Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Thought I Heard You Say Something

I'll Scream Later, Okay?

by astrozombie13 5 reviews

Mikey walks in on Raelyn's meltdown, the guys become more suspicious of Raelyn's odd behavior

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-11 - Updated: 2011-07-12 - 304 words

A/N: Chapter 10!!!


Frank's POV

It happened really fast. Like, Flash came into the picture or something and sped up time. One minute, I'm teasing Raelyn because I SWORE she cheated. Next thing I know, we both trip over a chair, I fall on top of her, and she's screaming and sobbing.
Like I said. REALLY fast.

I was basically in shock. "NOOOO!!! GET OFF OF ME! STOP! PLEASE!" she wailed, beating me with her fists. I scrambled to get up, trying to help her up in the process, but she pushed me away. She sat on the floor with wild eyes, and Mikey stormed into the room.

"What the hell?! I leave you alone for half an hour and...Raelyn?" he screamed angrily at first, but then saw Raelyn on the ground. He walked slowly to her side, laying a gentle hand on her cheek (in a brotherly sort of way). She flinched, but he quickly grabbed the other side of her face, forcing her to look at him. Her blank stare looked past Mikey, at nothing. "What the HELL did you do." Mikey seethed angrily, glaring at each and every one of us. He held Raelyn protectively, as if we had...

"We didn't hurt her or anything, we swear!" Ray tried, but was quickly stared down by a disbelieveing Mikey. "Mikey, we didn't do anything to her. We were hoarsing around, and suddenly, Frank tripped over a chair leg and fell on top of her." Gerard explained. Mikey stared at him for any sign of lies, but his gaze softened. He looked down at Raelyn, who was shaking violently, still staring at midair. "Raelyn needs her sleep. I'll go tuck her into bed. Goodnight, guys." Mikey said stifly, and picked up the catatonic girl in his arms, carrying her to her bunk.
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