Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mikey Isn't Okay

Happy Birthday.

by paintmylife 1 review

Blahblahblah. Title says it all.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-07-12 - Updated: 2011-07-12 - 470 words - Complete

"It's Rays birthday tomorrow."
I practically spit out my drink as I take a closer look at Franks knowing expression. Gerard smiles next to him in the same knowing way. "Okay... so what have you got him? And can I share whatever it is?"
Gerard splutters with laughter. "I got him a condom, and Frank got him a hairbrush. You, on the other hand is expected to have an awesome present for him. He is your boyfriend after all."
I nearly go to shove him, but then I realise that he actually is my boyfriend. And that rocks.
"You might want to use the condom... maybe as part of your present?" Frank suggests.
I shake my head.

No way. I can't have sex with Ray. He'd hate me if I did. And after all, I'm still a virgin. I don't even know what goes where or who does what.

Frank and Ray are out buying guitar strings; so I take this time to have a 'man-to-man' talk with my brother.
"Hey Gee," I attempt to say casually as I sit down on the edge of his bed.
"Whats up?"
"I... kinda wanted to ask you something."
He hesitates, "Shoot."
"Okay, well. Long story short, I'm a virgin," I admit, blushing slightly.
"Like I didn't know that."
"Oh thanks," I reply sarcastically. "And that wasn't the question. I was just wondering, how do you have sex with a guy?"
"That guy being Ray?"
I nod. "Who else?"
"Right, okay," he slaps his hands together. "You know all the shit about getting naked, thats the first step. The second step is getting to the bed, or on the floor or wherever. Actually, that could come before the first step but I won't go into details. Now, gay sex is different to straight sex. You have to go up the ass."
"The ass?" I repeat. "So, one of us goes on top?"
"Yep." He pulls his hand through is bright red hair. Man, that needs dying again soon. "And thats about it."

I hug Ray as soon as he wakes up. He's startled at first, like a unicorn.

Ack. Mikey, seriously, stop referring to unicorns.

"Happy Birthday baby," I whisper to him. He strokes my cheek in response.
We've only been 'offically dating' for about 6 days, but with us, its not like that atall.
"Thanks," he grins, "So, what did you get me?"
I feel myself smiling a little. "Oh, just something. You'll get it later."
Ray looks confused for a minute or two, but then finally accepts that there is no possible way he could ever understand what I just said.

A/N: If you didn't know, Ray's birthday is actually in a few days. I will get to the end of this in the next chapter. Hope you like, R+R(:
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