Categories > Original > Drama > Mastas Of Ravenkroft


by Skulletones 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-07-16 - Updated: 2011-07-16 - 1874 words

Seere Channing
I spent the next week treating Guin as if it were our last day. At first she was a bit suspicious, wondering what I was up to but she soon started liking all this new type of attention and eventually got used to it. I got up as soon as the bus stopped, wanting to hurry up and get off to see her. Another thing I'd done this week, I'd broken my habbit of being the last off the bus to the first off so not me or her had to wait much longer. When I got off I spotted her standing infront of the blue school gates with her head down stairing at her feet, looks like for her old habbits die hard.I guessed she must not of saw my bus coming so I ran up to my Guinny and did a jump hug. Forcing her to catch me (with a little yelp) as she feel back a few steps. She leaned back on the gates holding me as I wrapped my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist with a huge smile just for Guinevere. But as she slowly looked up into my eye's my smiled faded into a grim line and I got down from her as I saw the tears streaming down her face and a look of fear consumed her face. I grabbed her shoulders and bent a little so I could look her straight in the eye's. "What's wrong?" I asked, tone serious.
"I-I-I," Guinevere tried to get out choking on just the one letter alone. With shaking hands she pulled a small peice of card out from her bag, looked at it for a second and then turned it around. It held the initials L.W marked in red. I staired at it mind going blank. L.W, one of the most longest living orgamisations in our world, who have even made a few appearances in the Human world. Their filled all kinds us mystical creatures and sometimes even Humans. Their a group of assassins and kill any threats to them. Originally started by a Vampire who held alot of power and could see when threats came her way, or something like that. It was started 2000 years ago and she still lives today. Her name however, was forgotten, 200 years ago someone on the inside working for the L.W took the files they had on her and the L.W and burned them. Taking us back to square one. And since the selected few who knew her name were killed off before they could hand down the information they have been safe. All we know about them now is that if they send you a card, they are either after your life, or want you to join them. How do you tell the difference? If L.W is written in White then they want you to join. But only 3/4 of the people who got that card joined them. 1/2 joined willingly, 1/4 got paranoid and end up dying of suicide or some accident and the other 1/4 are taken by force. They won't accept no as an anwser. But if you get the Red L.W, well that persons unfortuneate life will be lived in fear until they come and kill you. And this unfortuneate person who got it was Guinevere. The girl I love. She Is Mine. My anger grew very fast as I clenched my fists. Which Guinevere picked up very fast and stopped shaking as she looked at me in wonder.
"No!. I won't let them take you!" I almost shouted, trying hard not to.
"Seere," Guin's voice shook. "You can't stop them, don't try anything. You'll just end up killing yourself. I-I couldn't be the cause for you're death or else it would be a lost cause." She tried taking my hands but I ripped them away. My anger was boiling up fast. I tried to calm down, if I got any mader my temper would reach it's limit and I'd form. I took a deep breath and took her hands.
"Listen to me Guin, I'd never let anything happen to you. I'd do anything for you, to stop them." I said calmly looking deep into her Grey eye's.
"But how? No one will help us! Everyone's afraid of the L.W, no one's done any thing to try stop them in almost a thousand years! They are the one's who control the Christian's. They can just make another Jesus and make them attack us!"
Shit! How could I forget that? The leader of the L.W years ago when the time of Jesus was around they had compelled The 'Virgin' Merry into thinking she had this dream from an angel telling her about this son she was going to have, that night before the dream they had raped her and compelled her to forget. When Jesus was born many of the L.W members had sacrificed themselves and put their powers into gifts that were delived by 'The Three Wise Men' who were really just some old Human member's. When the gifts were delievered and the 'Wise Men' pretended to leave but then juss hid and produced a spell where the powers come out of the box and into the child. As for the rest of Jesuses life someone from the L.W was around to make sure everything went smoothly. But the thing we don't know, is why. Why they went to all that trouble for. Something we'll probably never know.
"Well, then we'll run. We'll run away from here from them!"I said trying to keep the desparate tone out of my voice. She just shook her head.
"Seere Honey." Guinevere rested her hand on the side of my face. "You know what will happen. We can't run forever, it's no life. And soon they'll find us and kill us." Though she was trying to keep the tears back I could tell that all she wanted to do was cry and listen to my pathetic idea about how we can run from them forever and that they'd soon give up on us. But they wouldn't. "I just wish I knew how long I have left." Guinevere sighed letting her hand fall. I caught her by surprise in a vast embrace.
"Who said I was giving up that easily?" I said sounding brave, and feeling it. I bent down to her and gave her a warm kiss. We stood there for awhile holding each other before I pulled away. "Come on." I said dragging her to the Quad to find my friends.

