Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Diamonds & Poison

Chapter 17

by Bad_Romance 2 reviews

"So... Where we heading first?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-07-07 - Updated: 2011-07-07 - 951 words - Complete

Hi! Just want to say sorry for the lack of updates! I've been on holiday for the last 3 weeks! Thanks for the reviews, and ratings :) Hope you enjoy xoxo

Diamond walked out to the front of the diner, and felt a painful rip in her chest as she watched her best friend say goodbye to her lover. She couldn’t believe that this was happening. That they were having to pack up and leave the Diner. Go on the run, from Korse.

“Are you alright Diamond?” Fun asked her, and he walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“No, I’m not… I can’t believe this is happening” She muttered, looking around the room, her breathing coming out in pants.

“It’ll be alright Diamond. We’re going out of Zone 6, completely leaving. He wont find us” Fun reassuringly told her, and Diamond nodded, putting a hand on her forehead.

“I know… There’ll be no way of finding us… But, Fun.. What if he does find us?” She hesitantly asked.

“I don’t know Diamond. But you need to think more positive” He told her, and then walked over to the booth where Toxic and Kobra were sat.

“Are you excited for our trip?” Grace bounced over to Diamond, smiling widely.

“Yeah! We’ll have far to go though, you know that don’t you Grace?” Diamond asked, moving and leaning against the counter.

“Yeah, but Fun said he’ll let me fire some guns” Grace excitedly said, and Diamond laughed.

“I don’t know about that Grace” She muttered, and then felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned and saw Party smiling softly at her.

“You alright sugar?” He asked, and Diamond nodded.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Are you?”

“I’m alright. We’re all packed up now, and if everyone is ready, we’re going now” He told her, and Diamond nodded, then looked over to Toxic who was looking at her with sad eyes.

“Okay. I’ll be outside in a minute” She told him, and then walked over to Toxic, who was now left on her own as Kobra left her side when he saw Diamond walking over.

“Hey” Diamond smiled sadly to Toxic.

“Diamond…” Toxic muttered, and then stopped, pulling Diamond into a tight hug.

“It’s going to be alright Toxic” Diamond whispered, a tear escaping her eyes.

“If anything happens. Please, tell me! I want to know” Toxic cried into her ear and Diamond nodded.

“You’ll be the first to know” She whispered, an then they pulled away when Kobra walked over to them.

“I’ll see you soon” Toxic smiled to her, and Kobra wrapped a arm around her shoulder.

“You will. I’ll wait outside” Diamond smiled, and gave her a small wave, before walking outside quickly.

“Party” She whispered, and then hugged him close to her.

“Whats the matter?” He asked, shocked.

“Toxic and Kobra are saying goodbye” She told him, and he hugged her close before pulling away.

“We’ll be back soon” He told her with a little smile, and she nodded, before climbing into the back of the car next to Grace who was sat smiling holding a envolope.

“Whats that?” Diamond asked, and then stopped when she saw in big letter MOM on the envolope.

“Its for my mom and dad” Grace smiled, and held onto it tightly.

“Oh right. Well we’ll be sure to post it when we find a box” Diamond smiled softly to her, and then pecked her on the forehead.

“Right we’re all ready. Killjoys, make some noise” Fun shouted as he jumped in the back, and they all got in the car, and Party started the engine.

Diamond kept her eyes ahead of her as they pulled away from outside the diner. She couldn’t look at her best friends weeping face, or Dr D’s fearful eyes. She let out a deep breath after they left, and looked down at Grace who was smiling next to her.

“You okay Di?” Jet asked from his seat next to her.

“Yeah.. So, we’re heading where first?” Diamond asked, looking at Party’s serious eyes in the mirror.

“Just East so far… That’s all we’ve got planned” Party answered her, not moving his eyes from the road ahead of them.

They had all been driving for 5 hours, when finally they pulled up to a old garage that was completely empty of people. They all climbed out of the car, stretching, and yawning.

“My body feels like it needs clicking” Fun moaned as he stretched his body high to the sky.

“Tell me about it” Diamond said back through a yawn.

“Look, ray gun machine” Kobra said, and walked over to it, hitting the side of it, and pushing the buttons.

“You should use the hacking machine” Grace shouted to him, running over with it.

Diamond smiled slightly as she watched Grace and Kobra hacking the machine, and getting free ray-guns. Party walked over to her as she rested her back against the car.

“You alright sugar?” He asked, running a hand through her hair and pulling her close to him.

“Yeah… Just tired. Where are we going to sleep?” She asked him, resting her head on his chest.

“We’ll camp up in the desert. We’ll go and head there soon” He told her, playing with her hair as she clung to his chest tightly.

“Party! We need to leave now!” Jet harshly whispered, running over to them.

“What why?” Party asked him, looking around.

“Dr D just radioed through. Korse is heading this way, and he’s not on his own”
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