their kiss for a few seconds only to remove the unwanted piece of fabric.
Gerard helped Frank to slide the black T-shirt off and threw it away. God knows were it went. It could be on its way to China.
Then Gerard grabbed Frank's head and pulled his face down to his own. Their lips slammed together, Frank let out a moan which sent vibrations through Gerard's trembling body.

Now Gerard laid with his naked chest fully exposed to Frank, who was straddling his legs. The shorter man on top made sure to hold Gerard's legs together to make sure that he would make drastic movements.
He then moved his lips from Gerard's and let his tongue leave a sticky trail of saliva wherever he let it travel.

Down his neck. Around the moving Adam's apple. Over the collarbones. Circling the left nipple.
Gerard let his head fall back and groaned throatily. Everything sent electric shocks through him, like Frank was some kind of an electrician.

Frank stopped licking the sensitive skin around Gerard's nipple and instead put his head an inch away from Gerard's body, blowing cool air onto the saliva he recently had placed there. His nipples immediately got hard as two small rocks.
The sensation made Gerard hiss with delight. His jeans felt too tight as his member was growing and trying to push its way out into freedom.

Gerard wanted Frank to experience the same thing, so he placed his hands underneath the shorter man's shirt. Frank seemed to be enjoying it as he quickly pulled the shirt over his head and placed it on the floor next to him.
Gerard placed his hands on Frank's waist and forced him to lie down on top of Gerard.

They kissed and their naked chests rubbed against each other. The heat coming from Frank's naked skin was almost too much to take for Gerard who started grinding against Frank's hips.
Frank met the movements and moaned softly. Something was definitely growing inside his pants too, Gerard stated.

"Yes," Gerard hissed as their dirty worm-like dance got hotter.

Something seemed to snap in Frank and he pulled away quickly, rolling off Gerard. Frank's eyes stared at Gerard in horror.
"No," he whispered.
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