Guinevere, Tor, Michael, Argharna and I sat at one of the Quad's table's. They all passed around the small peice of card examining it each atleast a thousand times each. Tor was the one to break the silence. He sighed and then spoke. "I guess this means no party next Month huh?" I tried not to get mad at that.
"No Tor, no party. That's not important."
"But you're going to be Seventeen!" Tor said making a huge deal over it. Guinevere looked down guilt written all over her face. I took her hand and told her not to worry about it.
"Your life is more important than anything in my world, and it always will be." I whispered into her ear.
"I'll get Thor and Mongolia to help." Michael said. "They might be able to get some others to help out too." Shock registered over everyone's face including Guinevere's.
"What? You're going to help? No! Don't!" To everyone's surprise it was Guinevere who said that. Reading everyone's shock at her words she went on. "If you do more people will die! I don't want to be the cause of wasted lives. Please, I'd much rather Seere's first plan than have more people brought into this." Guinevere had been utting on a brave mask since then and as she said those words I truely believed that she was no longer scared. But I knew she was.
"Well since we're going on with this plan, I'll rustle up the old man and see if he can get any of those trouble makers and trigger happy mates he's got to join." Tor said casually. Guinevere tried protesting but Michael just shut her out my invading her thought's.
"Look Guinevere, here's something." Argharna said. "With us, once someone makes up their mind we're all in. So save your breathe because no one's listening from now on." Guinevere frowned and opened her mouth to speak but Michael beat her to it.
"Yeah we may not look that close on the outside, but we're like actor's we give the people what they want to see. The Sexy one," He pointed to himslef. "The eye candy that's sort of an asshole but leads the pack," he pointed to Argharna who rolled his eye. "The Scarey one who looks like he's gonna eat you," He pointed to Tor who look right a Guinevere and bite into the air with an evil look which made her flinch,she'd mentioned that Tor does scare her. "and The Athletic Gay One Who Try's to Be Skuxx." I was wondering when he was going to say mine.
"I think you mixed up the Gay one and the Sexy one." Guinevere told Michael with a small smile and gave me a kiss along with a look of approval, which sent Tor laughing.
"Hey Mike looks like you got owned by a chick!" Tor laughed.
"Psh, she just has no taste in guy's is all. Hey Guin, when your heart gets broken because this guy right here has told you he's into guy's not girls well come to me for a good time." Michael joked with a wink.
"Not likely!" I said posseively pulling Guinevere closer into me. "Mine." She giggled and gave me another kiss.
"Alright guy's now back to the L.W" Argharna interrupted and I felt Guinevere tense in my arms. "We don't know when their going to attack, but they'll take as long as it takes for the leader to come over here. And since we don't know where she is now, Seere. We're going to need you to try and find her with your spirit outter body thing. Have you mastered it to the next level or do you still need to be able to see them in person to be able to visit them in spirit?" Argharna asked me face serious.
"No, I've leveled up, all I need is a picture." I dropped all joking out of my voice and went serious. Argharna was our pack Leader and was used to taking charge.
"Okay sweet. Tor, can you sneak into the History apartments files and find the photo's of her?"
"On it." Tor got up and ran off towards the History classes in C Block.
"Michael, go join him, he'll need you for look out, you'll be able to know when someone's coming and can warn him." Michael nodded and was gone in a flash. "Now, you little missy. What have you done for the L.W to want to come after you?" Argharna turned to Guinevere a stern look on his face.
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